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AD Snail  Apr 2016
AD Snail Apr 2016
Someday's I’m tired of smiling
Someday's I’m angry at the world and everyone
Someday’s I hate myself
Someday’s I want to die
Someday’s I’m scared of death
Someday's I think about the past
Someday’s I think about the future
Someday’s I’m thinking about to much
Someday’s I’m sad
Someday’s I want to be crying
Someday’s I want to be yelling
Someday’s I’m happy
Someday’s I question myself
Someday’s I’m my own worst nightmare
Someday’s I judge others
Someday’s I get angry with myself for saying mean things to others or judging them
Someday’s I’m broken
Someday’s My heart stops for a second
Someday’s I’m day dreaming, to get away from everything
Someday’s I want to be dancing around like a crazy person
Someday’s I think about what other think about me
Someday’s I’m sick and tired
Someday’s I want to join in the group
Someday’s I don’t think I’m wanted
Someday’s I think everyone hates me
Someday’s I don’t think my opinion doesn’t matter
Someday’s I realize my hands shake a lot
Someday’s I worry about almost everything
Someday’s I’m scared of everything and everyone
Someday's I write poems and quotes to help me out, with all the things I think about, telling myself “This is how I’m going to tell everyone my feelings” because I have a hard time telling them face to face without crying, and running away from them, and the next day saying it was nothing
Please Mind the grammar/miss spelling.
Lawrence Hall Nov 2018
A Child Whispers to Himself

Someday I will wake up in the morning
And not be wrong
Someday I will look outside the window
And not be wrong
Someday I will not make up my bed just right
(or maybe not make it up at all)
And not be wrong
Someday I will open the refrigerator
And not be wrong
Someday I will choose my clothes for the day
And not be wrong
Someday I will say something I think
And not be wrong
Someday I will toast a slice of bread
And not be wrong
Someday I will read a book because I like it
And not be wrong
Someday I will visit a friend of my choosing
And not be wrong
Someday I will admire the pictures I like
And not be wrong
Someday I will play in the leaves with the dogs
And not be wrong
Someday I will order from a menu
And not be wrong
Someday I will eat my dessert first
And not be wrong
Someday I will hug only people I like
And not be wrong
Someday I will buy the coat I want to wear
And not be wrong
Someday I will smile at the girl next door
And not be wrong
Someday I will write poetry openly
And not be wrong
Someday I will say, “That’s a pretty car”
And not be wrong
Someday I will say, “I like the fog and mist”
And not be wrong
Someday at the store I will buy some little thing
And not be wrong
Someday I will use the shampoo I like
And not be wrong
Someday I will take long, hot, soapy baths
And not be wrong
Someday I will tell someone about my dreams
And not be wrong


Someday I will leave this unhappy house
And not look back
And not be wrong
Your ‘umble scrivener’s site is:
It’s not at all reactionary, tho’ it might be drivel.

My vanity publications are available on as bits of dead tree and on Kindle:  The Road to Magdalena, Paleo-Hippies at Work and Play, Lady with a Dead Turtle, Don’t Forget Your Shoes and Grapes, Coffee and a Dead Alligator to Go, and Dispatches from the Colonial Office.
Kaitlin Collide  Sep 2013
Kaitlin Collide Sep 2013
Someday I’ll be happy
Someday I’ll feel free
Someday I’ll be okay with being me
Someday I’ll feel love
Hold me tight
Someday I wont be so alone with all my thoughts at night
Someday someone will listen to me
And hear a silent song
Happy or sad it will be music to their ears

Someday I won’t feel such a fight inside
Someday I'll think of a problem and then think it’s alright
Someday I wont cringe at the thought of life
Someday I'll make it through all of this strife
Life will never be perfect
But one day it will be okay
Someday.. someday.

Someday is the day I look forward to
I’ve reminded me of “someday” all my life through
Is someday a myth or will it someday come?
Or is it some false hope playing me dumb?
I’m working towards that day, but what if it doesn’t exist
Someday might be an irrational wish
isabel  Nov 2017
isabel Nov 2017
someday we will be given more

someday i won't wake up crying because of how much I miss you

someday I won't constantly question why everyone continuously proves to let me down when every word I dictate and every action I muster is to make every person in my life happier than they were

someday my parents will recognize the grin I plaster on my face everyday is fake and that hidden behind are shadows of loneliness and regret

someday ill be happy when the sunrises because it means I've been granted another day and when the gentle whispers of dusk emerge ill be grateful for the stars that glimmer among the blackness

someday we will be given what we deserve

someday I will no longer be in a broken home filled with ugly words spewed at each other and twisted lies coursing through each room, poisoning relationships and love

someday all the hours of hard work and those sleepless nights and days spent listening to the rain patter on the windows because that was the only solace to my pain will pay off

someday the tunnel of blackness and the cloak of unhappiness with lift

the days will feel longer and the sunlight will wash over you, succumbing you with the warmth

the nights will be an endless stream of dreams of opportunity and friendship and laughter

the future will be full of new discoveries and relationships

someday you will recognize your own beauty to be the eighth wonder of the world

we will always hope for someday,

wait for someday,

lust for someday,

someday, will one day be today.
Someday you'll miss me like I missed you, Someday you'll cry
For me like I cried for you, Someday you'll want me back like I
Wanted you, Someday you'll understand why you broke my heart
When I didn't, someday you'll understand that I was the only
Girl that put up with all your mess, when your own family didn't
Someday you'll know how pain feels how you hurt me
Someday your life will turn upside down, like mine did when you broke my heart
Someday you'll have someone hurt you like you hurt me
Someday you'll realize how lonely life can be.
Someday you can sit down and think how much I meant to you
When you meant the world to me,
Someday you'll know how I really felt
Someday you'll try to come back to me like I tried with you
But someday you'll love me when I won't love you.
jm  Apr 2015
jm Apr 2015
someday, i won't flinch as your name
appears on my screen.
someday, i won't stalk and visit your profiles.
someday, i won't be bothered
when someone mentions your name.
someday, my world will not stop
for a moment whenever i see you.
someday, your glances and smiles
won't make my heart skips a beat.
someday, i will not miss your hugs ang cuddles.
someday, i will no longer crave
for your presence and kisses.
someday, the places where we used to go
won't make me remember you at all.
someday, i can have the spirit
to read love stories again.
someday, our sweet habits will fade from my memories.
someday, your promises which turned out to be lies
won't hurt as much as it used to.
someday, all that we had won't matter to me anymore.

Antipodean Apr 2015
I write poems in hope that they will live on forever
Because someday I will die

I try to tell my daughter I love her every day, I call my dad once a week and try to stay in contact with my friends
Because someday I will die

I go to work and collect that check making sure a part of it goes to life insurance
Because someday I will die

I wonder the streets at night, climb mountains during the day and try to take it all in
Because someday I will die

I try to get to know you all better
Because someday I will die

I want to understand your point of view
Because someday I will die

I read poetry
Because someday I will die

I drink Crown, smoke a tobacco pipe and eat the occasional steak
Because someday I will die

I meditate and contemplate the meaning of life
Because someday I will die

I love and hope and care and pray
Because someday I will die

I rant, shake my fist and express my discontent
Because someday I will die

I clean my house, take out the trash, do the dishes and wear clean underwear
Because someday I will die

You are reading this poem
Because some day I will die

We fight to stay alive
Because we do not want today to be the day we die

— The End —