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Imagine what would happen if suddenly
All of our technology just vanished?

I *
that most think
Life would become  serene and peaceful
With socialisation and healthy leisure
All year round

But if we stop and truly picture
This new world
What we will  see
Is chaos and confusion

With no understanding of how
To socialise besides our
Digital devices
And with no clue  how
To yield a bat and ball.

Beyond this our drone-like minds
Wouldn't be able to comprehend
How to read or draw
Magical talents belonging to
An older world.

How pitiful existence is
With all of our life force
Being ****** into these gadgets
And how truly unlucky
For the new generation
As all their talents and mind are wasted.
//What I believe will happen in our near future//
David Barr Nov 2013
I am like a lone wolf who hastens across the tundra of Northern Hemispheres, with stealth.
Our temperature has risen and the Chinook boldly reveals her austere formation across the vast expanse of alpine variation.
I understand that your customs may be nomadic, as they roam across the treeless plains of baron socialisation.
But will they lead you beyond the West coast of Ecuador?
Therefore, always remember that layers of permanently frozen subsoils are designed for terrestrial corridors of arctic sojourns.
LJ May 2016
Just the other day I remembered
when we headed to Hastings on a road tour
I jumped the fence like a tomboy
An older lady wasn't very impressed
Her exclamations spelt "Not a lady enough!"

On thorny paths we looked for love
The moments when my heart raced like a truck
Slowly but surely, plainly but with a drop of passion
Like a saint I was naive and unsaved
In mortality we promised a life of love and death

A suave, you said it felt so right, I in heaven
Bonded in ways above ****** forms, we entwined
In divine spirit and soul, sunk in expressive concoctions
I bought you flowers as a dork, as my masculinity faded
A disbelief that any man will burn my slow coal

Never shall we fit the normality of socialisation
Our way is our wave and precious than gold or silver
The black sheep of the institutional functionalism
Let's leave the dotted circles and wander alone
Deep in the aisles of the forests and jungles we came from
JDH Jun 2017
Some introductory food for thought...

"Manufacturing and commercial monopolies owe their origin not to a tendency imminent in a capitalist economy but to governmental interventionist policy directed against free trade and laissez faire."
  - Ludwig Von Mises

"Bureaucracies are inherently antidemocratic. Bureaucrats derive their power from their position in the structure, not from their relations with the people they are supposed to serve. The people are not masters of the bureaucracy, but its clients."
  - Alan Keyes

The European Union as the New Eastern Bloc?
The Eastern Trading Bloc of the Soviet system had it's origins in the tail end of the Second World war, where, through the suppression of the whereabouts of Kremlin manipulation, had purported itself as democratic agreement, initially giving itself the appearance of a 'bourgeois democracy' as the Soviets called it. Though, inherently was, and clearly became an imperial establishment of control from the Soviet Bureaucracy. Likewise, the European Union, when originally advertised to the nations of Europe was propped up in a similarly unassuming manner, despite having been previously discussed and having the concepts of such a union already organised further back into 1948 at the Hague Conference. The parallels of such such unions (Eastern/Euro) are that they garnered the consent of the public through their foundation being merely upon an economic transnational policy, and not a political one, and therefor their basic parallels are that of deceit.

The Eastern Bloc formed what was essentially a symbiosis of the state and the economy, something that naturally would be inherent under a Communist regime. However, the European Union, too, follows a similar reciprocal foundation, for it binds the state and economy, removing the separation of powers by Capitalistic enterprise, and instead, Centralises governance in a more oligarchical, corporate and bureaucratic apparatus. Operating through a complex arrangement of multitudinous committees and boards, whose members form a body of non-elected representatives. Essentially the European Union, on the guise of an economic market, has formed a centralised, quasi-private parliament akin to the Soviet style hegemony of the Eastern Bloc, and through soft-intimidation and misinformation, keeps it's members bonded. Lest it be forgotten that the Union is allegedly one of 'free trade', yet, when discourse begins to brew of leaving, as it did in Britain, why are we met with threats of economic disability and ostracization? That shows more the signs of a protection racket; of bureaucratic gangsterism, than it does of a voluntary cooperation of national markets.

The unification of Germany and the amalgamation of the European continent?
In a more predictive sense, the European Union shares similarities in it's unifying policies, as it it does to the unification of the German states circa 1871. Spearheaded during the Bismarckian era of the late nineteenth century, Germany, well within a period of two decades transformed from a collection of trading states, to a fully amalgamated nation under Prussian dominated rule, but by what means did this occur, and in what ways does the unification of Germany share similarities to modern Europe?

