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As long term aspiring
     gurgling (stream of consciousness)
     paperback writer, there doth appear
an imponderable quandary

     most likely experienced
     by fellow neophyte authors,
     one pesky bugbear
that just dawned, (within the mind

     of this former tony
     MainLiner) crystal clear,
i would bet mine
     bottom dollar and declare

unequivocally established writers
     mentally tussled (or still do),
     how to accrue “Art of the book writing deal”
     contract subsequently endear

an increasing number of people,
     that definitely feel drawn
     to thy unique flavinoid flair
with words this scrivener displays,

     where oft times decrypting
     (mine block chain) dost jam
     at least one cerebral cog and gear
no matter how far away from me,

     this mind can telepathically hear,
colorful epithets, thus
     seriously considering donning,
     summoning, and trumpeting

     his swiftly tailored,
     harried styled interlinear
difficult to interpret ma Bella cos
     mean mien, thus ready

     (lock, stock and barrel)
     to ship me on a one way junketeer
attired in a combination
     all force he zen,

     (and Caesar) knitwear
and (thrift special red tag sale) leisurewear
oh...preferably gender neutral,

or specifically frilly pink menswear
which could be either
     day or nightwear

yet absolutely non gaudily
     outlandish most unlike
thine convoluted other worldly
     unfairly punishing stentorian

     verb hose noun sense sic cull
     idiomatic ling goo whist tricks
     driven by a harsh grammatical taskmaster,
     (nonetheless one

     gentle non-slavish overseer)
summoning positive
     feedback to reap peer
burgeoning my popularity,

     yet without being queer
yule us, yes...of course retaining rear
penchant inventively steer
ring an unsuspecting reeder

agonizingly testing their
pay shunts, perhaps inducing her/him
to race out the door like a a mad person
     clad with (impeach 45) underwear

calling for men/women in white coats
     to lock up Matthew Scott Harris
     possibly commuting his
     long runonsentence tea
     ching fellow inmates without ten year!
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2015
well, **** changed quick,
once it was like: i’ll change to take a differnet pic,
now it’s all about: i’ll change the pic to
keep the status quo...
then i’ll tackle global warming turning into a vegan...
root out the problems of carrots and leeks
taking rooting like silly dentistry in the poet’s corner
of a birmingham canal
(full credentials of a bled out cranium via a mowler)...
that will spank those **** capitalists
to ensure las vegas doesn’t exist... yep...
it will sort them out... bangladesh came before the maldives
for the five o’clock shadow and sideburns...
i scuttled like a rat off a ship into a pop song crescendo
of a ship sinking...
i said something about the expanding sockets that gave more
than a missed shaved plot allotment of 5pm and
gave way to insomnia am.
please god... 50... no more! no more! 50!
i want to be gone before einstein’s war of sticks and stones comes!
i want to be gone by then! god... einstein, prior to that
we fanbase an intellectual debate that never arose
from the logic of writing the next pop song,
i’ll be mermesrised by the pass and the passerby of the next dream
sincere from the class that gave us the denial of synchronisation
and a quote from marxism that evolved into chaos
with the oink-looter capitalism; anorexia got the dress...
man got the coat-hanger oak leaf for genitalia
that never mattered with trans-gender movement -
we were always exposed... and 2 x 2 of the clover assured
the pigmented futures of repeat...
well if i don't want to repeat... do you?
i hardly think so seeing you taking revenge
against homosexuality taking pleasure from ****...
like now... i will not lipgloss to toss my heart aside and
mascara the skies as dark lit ready to be kidney full for
a torrent of the breaking of the one muscle involved
in wetting the bed... colouring in strange, clepsydra indigo
identifiers as dittoing these words
with a single word: mothered;
indeed mothered... because unloved - pity the cosmopolitan
girl in you... you read the girlie magazines while
i read the books of soul-searches... you disposed of
to ready the column of the horrific repeat
for the heads or tails questions;
neither matters with you... since it should be asked of you:
horns or tail?
i guess that's a question with an answer
without the devil but the humanity:
the dentistry of vanity - like the god behind the wind
and the snowflake -
indeed psychopathy is like atheism...
with the former the soul doesn't exist...
with the latter god doesn't exist...
we're grounded for an eternity of dialectics.
JDK  Jan 2014
JDK Jan 2014
The violinist plays as the artist takes down his paintings.
Nothing sold today. His spiraling visions of figurative
meaning behind the sentimental moments that he can't forget
have failed to make an impact on the passers-by,
once again.
He drops meager change into the case
of the musician.

