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Once nothing wondered if it mattered.
Nothing wondered what It was like to be somthing.
because the only thing to stop nothing,
was nothing
its wish was granted.

So nothing became something.

Somthing was so eager to learn
so eager to see
so Something wished to feel Everything
and out of that wish came Everything.

Everything grew and grew without limits
and as Something became a part of Everything
It forgot.
it forgot its mission, its reason of being.
"Do I matter?"

Somthing divided and became Many.
Many started to search for the importance of Nothing.
But Something went wrong and Many were confused.
As hard as Many tired to find the answer they failed.
Something was lost and Many had forgotten the question.

Many thought they had a better question.
Many lost touch with something,
and Many lost Everything,
Many could care less about anything or nothing.

Many only cared about staying Many.

Many started to believe that there was always Something,
and Nothing never existed.
And that is how Many lost its' self.
Many lost the quest.

Some would find a glimmer of hope.
They would join together and find Something
they found Something beautiful.
but they were few.
and sometimes Something would not be found for a long time
they would try to find it by dancing and singing and lighting candles.

But sometimes few were lucky
they would realise that together they themselves were Something
and that they were beautiful....

..and that they were Something because they had eachother
and in each other they had Everything
and when you are something that has everything...

...the answer is simple
Nothing is really ever important...
Nothing really ever matters.
Build trust, Build love, Build towers, Build beautiful And don't destroy it Just keep going to the top young love. Build friendships, Build futures, Build happiness, And don't destroy it Just keep going to the top young love. Give it everything you got push though the fire continue to rise up. **** Knots, Live life, Love life, And between two You should be okay soon Just as long as you continue to build love and don't destroy it.
nosipho khanyile Jul 2018
vivid after sunset,
my thoughts manifest
from energies that surround me.

tangled after sunset,
as I process my technicolours
into somthing society will accept.

but sometimes
there are no words for my thoughts..
sara king Mar 2012
mabey its not always about  trying to fix somthing thats broken mabey its about starting over and creating something better .
Scott M Reamer Mar 2013
Terrible divides, steep creatures fishing from the fissures.
Devil ties, honor cries telling of fable able love lies.
Red rug **** from… Ah stomp down pound twice round.
Let me in dearth harp melody killing me true internally. Over me, you do du thee or in one to learn to unseen these say said twas. What then spoke big loud a proud voice e bound red to set the turns in a state of decay. Spread death red pestilence.
Broken brains with bad temperaments. To know this clever myth, in definitely one word siphon spell check commiserate in-consumption

Only fitting to continue after that, twas broken in two-tone spits of *****
Oh how one can be so indiscriminate, yet be so in to it
Suckling finger to finger, the artist and his soul slip through one another
And ****, there it is… why I am drunk, why so earthbound?
No, No, that la-la-di-dah sing song, nickname, sick game
Ah… already this is where I end, lying before the gate, spread in sprawls of my final death thrall, the spastic convictions, emotional token, so wholly holy that I am certain of this and this alone; they, folk of blend and contrast so steady will carrier this body through the gates, this world or that, bounce and then back, splendor in form, surrender to utter the weight of universal, expressions in the shade of totality
Goodnight too.
Kole J McNeil  Sep 2020
Kole J McNeil Sep 2020
My mask is one of happiness and warmth
that's what my mask is

But wait a mask is somthing you use to keep you safe from germs

My mask is somthing that hides pain
no scars on my face
no just the pain that lies behind my mask of lies and decite

I am Happy

Lies stop lying

My mask is one that hides sandness
my mask is not physical
My mask is a smile that hides the hurt in my eyes

