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The full weight of me behind the eyes
where clouds turn into faces.
My selves are compressed like trash,
and fear doesn't buzz in the ear.
A gale of glad angels come with a wall
the devil can't sink his claws in/
his science is puny beside
the might of God.
Incense is on the rise.
My sovereign hides behind
the altar of my imploring.

Sara Fielder © Mar 2021
Why not write of boxed music?
How novel.

Sentimental, but that doesn't
get me anywhere.

It is tinkling Sorento. In Italy.
And I don't say that like it makes
me special or privileged,

but I was.

Sara Fielder © Feb 2020
"Sit with me, she said, no recognition in her eyes
The heavy stones within my bones where more than I could hide
Were with her when she died, and
softly asked to sit with me,
I sat and twitched, but couldn't switch,
the minutes she'd float free
I waited to be free, to lay the dog down at her feet
Her life had come into the sum of,
"Come and sit with me"
The heavy stones inside my bones where more than I could hide
And all the tears I cried on tides, not helping her or me
The day before with heavy stones,
had gone and bought the wreath
I'd almost ditched the florists switch,
with tears on shorelines tide
The heavy stones within my bones weren't helping her or me
And all the sum, that started from,
a love gone lost at sea
It ended with a final breath, She said
“Come sit with me”

Written by Sara Fielder © May 2015
Everything seems harder.
The furniture we lounge,
the lighting.
What I put into my mouth.

I stay lit enough to function without slobbering.
Funny enough for them to think I mean it.
Creative enough without coming across as weird.

It happened upon a year of being alone.
I looked up and the child I'd forgotten was
not actually a child, cartwheeled away.

I stay sober enough to think I still matter,
and changed my name from Mom to
something vaguely familiar.
Oddly enough, a name my Mom gave me.

This level of impairment allows for memories
like the smell of baby **** to tease without
getting stuck on my imaginary teeth.

Without a word they turn into birds and fly their love away.
You go out to the driveway and stare,
and feel, and decide you're numb and
really dumb compared to other people.

Sara Fielder © Nov 2020
quiet inroad of art,
complimentary as Kiwi
flavors past. Stir.
the gentian violet night of
dreams again like a
stomach ache so that the
creamy days
can climb
imaginations ladder.

there is no rest,
and we will have to go, but
tethered souls are
suctioned with volition.

Sara Fielder © Apr 2018
as an infant,

i had no control.  

as a child,

i gave away control.

as a Youth, i flaunted control.

in midlife, i tolerated control.

in old age, i forgave conrol.

Sara Fielder © Nov 2023
I will sidestep into
an alternate universe when
the debate becomes

I will begin to speculate on
the style of wood used
for the hardwood floors
to avoid confrontational

Sara Fielder © June 2019
My Mother, the one I
wish I'd had.
An alien. The one who
communicates to me
psychically saying
she's sorry with all
four orifices. Saying
I dreamed her and I should
just get over everything
now that I'm older.
I ask if it's true our names
are forgotten in just
two generations. She says,
"That's never been an issue.".

Sara Fielder © Jan 2022
When I was black and lacy
in the center of your soul and
you were liquid poison in my blood
I unfolded into a dark center of satin
where spiders spin their silver threads--
each one pliable and overlapping
We formed a private world where
I spilled myself all over you with all I had
until I forgot who I was and grace
vaporized into a mist of sorrow
I could barely breathe through the smoke
of the wildfire that grew out of control
finally burning down to charcoal ashes
And when it rained, and washed
them all away into the drain,
I crawled down there
to make a castle out of them

Written by Sara Fielder © March 2012
The kayak glides along with the quiet leaves
that ride upon the cold Canadian undercurrent
and I am surrounded by a canvas of carotenoid color
stamped on the still river bank while my mind
focuses on the plastic bobber willing it to move

All I need is just a nibble, just one small nibble
to set the hook in its lip and I'll be fired wide awake
like a shot of espresso falling backward from the
seat of minds lazy slumber and the numbing
contentedness of Autumn as she casts her hibernating
spell on me and the fish which are surely in agreement,
pocketed down deep in siesta as cold as
water sogged logs since they aren't biting

But there is a part of me that won't resign to the likelihood
that this time of year most likely has them puckered
up with barometric bulimia so I keep fishing,
and waiting, and hoping that my rod tip will bend
and fit me into the landscape like I belong