Of course, the chief processes of German unification lied in the economy, the political structure and culture, the political structure I have already covered. The establishment of a newly amalgamated economy among the German States was created through the breaking down of trade barriers between the previously independent states, one of which ways in doing so was the introduction of the single German currency (the Mark) along with a centralised banking system that allowed for both monetary control by the state and the removal of currency exchange between regions. Likewise the European Union brought with it the introduction of a common European currency (the Euro) and too, a European Central Bank. The new Germany also extended its unification to the creation of a common German culture that evoked a sense of nationalism, for instance, the establishment of a new national anthem and German military, to be paraded with pride. Too, the standardisation of the school system to create a state of coherent socialisation among the German generations. What we see with the European Union is also the creation of a common European national anthem and a cooperative European military (though a centralised European military is still developing) and through policies such as the Bolonga Process, the education system of Europe as a whole has been standardised to the specific image of the European Union, even a single European emergency number (112) is under proposition.

It is said that history repeats itself, and perhaps what we are living through today is the amalgamation of the European states as transpired nearly 150 years ago within central Europe. And that the non-representative, self appointing parliament of the European Union, resembles almost a kind of bureaucratic Kaiserreich; a kind of Prussian hegemony of the modern day.

- a short essay by JDH
David Barr Oct 2014
There are astrological signs which depict the temperature of climactic socialisation.
Are you familiar with the experience of envy?
The early settlers were able to till the land with rhythm, whilst the establishment raised superstitious calamities which were compatible with the presumed evil of harlotry.
Let us rise at this undetermined time of anticipation where maternal bonds are held in question.
Rabbits have always roamed fields in the Herefordshire countryside, whilst post-war community finds affiliation in both prohibition and licentiousness.
I love your scent, as it reminds me of ancient castles.
So, let us burrow into a warren of denial and produce offspring which dissociates from contemporary expectations.
As I appreciate the ages of wisdom, I have questions about our orientation, as it lingers on this eternal horizon of predictable obscurity.
Marolle  Nov 2015
Marolle Nov 2015
det kan mærkes i maven og hjertet
det gør ondt som bare fanden
det kommer i jag og forsvinder langsomt
denne tomme følelse af noget
der burde være der men ikke er
denne tomme følelse af savn
til noget man ikke kan sætte en finger på
savn af selskab, savn af kram,
savn af nogen der mærker på min sjæl
savner ikke den overfladiske socialisation
hvor jeg pænt sidder og lytter
for sådan er jeg opdraget
”bla bla bla, mine problemer bla bla bla,
men hvordan har du det egentlig, Maria?”
min svar er altid ”det har jeg ikke tænkt over”
for det har jeg ikke, det er ikke en løgn
har travlt med at få styr på alt det lort
som folk bliver ved med at læsse af på mig
alle deres problemer med boligselskaber,
mennesker de ikke kan lide, pengeproblemer,
drengeproblemer, arbejdsproblemer,
skoleproblemer, venneproblemer
jeg er træt
og det er først når jeg er alene
at jeg kan mærke hvordan jeg har det
mærke mig selv og mærke ensomheden
mærke min sjæl  
og den skræmmer mig
jeg ved ikke hvem jeg skal sige det til
eller hvordan jeg skal forklare det
”hej, jeg har det ad helvede til,
der er en klump af kaos, ensomhed og
noget andet ubeskriveligt der trykker
inde i min mave”
for hvad ville folk ikke tænke
Maria er altid glad, *** vil altid lytte
*** smiler frejdigt og laver hendes ting
men sådan er jeg slet ikke
jeg er i stykker

I yearn to give you everything
That they do not give you,
I want to give you rest and comfort,
As I help you pull through.
If you need taking care of,
I'd promise I'd be there -
But you're so far away,
I feel like I'm not there.

Miles may separate us,
But in my heart I hold you close,
And if I had the chance,
I'd never let you go.

I spend parts of my days,
Planning out ways,
Of how to get you back.
I know you wouldn't mind it much,
But there's always obstacles in attack.

I think you are okay, or at least on the surface,
I have to make myself trust
That you are happy in that family,
That I've been taken out of.

Knowing from experience though,
It will probably hurt one day,
Or at least for the oldest of you.
And I will wrap you up warm
And try to empathise,
Never the less, I will try my best
To bandage it all up and make it the most it can be.

And if you wanted, I'd hide you away and bring you everything you need.
For me general daily things are hard, if socialisation's involved,
But I'd try my best for you,
Because that's what you're supposed to do
For the people that you love, for family.

Lately I've felt that they're stealing you all,
That they're cutting me out.
Our mother only wants me on her terms,
And that's not how it should be;
I would walk over mountains for you, you see.
I can't come to you, but I have tried getting you to me.

Still, I worry that one day,
You'll think I gave up,
You'll think that I left you
And nothing could ever make that true.
I will always try to do what's right by you.

I don't want you seeing the wreckage before you need to,
Before you can handle it.
I need to know you're safe, not sorry.
I'm starting to wonder here, if maybe I'm just being dramatic.
But this is some of the reason that I pretend or hide it,
With the act of being a somewhat good daughter,

Well really it's also because:
It's hard not to do the job when you're with her,
Almost as if it pulls something from me;
Like it's my fault for not having what I want,
And if I'm good in that moment I'll have it.
Except it,
Never comes.

