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we were planted in each other’s lives
for a reason
and ever since, our hearts
have been beating
I want to grow with you,
no matter the season

we are two seeds, independent
destined to grow into beautiful creatures
we are filled with love and harmony,
two plants growing into a romance,
tasting each other carefully.

you are the sun I need,
and I am the rain that waters your seed.
together we will bloom,
as we wear flowers as our costume.

we are two seeds, planted for each other
happiness is what we seek,
we are destined to love,
destined to suceed.

- gio
Renee Ransom Apr 2013
try your damnest to not show fear.
If you do, they're going to eat you alive.
So you put on a brave face,
Trying to make others believe they don't affect you.
Trying show that you can rise above the torment.

But they see right through it.
They just let you make a fool of yourself.
Silently laughing at your pain.
Your agony.

Your brave face begins to crumble over time.
Leaving a tear stained face.
Leaving you exposed and
Because you didn't have the strength to go on.
Because you're tired of trying.
It aches
To know
That in this
Difficult time apart
I cannot suceed
In making you happy
I know you wish you were here
And oh how I wish
That you were too
But in this time apart
I hope you feel my love
I hope that you see
Every laugh and smile as
My attempt to be happy
To prove my love and
Deep affection
My sweet love
I hope that one day
You'll see the world
A little brighter
I wish being yours
Made it so
But you dream
Of happiness
In each others arms
And until that day
Know that I love you
And that you will always
Be my sunshine
My star
In every night sky
You are my forever
And that
Will never change.
Traci Eklund Sep 2013
you may exsist
but you are a ghost to me
as am I
for it seems you never knew me
oh the sweet irony
oh the innocent trust
oh I don't blame you
for who am I to say
the flaws I release are as real as yours
but I know that the blood I bleed
may of led you astray
as for I know I was never easy
in the end
love fades like the light in my eyes that night
when I believed it would last for awhile
but every moment is fleeting
every promise is misleading
or so I have learned
the lines got tangled
I was choking myself out
I would be lying if I said I was alright
for I have seen my mistakes in the clearest light
the reflection in the mirror oh so real
the reality of my position, spinning fast as the wheel
thank you for all its worth
I may now be a ghost of these streets
those memories just linger in the air I breathe
I feel the cold of the pavement beneath my feet
you are now a ghost
for it seemed none of this never happened
maybe, oh maybe we can just forget
or at least I hope you suceed
the last time we spoke still haunts me
so dry and dull
the words so stale and short
in time
all good things must come to and end
and so it is better that way
Oh Shadow Child
Go out and play
Take breath and stay
Your in need
Have some fun but later suceed
Shadow child don't live a life of greed
I am the one who brought you here
Please don't retain your fear
Let it all go
Learn to cry too though
Shadow child dance on the sidewalk
Go on be real,Talk
See life in only the best light
Tell me what you think is right
Don't worry I'm sure we'll agree
It's just you and me, at least for the day
I love you shadow child
That's why tomorrow you'll be free
Tomorrow you'll get a chance to know eternity.
money worries
always having them
makes your day astray
always on your mind at the wrong time
everyone who is rich
your creating jelousness
wishing that would be you
you try
and you try
but never suceed
so you have money worries that control your life
inspite of what u are
your true self
your life
your happiness
everywere you go
your body moves slow
when will this happen
will it be
will you see
that its only paper
or object that is there
but it is everywhere
i am here
not scared
not confused
not struggling without a dollar in my pocket....
Sonali Sethi Aug 2014
Hello Inspiration,  
Where have you been, my friend?
You finally showed yourself after
Teasing me for months on end

People ask me all the time
Why I no longer pick up the pen.
All that will change now, wouldn't it?
Now that you're back again

Where did you go, Inspiration?
You left me feeling so incomplete
I kept trying to bring you back
I never did suceed

You ran away so hard and fast
Left an emptiness I didn't recognise
If I look away, will you run again?
I'm afraid to close my eyes.

It's good to see you, old friend.
We have a lot of catching up to do
But if I let go of your hand,
You won't abandon me, will you?

If I get busy with other things,
If I don't respond to you at once,
Will you dissappear like you did before?
Or will you give me a second chance?

You came back so suddenly
That I just have to ask
Are you here just to tease me?
Or is this going to last?