Written by Sara Fielder © Nov 2015
She was daddy’s little girl
He’d sit her on his anti-Nixon knee and
fill her head with white Anglo-Saxon dreams
of walking on water to follow in his big
oxford footsteps so she’d find her place in the
green lamp library of higher learning and
par excellence exile writing with her Mont Blanc pen
on special stationary to him between surprise visits
where she’d fiddle her bifocals into her mother’s
role as wife testing the limits of bad behavior
by criticizing the wait help and when daddy died
he took most of her reason to live with him
so that vengeance became her main mode
of impressing all of the people who
she thought had ignored her

Written by Sara Fielder © June 2015
It's probably not a good thing
to be so wasted,

at this hour,

at my age,

but on the bright side,
I like the sound
my mouth makes when
it's humming.

Sara Fielder © May 2022
In Gods Colosseum imagination was my playmate.
The eyes could almost eat the green things
taking their own individual tour of life.
Slowly, Slowly,
spaciousness sprung and it was venous.

Perfectly petaled perennials ping,
oxygen and nitrogen saturated natures blood to blueberry,
lawnmowers grazed, neighbors swept wicker welcome mats,
inviting old chips of skin to molt off and
birth gratitude into the mind~
to forge the sun into our souls as bright as bullion.

Are we not rich in symbiosis? Thankful for our machinery?
Arms, legs, eyes, olfaction~
a voice saying these things belong to you,
a voice skipping over the one asking
what else there is that there could be.

Sara Fielder © May 2020
Expecting the worst I swam
out to you anyway
my mind rehearsing “rescue”
in silent black and white film
with a premonition that it was
all going to end badly because
in a panic to keep your head
above water I’d be drowned
right along with you and
yet I only half cared
but no one was home behind
the empty eyes that I looked
into for signs of life
your soul was already gone
your face as grey as the stormy sky
your weightless body light while
the water baptized you in my arms
both of us in suspended animation
strangers meeting for the first time
as your girlfriend screamed cut
to the director of your funeral
50 yards offshore and I kept waiting,
waiting for myself to feel something
waiting for your eyes to blink
and your lungs to ***** up
the lake that took you
She kept asking me if you were dead,
and I said I didn’t know
but I did know
I knew that you were ruined
and then it occurred to me that
I didn’t even care
as I towed your body into shore
with my disconnected mind
caught up in the slow motion
world of making,
and I wanted to care
so I tried to but I couldn't
You were dead and
dead is just dead

Written by Sara Fielder © Sept 2013
True story
Branches bob.

Lake surface swirls its discontent
with invisible ghost.
A wilderness of wind swordfighting,
rushing past fast as if it'd lost
its place in line.

Buffalo waves curl on sagey grassland.
The tops of trees like oaken ships.

Sara Fielder © Sept 2021
His words pour out of my ears
snaking away on a belly
of letter vertebrae
saying, "It's nothing personal".

Saying, "Consideration
doesn't come into play.".

The heart has a short memory
interfering with facts. It wants
what it wants without
terms and conditions.

Who knew common sense
could so effectively
smear my immature emotion
into a well bottom?

Sara Fielder © Jan 2022
treadmill of life,

     I recognize the way you've
outpaced me into the wreck
I have become.

Sara Fielder © May 2022
The glass tumbler of cheap brandy
I drink down in gulps like candy
Is the only consolation
That erases me from here
Fooled by my imagination
If God’s here I’d like to see Him
While she gasps in desperation
To the sound of empty air
Where are You, oh where are You?
While her soul is split in two
And we both want it all through
Where are You?
While outside the sun is shining
As her pilot light is dying
If you’re real, please show us now
All of your “Truth”!