I miss you four,
And I'll always love you more.

well as an excess to thought
shell at a collective illusion
adaptive moral obligation
objective plausible intuition

norms deep-seated disposition
forms believe to self-justification
who be regardless categorical
do survive flourishin' hypothetical

left aside the unpursuaded question
theft arise of any residual inclination
'n' effective sense obey the dictates
went away true appealin' rationality

as the circle widens internalisation
has reason lead to scope off morality
before be noted as if socialisation
therefore is this really this (r)evolutionary...

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 03/04/1433
Martin Rombach Oct 2014
I wander back into this old room, rubbing fingertips against nostalgic surfaces and sliding them against the coloured objects
Trying to pull out the representation within them
Trying to recreate the fantasies of a younger self
Tested by their potential hollow nature, by the cabin fever creeping through skin to nerve, by the idea that I can't quite find the balance
Between a healthy optimism, a self involved day dream of self, and a destructive need to deconstruct absolutely every aspect of my interaction with others, and avoid giving in to the claustrophobic boxes of old

I wonder when I do well, am I just satisfying a need at the expense of others?
Am I ignoring what matters, am I being lazy?
I wonder when I do badly, where in the massive intense web of social deconstruction, where does the truth lie amongst such burning over analysis?
Am I as invisible in my armour during the anxiety as I am so desperate to believe?

Then.. I go to other groups I'm sure about, coast through the conversation with a distance, wondering why the **** irrational obsession became so pure
But that's just the dull day to day, I'll keep up.

As the rains and winds beat hard against our windows and coats
As our brothers from our home back in Africa suffer from capitalism's imposition of ignorance on top of nature's cruel power at a molecular level
And maybe suffer a bit because of their own sin, but.. I'm not one to judge, my lineage tarnished with the ****** backs of other cultures
As this world of ours spreads and burns outward, I wonder if I'm going the right way.

I let doubt rush shakes from my hands, and let emotion fuel words that I have no other place to say, no ears that have any ******* right to hear them

I wonder if the universe breaks my toys and soaks my clothes for a reason, or if I'm just another self important ***** in a viral infection of self important ****** consuming their way to a dissatisfied 40th birthday, or to a drowning at 30 once the climate scientists are proven right

Or if those quotes and photos with dubious association are true in their assertion that no one lives forever, so make something that does?

I give in to self indulgence, grow tired from my work, and tell everybody about the projects I'm too lazy, too distracted, too busy consuming to produce.
Maybe I've got time.. maybe I'm too ******* myself
Maybe I need to get my ******* act together, because I could be murdered tomorrow.

Every now and then though.. I go through the motions again
Look behind me, look into me, and at the macro from a distance that isn't smudged by emotion or cracked apart by the imposition of doubt
And for a while I'm reminded that I've come a long way
And whether I drown tomorrow while the climate scientists watch in boats in a hollow victory of correctness
Or continue my day quiet as my anxiety suppressing deconstruction of socialisation tells me is advisable
There's part of me remembers the empowerment and soul defining principle taken from the rise from rock bottom
It lets me know that fulfilment is out there, and that a loving optimism is the only way I have any right of living
So whether I keep losing the fight with the bitter, I keep getting up for another beating
And for those days when the bitter goes down
I can smile that warm smile again
This is my first poem in a while. First good one in longer.
It's raw and made from life rather than self involved delusions, so I guess it's a nice change.
Civilisation turned us into barbarians,
Legislation turned fugitives into librarians,
Socialisation turned humanity into amphibians, cold hearted creatures looking for warmth and desire through a virtual reality,
Masked by calm, luring identities covering the cold-blooded repitilian behind it!
Religion promoted mass deception. Dividing humanity into seperate factions that blurred the internal and external vision,
I can no longer deny that this may have been a rogue mission!
To create a system,
When traced bears no roots but a stem
Layered with thick fabric, attempts to cut it down failed since time immemorial it still stands firm.
Those that tried where either incarcerated or completely obliterated.
They posed a threat, preached a word that resonated so deeply within the people's hearts the words they spoke and anyone who dared to lend an ear became enemies of the state their sentencing was extermination,
To avoid repitition other's weere reprogrammed, instituionalised through examination,
Examination that came through the form of education with the hopes or creating a new foundation with a new set of people born and bred through assimilation- a narcisstic repressing humanitarian tactic that stole true tradition by creating an ideal specimen contingent on colonisation.
If i search within me what my heart desires, what i yearn for and find out that this world cannot offer it, the only logical explanation is i was made for another world.
I still anticipate the day utopia will unfold
I will listen to the stories that have been untold
Enjoy my youth and inspire when i am old
Raise my sons to be Kings wise and bold
Continue the legacy that my ancestors foretold.

— The End —