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Àŧùl Jan 2017
Scalene Triangle: Here no sides or angles are the same.
Isosceles Triangle: Here two sides and angles are same.
Acute Triangle: Here all three angles are less than 90º.
Obtuse Triangle: Here one angle is greater than 90º.
Equilateral Triangle: Here all sides & angles are the same.
Right Triangle: Here one angle is equal to 90º.
And the most common triangle is...
Love Triangle: Here a lover usually cheats on the other.

I unluckily have gotten stuck in all these 7 triangles.
Never deserved to be cheated but still got cheated.
I can not hate them but still, I so often get hated.
And the mathematical triangles only bothered.
I never cheated anybody.

My HP Poem #1387
©Atul Kaushal
Bryce K  Aug 2013
Love Triangles
Bryce K Aug 2013
Love triangles never work out you see.
One loves another, who simply loves someone else.
You wait to see if your love will notice you,
or you just standby and watch the love that should've been yours.

Sometimes they look at you and make you wonder,
what if they have feelings for me too and just don't know how to show it!
You talk to them and carefully drop hints, to which they never pick up.
So you decide to be aggressive, and make the first move.

You proclaim your love through letters, texts, and even posts.
Only to be denied and publicly embarrassed.
When you're the lowest you can possibly go,
you notice something out of the corner of your eye.

You turn and see someone sneaking quick glances at you.
You quickly realize that they are in the same position as you.
Stuck in the endless webs of love triangles.
You walk over, introduce yourself( even though they clearly already know)

You leave together realizing that you can't always have what you want,
but you can sure help others try.
You former lover is now single and lonely, but you no longer care.
You're with someone 10 times better than they ever were.
I think everybody can relate to this poem, so I left the genders anonymous, so you can add your own genders in and relive memories.
We had one thing in common
And we both betrayed him.
What were you, to me, before that?
An almost friend.
Except that isn't quite true...
I realise now,
You were always my dormant lover,
There was always something else,
Something undefinable
Until you defined it.
Before, before,
You were his, not mine,
He was yours, and mine,
I was his, yet somewhere deep inside,
Also yours.
I have never liked triangles
I was always intimidated
By the power of three.
Inspired by a poem by Christopher Munro (and not for the first time!).
she's young, she said,
but look at me,
I have pretty ankles,
and look at my wrists, I have pretty
o my god,
I thought it was all working,
and now it's her again,
every time she phones you go crazy,
you told me it was over
you told me it was finished,
listen, I've lived long enough to become a
good woman,
why do you need a bad woman?
you need to be tortured, don't you?
you think life is rotten if somebody treats you
rotten it all fits,
doesn't it?
tell me, is that it? do you want to be treated like a
and my son, my son was going to meet you.
I told my son
and I dropped all my lovers.
I stood up in a cafe and screamed
and now you've made a fool of me. . .
I'm sorry, I said, I'm really sorry.
hold me, she said, will you please hold me?
I've never been in one of these things before, I said,
these triangles. . .
she got up and lit a cigarette, she was trembling all
over.she paced up and down,wild and crazy.she had
a small body.her arms were thin,very thin and when
she screamed and started beating me I held her
wrists and then I got it through the eyes:hatred,
centuries deep and true.I was wrong and graceless and
sick.all the things I had learned had been wasted.
there was no creature living as foul as I
and all my poems were
Dan Headrick Jun 2014
circles squares and triangles
shapes I learned as a kid
I trace them on your spine
I smile as you wiggle
your best attempt not to move
fingers move to make 3 points
like sliding on silk
my fingers skate across your body
tracing shapes from memory
LC  Oct 2014
LC Oct 2014
Is the place
Where two lines meet,
Dreaming more than I sleep,
The death of love is a beautiful thing,
Hiding mistakes I will never make again,

We are just old lovers living new days now,
I don't know much but I know two things
My passion may be impure,
But my love is clean.
Zooey Glass Jan 2015
Chains on your door
Rabid rabbits that are biting at your core
A second sentence notice waiting on the floor
In the eyes of the gods you feel like a cheeky *****

Sometimes you want to see
Without sailing
To breathe
In the presence of crashing boars

Fire fire raging on the shore
The tips of your finger calloused and sore
Take a flight to the next big war
So you can find something or someone to answer for