Written by Sara Fielder © May 2013
He would walk out alone two by two into
the Mishy Mashy woods a lot
to find what he'd forgot
On this day, when the air
smelled of meat charred and blackened
on crusting surfaces of peat, he remembered
that the sun was on time, and that he had to find
what he had missed before he got too old

He climbed up high to reach the handy stand
foot by foot wherein the foggy canopy space
is curvy and dewdrops are pearly
Thinking that his slicker slacker
was too bright for them to see
he misted his pelt smelt
The cranberry clearing below was regretfully empty

Yesterday, it bore the color of lavender
and reddish gold
He tried to clear the muggles
from his mind, or take a lichen to them,
but he couldn't, so he
put away his bow and
handed himself a pocket
In it was the hair of a locket
fair and bygone losted
His body was frosted
Still, as he ran his fingers through it
he gladdened, and sparked the why
of which he mainly camed

Written by Sara Fielder © Feb 2012
I watch the autumn day delay its close,
as if its clock had stopped, wood shadows froze,
I feel the gusts of wind begin to calm,
and quiet to a whisper blowing balm.

The suns fat sleepy face an orange ball,
of friendship warming tears as they would fall,
as do the black elm leaves come snowing down,
and cold crows caw away November brown.

I sit and watch the red squirrel hopping by,
a woodpecker taps bark wrinkled and dry~
If I could only hold this scene in place,
a smile would remain permanent this face.

Sara Fielder © Nov 2021
when you start taking life for granted.

Sara Fielder © Oct 2022
How have you been my dear, my dear?
You have not written in nary a year
Oh really? It's only been two or three months?
Whatever, whatever, it feels like a bunch

You think that it's funny that's verdantly clear
Don't worry I'm gone, so there's nothing to fear
But I thought that I'd write a few lines so you'd know
I've moved on just as you writing poems as I go

And like you I'm a cynic, so why should I care
That you left me without having shed any tears?
And those days that my heart feels its tourniquet choke
I ignore with a whiskey, TV and a smoke

Written by Sara Fielder © Feb 2012
Running errands in my congested car
through the traffic ants
Don’t even try keeping up as they
obliterate the speed limit
all racing toward their own
individual house fires
cutting each other off at the exit
so they can swarm the larger loops
that connect them to some other
pathway of pathological promise
Today I can barely concentrate
on my gps navigator,
yet I wonder where in almighty America
they are all going, and
how did there get to be so many of us
I turn off the radio and go
on autopilot trying to feel like
I am part of this kaleidoscopic colony
Imagine my antenna communicating
to them that we should all go
in a straight line toward
National Geographic utopia instead
of figure eight automobile commotion
Wanting us all to be together
on the same planetary page
But I gotta feeling that
none of them would even notice
if I let go of the wheel with
both hands doing 60

Written by Sara Fielder © May 2015
Inquiry: Where did that intense weather of feeling go?

Hypothesis: Fallow pastures heal, spawning growth and creativity.

Experiment:  Break down finite components of the past into a unit of singularity. Flood with equanimity.

Observation: The wounded child emerges into a tenuous echo of you.

Conclusion/Retrospect: It was nothing more than bad acting.

Sara Fielder © Sep 2018
When I am venous,
my blood, the color
of blueberries and
I know the truth
in my bones.

Thoughts that tend to
think the worse are
foamy and as
heartbreaking as
a family home.

Sara Fielder © Sept 2021
I waited in the lobby
As the television blared
While my mother was in surgery
Me wondering how she fared
Where the old ones in their wheelchairs
Pushed by strangers came and went
Wearing dressing gowns of cotton
With their dignity a-vent
And the doctors came to treat them
In their valuable time
Looking down upon these people
Without SEEING them, like mine
With their faces hid by masks
So you won’t know that they don’t care
Wearing paper shoes and paper hats
Such that you’d never dare
To waste their time by asking questions
And risk seeming like a fool
Just by virtue of the fact that they’ve
Had twenty years of school
But the sickly in their wheelchairs
Keep on coming back for more
Hoping they will beat Grim Reaper
As he bangs on deaths dark door
And the doctors with their scissors
And their scalpels cutting neat
Say “To hell with bedside manner
You are just a piece of meat”

Written by Sara Fielder © Jan 2012
someone summon a
true muse


drawing in and out with a violin breath
from its cathedral chest, expanding
happiness's legitimacy

there's no point in questioning
why an omniscient mockery of me
is made along side the
mellifluous sentences he makes

there is a ministry of silence
outweighing the dense space
between ears, and there are beings
faintly floating there in the distance
that cause a sigh of relief

Sara Fielder © May 2018
I put you in a cardboard box
and stabbed you for no reason.
jabbed the brown paper
sack square for no reason.
Your innocent scarlet heart meant nothing.
I felt nothing, when it asked me
why I had bled its life out to slowly die.
The first question they ask is “Why”?
Try making water out of fire.
There was no reason.

