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Jellyfish Nov 2018
Thunder claps before the lightning strikes.
At least it did for me, and I learned
how a storm can be a beautiful thing.

The sprinkling rain
felt like kisses on my cheek.
Flutters came along after,
and swept me off my feet.

Everything felt better in the rain
that flooded past my ankles.
Even if it resulted in a sprain
it was still worthwhile.

The thunder was so vibrant,
I wanted it to last forever.
I thought it would have been nicer,
but the thunder was the tip of the iceberg.

After the thunder was over
I had no time to waste.
I tried dancing alone in the rain
and jumped from puddle to puddle.

It just wasn't the same.

When the lightning struck I was lost,
determined to make things work,
I stood tall on the perilous ground.
I would stay until things cleared out.

I refused to let this time be like all the rest!
I wanted to pass the test with flying colors
but I lost myself trying to impress others.
I was stuck in a downpour for what felt like forever.

I let the lightning strike me
but I made it out alive.
I'm smiling up at the sky, in the sunlight
that's peaking out at me.

A storm is a beautiful thing.
I'm so glad that I can call you my friend. We may not talk every day or every month, but, it makes me happy to see how you're doing. You created a great bundle of memories with me and I can't thank you enough for the lesson you helped me to learn. I'm so glad that you're happy and have made such a beautiful life for yourself. I'm proud that I can look back and know that you're a part of my story. Thank you.
neko Apr 2014
one time mary lambert told me that i am a ******* tree stump so i went outside to absorb the earth

always take time out of every day to go out without shoes on
feel the grass beneath your feet and between your toes
go out in public without shoes as well
do not be self-conscious
do not blush and curl in your toes when people stare
always remember that feet are weird anyway
always be proud of your weird parts

one time i did dxm and almost puked
laying in the cool dewy grass made me feel better though
i couldn't fathom how beautiful everything was in that moment
(i do not condone the use of drugs)

one time there was a time when i didn't need nicotine or drugs to feel better about myself
i miss that, that time in my life

i'm getting better though
i hope you are too
i hope you get completely naked before a shower and while the water's heating up i hope you look at yourself and touch all of you and i hope you slide your hands down your ribs and hips and think "******* i am one ****, fuckable *******"
because that's exactly what you are
i don't want this to be a cliche "u r beautiful" thing but i think that's what it's turning into

a cool thing about life is that when you cry your cheeks get stained with black but it always goes back to normal
your skin, that is
a cool thing about you is that you are like your skin
a cool thing about your skin is that it's always changing, always shedding, always growing
what i'm trying to say is that nothing is permanent
that you aren't always gonna be stuck in this **** hole
that you'll always find a way to resurface
that you aren't just a crack in the cement, you're the whole ******* city
haha, i love you you stupid head
a lot of people do
be kind to others because we're all just dumb beautiful walking flesh things
smile at every stranger and love like plants do
i don't care what you say, you are someone's sun
so shut up with all that "i'm worthless no one will ever love me" crap
be a conceded *******
love yourself
disregard rude remarks
basically be like kanye
u do u booboo

keep all of this in mind the next time you're afraid to go out in a certain outfit or to change your hair or to wear lots of makeup or no makeup or eat or any ******* nonsense you wanna do. please just do it. dont be a *****
Tabitha  Jul 2014
Tabitha Jul 2014
They say "it's for your own good"
"You'll understand when your older"
After 17 years of living you'd think
I would know by now,
It's hard to wrap my head around,
Around a concept not so profound,
A life which my parents want me to live,
Which would mean it would be my life I would have to give,
I respect you,
And stay true,
True to myself and others too,
The values and lessons you've taught,
Which no amount of money or things could be bought,
For it's time to treat me as old as I am,
I am not once that young girl you had planned,
The one in love with feathers and lame tv shows,
The one who always carried her heart in her hand,
The one with dazzling brown crystal shone eyes and wondered around the land,
The one who didn't want anyone to get hurt,
The one now learned from the grime and dirt,
The one who wouldn't stop asking questions,
The one who always said "did I mention.."
The one who's eyes would fill in tears after getting a 'booboo'
but would be all better once you kissed it too,
The one who would be by your side holding your hand
The one who was daddy's little sidekick,
And who was momma's little measuring stick,
The one who didn't grow all too much,
The one who would be scared of movies and your arms she'd clutch,
The one who dreamed to play basketball,
The one who would be supported no matter how many dreams she had,
The ones as absurd as that,
The one who's hand would wrap around one finger,
The one who would laugh at everything you'd say
The one who love to watch the stars and lay,
The one who would love to play,
The one who you'd tuck into bed every night,
The one who would make you turn on a night light,
The one who was daddy's little girl,
And who was mama's pearl,
The girl in those summer dresses and a flower in her hair,
Is standing tall and strong as she shows you she cares,
She's going to make you proud,
For her words may not speak loud,
She's a runaway,
Off to a place unknown,
To explore a world,
And be who she wants to be,
The girl who wants to be free,
Just like how she did when she was young,
Just her and her heart,
Completely alone.
I hope someone can relate. Been a tough write