The words look at you
They're not smooth jokers anymore

The notes they sneer and rage at you
While you're still next to the second notice on the wooden tiled floor

On the lit streets you find the gravel and all the other things
And the city like a midnight jungle in full swing
Like a speechless parrot you try and sing
While not minding the other things
**** the other things

When you know that life burns like the shore you once slept on
It cradles you and your books like kings
Then sneers like the music that you once thought grafted butterfly wings
Don't look too far, the gravel is the king of things

***** is a feeling akin to literary spark
You drink from the cups of beggars in the Rimbaudian park
And upon your grand tombstone is a question mark
Where was he when they needed him?

If they knew of the evil sin
Of the city jungle
And the things and whims

They would've clenched their fists
And held their breath

Found the cave where triangles are circles
And circles mean death
Aaron LaLux  Jul 2017
Aaron LaLux Jul 2017

My 1300th poem,
was ‘Diamond Triangles’,
didn’t even plan that,
now I see why they say I’m Illuminati,

33 triangles tattooed to my body,

in room #1301 now,
13th floor of the hotel,
13th floor room #1,
it’s always on for real,

no off switch,
so no we don’t switch,
on the offense we don’t snitch,
our defense airtight got the game sewed & stitched,

tight as our lips are because loose lips still sink cruise ships,

all in no pretend all real for real 100% legit,
I’m ready if you’re ready come on let’s get it,

let’s go now,
the time has never been better,
let’s pow wow & wow how,
this weather as in this reign has never been wetter,

or greater,
compliments to the Haters,
because you haven’t made it till they hate it,
so I’m grateful for the confirmation from the Haters,

we’re here to Rock The Nation,
shout out to RocNation,
shout out to Jay Z see we’re all Gods,
all it took was a combination of carpe diem & patience,

a combination between futuristic technologies & wisdom from The Ancients,

know the difference,
between patience & hesitation,
I thank my Dad for teaching me that,
see he taught me a lot of those “what not to do” lessons,

learned what not to do through his actions,
so I could prevent them & not grow up like him,
& that’s not to say I don’t love him because I do,
& that's mentioned to clarify that I didn’t write this just to spite him,

kinda like,
why I wear these diamonds,
which isn’t to show off no nah,
I wear them because diamonds are enlightening,

just look at the way they catch the light,
see real diamonds are a sure thing,
just like these words I write,
on the luckiest floor in this whole building floor #13,

writing my 1300th poem,
was ‘Diamond Triangles’,
didn’t even plan that,
now I see why they say I’m Illuminati,

33 triangles tattooed to my body,

in room #1301 now,
13th floor of the hotel,
13th floor room #1,
it’s always on for real,

especially when it’s Strange :30,
& it’s Strange :30 again,
so I guess it’s time to sign off,
with a goodnight & a Thee End...

from '777' available worldwide on Amazon

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
Joe Picardi  Jan 2012
Joe Picardi Jan 2012
He says crazy
        I say creative
He says ******
        I say ballsy
He says weird
        I say wonderful
I love you
           You love him

                                                  He loves her
Alexa Sz  Jan 2011
Alexa Sz Jan 2011
Oh my it is great...
to have this headache...
after trying
to understand
what numbers are real and fake

I don't see
how this will help me
through my course of
Will I ever be
trying to see
what the angle of a chair is again?
or will I ever need to use
how to find a hypotenuse?

I've thought and thought
for a very long time
and came up with a list
of jobs that would ever
need algebra

Math teacher
Crazy Math obsessor
scientist (on occasion)
Someone who builds triangles
kite maker
someone who makes graphs

Too bad that isn't any of the jobs I ever want...

oh how my head burns
and I'm sorry if you like it
I don't mean to offend
but Algebra just aint my jam
I'd rather be painting
or writing
or singing
I'd rather be strumming(my guitar)
be sleeping
or eating
I'd rather
go play soccer
or basketball
or ski
Really I'd just rather be free
free of the confusion
I feel after class
of the helplessness
that I have
towards math

Oh how am I going to survive???

PS. I still have to live through geometry (I **** at shapes)
pre calculous (I don't even know what that is) and calculous (Ugh ***?)

I hope you enjoyed my "radical" poem!

— The End —