I took my shadow out for a walk,
tripped and lay there without getting up~
lay there thinking of what I could create
with all the anguish, fear and hate that
I was born with. Me. A non-entity,
am beaten with a corn fiber broom
where paint chips fall off cobwebbed walls
and closet skeletons boo down halls.

So now it’s through.
And all of the happiness you thought you knew
I vacantly stole away.
A tonic for the living dead substituting
the milk of a mothers love
so that now neither of us
has anything left to gnaw on.

Written by Sara Fielder © 2012
Written after the brutal killing of many innocent children at one of our nations elementary schools by some lunatic. I was trying to imagine what type of personality he has.
I don't care that you care not for
me and my mommy cares stare.
I don't. I swear.
Your not caring makes me to care less.
In fact, at this very moment I am loosening
the not's of not caring with DO-not's and
hoarding them like a bear~
it's how I lessen my cares of sharing,
but your teenage flair for
making my heart feel like a steak
that's rare wants me to put you
on the next flight out on Swiss Air,
'cause I SO don't care when you act like a Frigidaire.
Sometimes I think you should
have been raised by an Au Pair. So there.
When you're ready to repair
our affair you know where I live. Upstairs.
And don't try to like caring when you don't either.
Got it? Good.
But you look happy in your
Humpty Dumpty
ignoring the arms and legs
poking out from
the hard boiled body that
lives largely inside the spaghetti
brains you inherited one
Macanudo at a time

Written by Sara Fielder © July 2016
The mind is a bad habit.

See through its sensationalism.
Flick off the lies you tell yourself.
Truth is in a state of rest.

R u aware of the fact
your centipede feet suffer
less with objectivity?

Accept change is inevitable.
Let heart shrug.
It's such an easy way to breathe.

Sara Fielder © Oct 2018
Sanity is a soap bubble
sailing toward
the feeble farm.

Sara Fielder © Sept 2021
Crashing in like a surf break pounds the shore,
soak my flesh as every grain of sand,
till all my bones ache to their very core,
and passions fiery heat need not be fanned.

Then carry me, like a curly golden maid,
as fresh as eggs collected in the morn,
who reaches for the milk jug in the shade,
to wash your feet without an ounce of scorn.

Who cherishes each vow to keep life sane,
engulfing loneliness inside the soul,
as earth spins hyper fast and numbs the brain,
like a hungry swirling mass of purple hole.

Untie the knots in unforgiving space,
to wrap them up again as ribboned bows;
representing gifts of love and common grace,
like a newly polished chalice all aglow.

Then shoo away the shadows that are hiding;
Threatening to take our breath in deathly throe,
by loving me as if I was worth finding,
till the quiet in my head becomes a roar.

Written by Sara Fielder © Sept 2012
I saw my reflection
in the glass table top
down at the Roxy wearing
too much mascara~
your fingertips branding me
awake when our song played

I feasted on your hot breath
and controlled movements upon
the waxed tile,stimulated by
the black tie and her perfume

My plastic hands reached
into your dinner jacket for a mint,
discreetly placing the twenty
within its satin folds

It was the bands last set
and it was right on
the tip of my tongue,
except that I just knew you
tasted like gin and strychnine

Written by Sara Fielder © Sept 2012
I'd write about your black and white wings
beating to weather with their split rail rhythm
and civil war memories at our Mississippi
fishing hole oasis 'cept you won't even
take a Nascar pit stop to pay
me the time of sunny day
I watch you taste the snake mud
squishing beneath my sneaks before
you fly off over the accented hills
to stuff forgiveness in your confederate
mailbox but I ask you, why must we
have to go our separate ways?

