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Give the poems in your head
Some rest.

Don't write them on,
Write them off.

Internally arrange a funeral
Bid them farewell
Give them an unceremonious burial.

The rising poem won't complain
They know well your anguish and pain.

The labour you go through birthing them
Shape their body, give a name
They would understand.

Failed poems are not as arrogant
As the birthed ones.

They too are weary pounding your head
Making holes in your soul
They would rather rest than be born.

They deserve rest.

Let them float away to a place
Where they find peace
And will not be missed.
We used to talk about
to Montana--escaping it all,
building a log cabin and
making a garden.  We were
going to hunt and fish for
food--make rugs and
hats from the fur.

But look at us now.
You live in the
city and drive a Volvo.
Goldfish in a glass bowl.
You even taught your
cat to walk on
a leash.
Can you see the
sky with all the smog?

I'm not any better.
Living under the bridge;
the only hunting I do is
for cans, the rare and
aluminum nickel, so that
I can buy *****.  

I walk down to the
river's edge and look up at
the expansive sky.
I close my eyes.
And when I open them, baby,
we're in Montana.
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read poetry from my recently published book, Rise Up Collected Poems and Short Stories, available on
A little poem, for a little hope,
A small belief in a small meaning,
I can read, write, sing, dance,
Walk, run, but running isn't much fun,
Unless you're trained and motivated,
Of which I am none
A poem of nonsense,
No rhyme nor reason,
A mind unraveling or a belief found
Put it all behind you
Clean out the cobwebs and detours in your head
Use your heart and mind
Easier said than done but do it
There is so much you have to share and accomplish
If you go with the flow look ahead
Give your time and listen
For now and in the future
The rest is behind you

How did a dead man in Reno
come to be a field of ink
in the Martian salt flats-?

It only took a whisper

An addicted civilian
driving the metaphor machine
the last man to voluntarily fly
asleep and well hidden
writing about his life
without survival techniques

Autopsy report says
he slipped at the hand rail
blemishing his planet
in riding time's escalator
a longing to see the stars up close
and give them new names
it's the future grim repasts
of cullen shores
from a cancelled earth

That silently floating figure
was a human all along

I asked one time
"Why must we grow old?"
And I was told
"So we have the mind to ask,
'Why must we grow old?'"
So I guess I'll only show
But never really know
Oh well

Blades are brilliant
bullets precise
and lazers exceptional
but Paper cuts through
flesh and blood
cleaner than science
could ever imagine.
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