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Dec 2014 · 512
Make me feel.
shyshai Dec 2014
I bare my skin to you.
******* to the love we once knew.
I see the knife you hold behind your back,
It's all a part of a mystery you seem to lack.
You marvel over the scars you've left
& I await the next cut hoping to find some relief,
But leave depressed.
Nothing comes but dawn
& when the day is done,
You are what makes me feel.
Oct 2014 · 2.2k
Burning Lust
shyshai Oct 2014
You avoid my skin like it's an explosive
Knowing that just one touch will ignite a fire that you won't be able to contain.
One slight brush & you ignore all precautions & jump head first into the flames
Waves of lust soon extinguish my burning fire
& as you rest in embers, your blood boils with the feelings of self-deceit.
You really thought you could withstand the heat.
Aug 2014 · 377
shyshai Aug 2014
To grow on me
First you'd have to get close enough to plant your seed.
Aug 2014 · 2.7k
shyshai Aug 2014
I wanted to face a fear.
So I scooted myself closer to the railing of this 420 foot high bridge
& forced myself to look over the edge
Telling myself that this fear was irrational,
But the longer I sat there the more the anticipation grew in my chest, the more I could feel my body betraying my mind, images flashed of me being thrown over the edge by my sadistic thoughts.
Some part of me wanted to free fall into the rushing water & the sharp jagged rocks below
A part of me I don't like to hear
"This is real."
All the years of telling myself I was scared of heights,
When really I am only scared of myself.
I just had this intense realization standing on this high steel bridge some people dragged me to.

— The End —