I have so many questions for you
Why? When? Where? And how?
But first, let's celebrate your return
And make the best of what we have now
So, I had an awful case of writer's block for about a year and then suddenly, it was gone! I've started writing poems again and feels good to be back. I'm not sure what caused my block and I really don't want it happen again!
Amanda Scott  Mar 2012
The Hero
Amanda Scott Mar 2012
Each moment of darkness will lead to much light,
And through every hardship, we continue to fight.
It's easy to be hateful, but much wiser to give love,
And by all our faith, we are watched from above.
It's truthful that in life, we will fail more than suceed,
But with each of our downfalls, the more courage we'll need,
To get right back up, and learn from our past,
And cherish each moment as if it's our last.
The strongest of people, are the ones who fell hard,
And continue to get up, unbroken, unscarred.
This is the hero, the one who stands tall,
For he is the fighter, the bravest of all.
Katerina  Oct 2013
Crazy Girl
Katerina Oct 2013
You love her, not me. But why would you ever want me? I'm crazy, anyone could see. I try and cover my scars, but there are too many to hide. And you can see it in my tear filled eyes. I'm that crazy girl no one loves. Seeking attention, that's all I'm doing. But what's sad is that, if i suceed, you'll instantly love me.
Stfuitsjordan  Nov 2014
Stfuitsjordan Nov 2014
I've never felt so useless; I'm so used to being used. Am I just being thrown and tossed around like an abused piece of news?  
Old news is that what I am? I remember hard times before when you couldn't I'd always rise and take a stand.
Seems to quickly we, as people, forget how to be a friends; tempers flaring, words daring then hours later waiting to make amends.
While my feelings are hurt, And your basically floored, this whole time we both feel like we're being  ignored.
Our fights they're terrible I can admit that, I can also admit our friend ship isn't half bad.
Actually I like you most, you just don't see... Have I ever kept anyone for that long around me? The people in that category I can only name about three.
     honestly I can say that most of the problem is with in myself, I really can't tell when it's real so I always have with held.
With held the extent  in which my friendships go, when ever I hit the road. It's always been alone.
With hold my feelings because I'm scared they're wrong, **** I even with hold the name of my favorite song.
I've been told before I'm easy to love but hard to know, I'm just so used to being overlooked that I thought people would really careless to know.  
I'm scared I'm not enough and that I will never suceed. I'm scared to love and then in it bleed.
There's apart of me that feels like I'm trapped in my own little realm, and I'm so far gone no one cares to help.
So I shut my self down and the ones that I love, but not because it I'm above,  it's more because I feel I'll never be enough.
I set outrageously high expectations,
So that I can't commit to any kind of relations.  It's just easier like that, dealing with me is no mental vacation.
I've  told you I knew the problem was me, don't ever for a second think I'm too blind to see.
I know I'm a monster and act like I don't care, I just know that even though everyone says it, they won't always be there.
It's not that I feel you won't, I just know what it's like and I've lost all hope.
So then I **** up on purpose cuz I'm a ***** and I'm scared. Ironically you're still always around the corner... Just there.
Waiting for what, I really don't know,
But I won't ever be different, I just don't know how to go with the flow.
And for all those reasons that's why I'm alone, I'm just grateful you haven't gone.
I don't  wanna fuss, dont wanna fight, just wanna make sure you my friend are at home and are ready to smoke a blunt tonight.
All my insecurities are giving me a headache, so I puff on the blunt to watch them vacate
They disappear like the clouds of smoke I exhale, turn the music real loud and think of something random like retail.
& just disappear even if it's for a second,
I know I'm terrible I told you I'd admit it.
Of course the insecurities always come back, but I'm really trying here please just help me and cut me some slack.
Michael Parish Feb 2015
I'd splinter you with kisses
Unbound by fear and ingnorant with
The lonly bee keeper alone.  

I'd wish endless wells erupteted to
My  wishes all  alone spare my own penny

I'd dive under cars and sing until you
Gave into my rusty note and lunged for my life  and levy under my unarmed seranade until the cops sing he's a menace who never had to change.

I'd go endless and naked pools of wealthy under brick until we bunker in the warm beds cloth of clear blue water and kiss like nature opening her ponds of endless algae

I'd say my words forever until your dying truth goes past failure to suceed.
The girl who never cried broke out in tears,
How can this be?
She tries to say this isn't real,it's not reality
But she doesn't wake and her heart continues to ache,
He wasn't just some boy
To her he was everything she'd ever need,
She feared without him she wouldn't suceed,
She fell to pieces,
She hurt inside and out,
She neded to shout
Even moew she needed to know if he always had doubts.

How could she have been such a fool,
She believed his lies,
To him she was just another tool,
He used her and made her feel like nothing,
Her heart no longer feels anything but pain,
Her world was shattered and her heart was slain,
This may be her end,
She can no longer go on and pretend,
No it's not alright,
No it's not okay,
She can't bare to stay
Her life must be taken away,
One more day like this
Just to make sure there's nothing she'd miss,
Then she'll be dead
Remembering how he loved her instead.

— The End —