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 Nov 2017 saranade
Moving the ocean
With there gigantic tails , whales
make beautiful waves
 Nov 2017 saranade
 Nov 2017 saranade
The boy no longer goes by that name
He was told that it only cycles the same

That boy you once knew is no longer
The battles he fought only saw him falter

Most would say to persevere like anyone should
But he ate into himself like you knew he would

Weak is his spirit like the sun rays of a new day’s dawn
A mere thread holds feeble before he is long gone
 Nov 2017 saranade
 Nov 2017 saranade
i haven't
any thoughts
to offer
except for the
musings from
the mind
and heart

so let this
ink on parchment
match the requiem
of the hour
 Nov 2017 saranade
and if you’re fond of
floating in the limbo
between handshake
and hug
then i suppose
i better make myself
at home.
k. whatever you want.
 Nov 2017 saranade
Dazed Dreaming
Stay for a while... You said to me...
As you lay draped across me...
Content and at peace intertwined at the feet..

Little did you know...
My mind's miles away,
as you continue to speak..
Where did I just go...
What the **** is wrong with me?
Why can't I kick this?
Why can't I be here and be present for this?...

My heart speaks to me...
But I already know the answer...
And it's always ruining things for me..

My eyes fixate on the flickering candle and I feel nothing as you're holding me...
all I can wish for is to feel again like I did before.

To be ignited in your flames of passion.
To be engulfed in our love...
That first kiss I can't seem to forget...


Without you....
It just doesn't exist...

I am still completely dead inside
and the only way you could possibly understand...
Is if you cut me open..
Only to find a withered heart still beating for another...

I know you're convinced that my heart will weather this storm...
Washing away any love that remained....
That I could someday forget the old and love the new...
That I could maybe someday...
Love you....

maybe I want that too...
Maybe I'll be ready again too..

I'm not a rotten person...
I can promise that part's true..
But I've been left behind you see..
By a man whose love buried me...
put beer in your mouth, not guns.
it’s much more delicious and
you’ll live a longer, happier life.
you don’t need suicidal thoughts
just good tunes, good people
and of course, a good beverage.
and worries
will sort
itself out
in due time.

you can cope,
you can figure this out,
you can be happy,
you got this.
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