The human statue breaks her frozen form
to act out a five second tragedy as he
makes his way down the avenue;
free of charge.

His fanbase is of the kind that can only
sympathize. Endeared to him not through the way
he spreads his paint, but from his passionate speeches.
When he explains the reasons behind each minute element,
they can't help but to relate. How he reaches
to define every detail of what would otherwise be
just another memory.
Art is hard
Big Virge Feb 2020
A Woman I Know...
Keeps Talking As Though...

The Way People Live...
Is Going Through A... " SHIFT "...

Sometimes What She Says Just Sounds Like CRAP... !!!
But In Truth These Days She May Be Talking FACT... !?!

Cos' LOTS of Stuff That Currently Runs
Provides PROOF That Maps...
A Way To ZION... WITHOUT Snoop Lion... !!!!!

That's QUITE A SHIFT He's NOW Down With... !!!
Down With RASTA'... So NOT Gun Clappers... ?!?

Sometimes These Rappers Just Make Me Laugh... !!!
From Being A **** To... Smoking Drugs... !!!

They SHIFT So MUCH That It's Hard To Know...
Who's REALLY TOUGH From Who's... ALL SHOW... !!!!!

There Are A FEW... " Pros' "...
That's Right... Record Company **'s... !!!!

But Some Are LARGE And HIT REAL HARD... !!!
When It Comes To THOSE Tools That Producers Use... !!!

But What About SHIFTS In How We Live... ?
And... What We BELIEVE... ?!?

Adam And Eve...
Is Now... " Adam and Steve "... !?!

Smoking ****... Well NOW It Seems...
That MORE Do This Than MOST Believe... !!!

From THOSE Who Direct For Hollywood Screens...
To THOSE On Set With A SHEEN Thats CLEAN... !!!

THAT Verse Refers To... TOP ACTORS...
Who SHIFT Like Rappers When Their World... SHATTERS... !!!!!!

Just Look At Whitney... Or... Look At Britney...

SHIFTS That MOVE Their Fanbase... QUICKLY...
When Things IN VIEW Prove They're Quite SICKLY... !!!!!

What About SHIFTS For The... " Average Joe "... ???

Some Enlist... SHIFTS That LIFT... !!!
While Others DON'T And End Up BROKE... !!!!!

BROKE In Ways I CAN'T Explain... ?!?
Because MY Shifts MOVE ME From... PAIN... !!!

Because I Enlist... TAKING The STRAIN... !!!

Until It LIFTS And Fades Awaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy............. ...........

See My Friend Is Speaking of DEEPER Shifts...
Like... SHIFTS In POWER... !!!

SHIFTS That SHOWER And Make Some.... " cower "...
Because TRUTH Will OUT In The End.... DON'T Doubt.... !!!!!

YUP From The Mouths And From The SOUNDS...
of ALL That HOUNDS And Then SURROUNDS... !!!

It's Happening NOW... !!!
Political CLOWNS... Getting FOUND OUT...

Religious Grounds That AREN'T So Sound... !!!!!

LYING Women... CHEATING Men...
Relationships Founded On PURE Pretence... !?!
In The END... WON'T Stand The Test...

When It Comes To STRESS And They Have To CONFESS...
That LOVE Was EXPRESSED... Under DURESS... !!!!!

It's Sad To think...
That ALL These Shifts Come Back To THIS...

And NOT Facing... REALITY...

In Times Like THESE It May Be TRUE...

There's A Shift Going On For ME And YOU...
But Like Marvs' Song... " What Ya Gonna Do ? "....

Cos' These Words AREN'T Nonsense... !!!

... " Change is Constant ! "...

So I'll Leave You With... THIS...

When It Comes To How You LIVE...
And How It IS You Think...

If Society KEEPS Moving As IT NOW IS...
Are You EQUIPPED To Cope With The Things That Give...
Or... Will You RESIST The Things That...

