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 Feb 2021 Shaun Yee
I looked upon the sunset meeting the moon
As I sat there on the other side of the road
Lost in a train of flashbacks that kept moving
For a decade and century without reaching a destination
And all I had was this pocket-sized mirror before I
With a reflection of myself and I upon it
But all she saw was a broken piece not braced for reconstruction
 Feb 2021 Shaun Yee
I position my eyes to the east
And bow my head to meditate
More like a consecrated priest
Yet I have not been made great
#FourLinesPoetry #ConsistentPrayerMakesUsGreat
Don’t wander too far
Everything you’re searching for
Is inside you.

Shell ✨🐚
We make the world not the other way around.
 Feb 2021 Shaun Yee
Mike Hauser
You took my feelings
And made them hurt
You took my feelings
And ground them down into the dirt

I hid my feelings
All these years
Till you found them
And added tears

You took my feelings
As if they were on loan
Now my feelings
I no longer own

Except the one
That behind you left
The only feeling
That makes me sad
 Feb 2021 Shaun Yee
Mike Hauser
I want to read a book
That's never been read
Hear a gentle word
That's never been said
I want to sit back
And close my eyes
When I open them up
Everything is alright

I want to ring a bell
That's never been rung
Sing along to a song
That's never been sung
Pull back the curtain
With all of my might
So I can expose
Everything is alright

I want to see
What has never been seen
Take a long walk
In the hands of a dream
Reach as far as I can
The highest of heights
And pull down to earth
Everything is alright

I want a spot
Where I feel I belong
Take all that I've got
Before it is gone
I want to shine
The brightest of lights
So I can find
Everything is alright
 Feb 2021 Shaun Yee
and the worst part of it all is
I almost loved you

I was a breath away

and I'm terrified
 Feb 2021 Shaun Yee
I told you I was drowning

you said you knew how to swim

but what is that good for

if you still won't jump in
Music can only be heard one way,
words have a different refrain

Melody imprisoned by note and score,
what’s written when read apt to change

The ear a prisoner to the composer’s delight,
to listen—a captive within

But reading the lines that a poet inscribes
ever changing—each time you begin

(Dreamsleep: January, 2021)
While safe in my corner,
so sure of myself

I criticized everything,
what’s thought and what’s felt

Secure in the fantasy,
my back to the wall

Returns to diminish
—the big to the small

(Dreamsleep: January, 2021)
No one’s ever gone
until forgotten

Their memory etched
like words in stone

—canyons to remind

(Chama New Mexico: January, 2019)
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