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Shylah S Apr 2014
Or, at least what you might think.
Judgement hurts in too many ways to count.

I stand in the local thrift market
looking for trinkets and such with my father.
He came here to look for vintage picture frames,
to put up on our pastel coloured walls.
He brought me to be a translator,
of his broken english.

I see the looks some give him,
but I am proud of my father.
And mad at how our society works.
Looking at my father you think,
he probably only knows his own mother tongue,
no education,
bad manners,
had lived in poverty before.

But you are wrong.

An Italian man sits by this booth,
selling picture frames.
I point and tell my father, and he walks over.

"How much for frames?"

I taught him how to say that well enough.
The Italian man says fluently,
"$40 a piece,"
but behind it you can hear a faint Italian accent.

My father hears this and his face lights up,
and he replies in Italian,
"Great, but can you lower it to $30. For me, man?"

The man seemed shocked to see a dark-skinned man,
speaks such fluent Italian.
The man got up with a smile on his face,
and told my father,
"Man, I was born in Italy, but you speak it better than me,"

My dad laughed.

Next time you see,
a strange man,
struggling with his english,
stop to think,
he might be able to speak to you in,
German. Italian. French. And in a tiny bit of Spanish.
And of course, his mother tongue.
He might have learned the culinary arts,
in a world-renounced school.
He might be able to do anything.
And he might even be a little more impressive,
than you will ever be.

Judgement hurts.
But all it takes is you to stop it.
Shylah S Apr 2014
I am proud of myself because
I do not have to say "I will be"
but I have the power to say
**"I am"
What are you proud of?
Shylah S Mar 2014
Spin-off of November by Thomas Hood*

White field-- white snow!
Everything withers--nothing grows!
No flora-- no fauna--an ice tundra where no one goes.
A ghost of a memory-- a vivid flash of pain
Vision in white-- not a thing to see

But no, hidden--where could it be?
Kisses, hushes, heard in the dark,
the world is different you see, when white covers bark.
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No trees--no leaves
A spin-off of a poem "November by Thomas Hood"
Shylah S Mar 2014
People are like apples picked from a tree,
The beautiful ones with no imperfections are picked first,
but that makes them bitter and unripe.

The bruised and dented are picked last,
but that makes them sweet and delicious.

But beauty is just a perception.
The second you bite into the sweet but imperfect apple,
you realize it is more beautiful than all other apples combined.
just a

So don't hide your dents and perfect imperfections.
If you do, you may become bitter inside.
Beautiful is not a definition of you,
but you are the definition of **beautiful.
Shylah S Dec 2013
Winter Solstice is,
the shortest day of the year.
Marks winters beginning.
And is treasured in many cultures.
I had the pleasure,
of being born on this day.
I guess this was just a way,
to tell myself,
Happy Birthday.
Yay! Favourite day of the year :3 My birthday is near Christmas too, double presents. -Shyana
Shylah S Jun 2013
Whispering soft words in your ear,
Do you hear me?
Intertwining my fingers through yours,
Do you feel me?
Leaning in for a lipstick stained kiss,
Do you taste me?
Spritzing rose perfume in the crevice of my neck,
Do you smell me?
Scribbling words against the creamy pages,
Do you see me?
Understanding my every thought, word and touch,
**Do you love me?
Shylah S May 2013
First day of 8th grade ***-ed class,
Sitting awkwardly beside you in my seat.

Closing our math binders in sync,
The health teacher strides in.

"Take out your folders class!" a loud voice booms,
I scramble to find it.

Taking out blank paper to write notes,
The teacher launching into a fast paced lecture.

Losi­ng track of the words I stop and look to your sheet and copy,

To only see you have written one word--your name.
You notice me looking as I smirk at you.

I try to hold in the giggles,
Even though it isn't funny.
You reacting the same way.

I look up and catch your eye and I feel my tummy doing turns,
Why do you do this to me?

You look like your blushing but I couldn't tell as we both looked away,
Do I make you feel the same way?

We mirror movements without noticing it,
Life isn't making much sense to me.

I slump in my seat already bored of this lesson and let my hands hang loose,
I then realize how close to you I am, your warm breath blowing down my neck.

I can feel you look at me,
Me wavering under your gaze.

You do something surprising,
You slip your fingers through mine under the desk,
Hidden away from view.

I feel myself panicking my breath coming out faster,
Blushing like a cherry red tomato.

I readjust my grip reassuringly squeezing your hand in a friendly gesture.
They say your first love never lasts.

But a girl can dream.
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