.............. " Shift ".............
We are all subject to change, or, as the poem suggests, shifts in who we are and how we see ourselves, and the world, and we are definitely now in a time of all kinds of different shifts !
Is it bad
That i want to be someone big
Someone great?
All my life
I've felt like i've been in a bubble,
Aaaalways in trouble.
I want to finally become someone people like.
Right now i feel alone,
But somehow i feel like its the start of the end.
I want to build a fanbase.
I want to live
Do you think i can?
Another bad poem im sorry
Randy Johnson Feb 2020
The world lost a talented actor one year ago today.
After being on Earth for almost 83 years, he passed away.
He starred in 'Keeping Up Appearances' and 'The Old Guys'.
People also loved his performances in '1990' and 'Pack of Lies'.
He also entertained us when he starred in 'Othello' and 'Born and Bred'.
His entire fanbase has grieved for 365 days because he is dead.
Isaiah Lee  Jun 2019
Social Media
Isaiah Lee Jun 2019
Social media
A place that we can stray away from reality
Our own place
And enjoy our lovely fan base
With positivity
With love no misery
But the other side
it concerns me

When you loved by your community
It soothes you
Known that you are loved by others
Some moves you
To keep going, don't stop
It's a lot to take in
So much that if you lose it
You lose you
When the love is gone
Nothing you can do but lose

It's not true
Social media can change you
Messes with your mental
And then you lack potential
To keep going
Knowing that your boat is sinking
You can't swim
Knowing you can end up drowning
But without your fanbase
You cant be saved
Knowing that you made it sink
So you cave in

You're stuck stranded in the ocean
No one to save you
You think the blame is on you
It's not
social media changed you
You feel the world is better off without you
Couse social media fed you that

Then you let the boat sink
end it all
To never resurface
This write is for someone who Drowned
And unable to resurface
Who is it for, Check the news
The bluebirds are chirping in melancholy
They should have a clue

This is also a message
That Drowning is far from the truth
You have people  who care for you
Get help
Who can help you
Yet so many fake faces out here
You don't want to
The world was never better off without you
we love you
Nope reforming hardened criminal donning
scarred face, manacles jailhouse stripe, et cetera
nor taming screwish incorrigible guttersnipe
ain't most difficult enterprises
entailing me to wipe
dripping sweat from my hoary brow,

neither primary tsoris,
(i.e. Yiddish, asper in woeful gripe),
but reading tome thick as stovepipe
hat, I declare constitutes most grueling task
paging thru compendium of words A thru Z
may rank less purposeful than bovine tripe.

not surprisingly causing mine gray matter
(more'n fifty shades), to wanna up and scatter
fist size shot thru unnecessarily subjected
to feel like oversaturated blatter
vehemently aggrieved mad as a hatter
to appease, boost and flatter

ever shrinking fanbase blithely bandying
faux poetic pitter patter
trumpeting expansive vocabulary
enlivened, leavened, seasoned... smatter
ring poem to expressive affinity
how bajillion combinations
twenty six letters one can splatter

casually incorporating multisyllabic
word such as sesquipedalian
less to boast more so to chatter
up food for thought perhaps...
infect reader to accrue fatter
vocabulary than mine

actually rather paltry yoke cant argue
yukon (albeit figuratively) tatter
with little effort hen even
offer as hors d'oeuvres
to this storied scribbling wildcatter.
Ha! That catch phrase
     (kid ding lee writ)
     hoop fully goat yar attention
truth be told, (
     no...not by me
     boat some tee else of course)
     mine min (yute) yen
for light banter i.e. badinage,

     (this ***** toad juiced ribbing...
     frog *** about it), yea,
     I know that punning
     while keying (NOT SAFE),
     sometimes dill lutes
     ma serious pickling attempt ren
doors an unsuspecting reader
     (bajillion times out of zero) pen

ultimately probably discourages,
     an increased virtual fanbase,
     rectified by the following asinine
     non-sequitur (a come men
dib bull double
     entendre) totally tubularly
     barbed with Freudian
     slip age, that ken

figuratively grab immediate
     interest of hen
pecked recipients (with pock marks
     to prove such assertion)
     might strongly concur even
without being aware how
     psychoanalysis ***** ******
significance of phallus

     in everyday affairs,
     particularly how peppy
     (even after applying
     WD-40) can rust
and/or atrophy as if cell bait,
     hence thee **** cree,    
     that ******* a must
(as told by this husband
     in a sexless marriage
     as a result, I might
     join a convent) as a lust
result, either that or
     go set me a
     watch woman as mistress
     tubby integrated within
     my private life

     even if one
     needs tubby bussed
from the outer limits of the
     sterling twilight
     zona pellucida ideally,
     where love of c**t tree and
     priapism maketh sea men go bust!

— The End —