My mask is one of caring
But what do you mean a mask of caring

No my mask is not one of fabric but of emotion
My mask is of silk woven with worry
It's a mask woven of silken hate
Thats my mask
Dougie Simps Sep 2013
Women lead to happiness,
While relationships lead to disaster,
Sleeping beauty will awake from his kiss,
But together it seems improbable for a "Happy Ever After"
People await for the sweetness of life only to construe it of its actual meaning
Seems society "preys" for the downfall of "hope", con - ARTIST post up on the corner
Drawing vivid, false, contrast, pictures too demolish another's wishful dreaming,
While I stare at this world and see the potential of people's conscious, through fear and insecure honest truths
I really see nothing...nothing at all, we still avoid the reality of what is real, and what is actually in front of us and painfully true
Dougie Simps
holl up
mark john junor Jul 2013
the moving shadows of
the men gathering
flicker in my vision
cause me to ponder the moment
in a way i had not seen before
cause me to fracture the vision
to decode the meanings in
each mans motion
each mans meaning

her long black hair entangles my head
as dose her deep long looking
her neat clean eyes frighten me
with their possibilitys
with their depth
with their hot beauty

it is not my place to find
a place in this womans life
i am but a distraction to her
somthing to occupy the moment
to phish for lost keys
in sections of some dreadlock music
she erased poems to fit onto the kindle

she removes her shirt
to rinse out the sweat
in the tidal pool
a young woman nearby stops
and stares
smiles when they meet eyes
and i am surfing my beach bike alone
walking it
where am I
where am i going?
i have engreideints
for what make
a buetifull flower?
a kiss on the cheek
can i make love with this potion?
can i make a flower with this formula
what ingreindents do i use
to make somthing buetiful
i was cooking earlyer and i started to dream these are the things i questioned
mark deo biongan  Jan 2015
mark deo biongan Jan 2015
a mirror never lies
the way you look at it in any way
you can never be wise
never could you look away and have different say

what you see ist waht may one get
but never lie the way you look at it
even happy it sees you sad
no matter how good it can show the worse of it

a mirror never lies
what it sees is not the reflection
but the deeper desperation
somthing worse that addiction

it cannot say what you are
but lets you see who you are
say whatever you say but it will show you the way
nomatter how you look at it its you it will show

a mirror never lies that is true
dreams are something you see
dont lie for it will show you the truth
don't argue and it give you answers

amirror never lies to you
for its you who is lying to it
what you see you might notlike
but thats the truth and it hard to fight

never fight what you see in the mirror
for it will just comeback to hunt you
a mirror never lie even if you try
for you are the one lying and not the mirror you face

face the truth no matter what you see
you may be ugly but happy
you may be filthy but clean
its not the reflection who is talking
but its the reflection showing
what you are of it knowing
zakariya Jun 2015
I wanna write somthing about u
And i want u know
U are the best and u will still the best …
U are the best beacuse no one like you  
U are pretty ♥ beautiful ♥ wonderful
Beacuse u are differnt and i will say that again
No one like u
U make me smile
U make me happy
And i’m sure u will
Never do somthing hurt me
I wana write somthing about u
When people ask me how are u
I said i’m hàppy beacuse i have friend like u
U are the best and i wish u all the best
Beacuse no one like u
this poetry is for my best friend Pamela Ekundayo ♥ ♥
Riot  Apr 2014
why can't...
Riot Apr 2014
why can't i just run away
why can't you just stay
why can't you believe me when i say
there is somthing i've never done
i'm not a victim of that way
why can't i just be who i am
just because i'm not famous
and know where i stand
why do you let people
**** there own people
has it really come to that?
having birthdays in hospitals
without their whole family there
because thier country
doesn't know who to fight
why can't we all help them there?
who else knows about the trubles
in syria
killing there owm
who else is acually going to
"save the children"
why can't we give those children
a safe home
save the children
Anthony Perry Nov 2015
I go where ever the wind blows, I keep running to where no one knows.

Everything is in chaos when I become part of the world, I have to find a way out because my logic is always being burned and curled,

sometimes when my head feels unwound I shred my skin then my mind feels unbound.
No one really stays around for long so Im trying to get used to life without sound until the day I'm gone.

There is no beast inside my cage only an animal incarcerated in rage,
like a demon from an endless age,
I learned to conjure myself from every dark place I know, like a story with an endless page. I live my life for myself and accept every experience until the end of my days.
Thanks to Kaitlin Floyd for helping refine the way I position my final draft.

— The End —