Written by Sara Fielder © May 2015
In a stall at an interstate rest pit
not far from Hot Springs
My first stop in Arkansas where
the road **** goes from armadillo to possum
How much sport has taken place
where I'm careful to squat just low
enough to *** without touching the seat
swearing when I notice too late
that there's no paper
By tonight there'll be no soap
left in the dispenser to clean the sting
between her dimpled legs
It would of been a major inconvenience
for me, but probably taught her
the hard way to carry Handi Wipes

Written by Sara Fielder © July 2016

i forgive myself regularly for
walking off the cliff of self doubt
and anthropomorphizing the scenery/
watch me fail with words to improve perfection


in geologic layers hues
are stacked like pancakes
where people plodded
this granite empire as

busy restarting fires
making babies, and
Sherpa-ing objects of survival
on their spines too alive to
feel the vague pain of existence
with that backdrop

Sara Fielder © June 2019
'Round the orange warm pit of fire
Phantom dancers enter in
Where the sparks were rising higher
Smudging face paint near our din

Beating loudly, harder, faster
They drift up inside the smoke
Smoke that's swirling in wind circles
Rhythmic funnels of split oak

In connected, spinning trance state
We could see them, could we not?
With their beaded braids a shaking
And the red glow fire hot

Through the cloud puffs
of our drum smoke
With the magic of our minds
We saw ghostly lupine beings
Come from feathered years behind

We were beating, harder, faster
With hypnotic drumstick hands
Frozen hands kept pa pa pumming
To invoke the spells of man

Healing sounds of pa pum drumbeats
Ice and fire wolf moon clan
They soft footed round our powwow
Took our spirits to their land

Written by Sara Fielder © Jan 2016
A vacation from words.

That's a lie.

Dry on them is more like it~

my chalky palette is too sinful

for their indescribable flourish.

Written by Sara Fielder © July 2017
I can watch the red dirt
funnel its way into
twisted ghosts without words.

You're daring me to see you.
I want you to see me.
You could scoop me up into
your big eye of red wind,
magician of sand!

You are pretending
not to notice I've exorcized
pride for just one look by

You must know you can do
more damage that way.

Sara Fielder © May 2018
apparently, we have endangered ourselves
in the process of protecting ourselves,
and everything in between scampers
into the den to try and defile, but it all works out
in the end, still may I remind you that all the
rhyming in the world won't save you, and it is as if
not paying attention wasn't the worst thing you
could do because it is. Period.
No one can conquer that level of assurance.
That might even be what they were referring to
in the bible when they spoke about the sword of truth.
What is truth? It is personal. It is individual.
Sharp enough for you?

Sara Fielder © Sept 2022
In that moment of cemetery silence
when Cimarron sun sets down
her oven mitt-ed heat upon the
cracked stiffness of winter's defense
an eagle rests, intoxicated by
cyan sky and river's quaking

Written by Sara Fielder © Feb 2016
I am but a wavelength
of electric light within the
coral coves curled embrace
singularly seeking connectivity
in the midst of your chondrichthian shadow
while you fly like an underwater
seraphim whose serene presence
wills me to slow down
so I might share the secret
of your glistening

Written by Sara Fielder © Dec 2015
Hello progenitors.
I'd hoped
you'd find me
in the archives.
All my words were
caked in
just for you.

Sara Fielder © Apr 2018
All of the flies around the corpses buzzed in convict
uniform having tea to appease the Gods of the world
that lay hard upon you in your merriment...
Lay decisive against your all encompassing hunger
for recognition and love from a merciless land
They wont bargain with you and it's because they
speak without tongues and make music
with medicine they believe doesn't concern you

Written by Sara Fielder © Sept 2015
Lick the potash with contempt
I’m made into~a silent frown of
balled up yarn and wood grain
My cold hands stretch these elastic hours
into days that pass two at a time

I lie around trying to
make sentences and love myself
Contaminated by tinnitus~
as expectant as a dog wearing
un-contained excitement
then let down when the sun
sets without a bone

My heart wound up with
bailing wire that works in vain to
show how much you mean to me,
and aches because of
all the fun we’re missing

Written by Sara Fielder © Oct 2012
We hike Elk trail, just you and I
The sky a 1972 blue
Its ceiling stretches long and wide
Some cirrus sifted wisps there too

I keep my focus on the ground
As not to trip you up ahead
Loose granite making crunchy sounds
"More youth and stamina", I said

Then match my rhythm with your step
Remembering all my treks before
While you, a dream I hadn't met
Now fill them in with so much more

And when we reach the mountain top
An eagle keeps us company
Sun shadow times remaining clock
The signal that it's time to leave

I watch your lithesome limbs descend
And think in twenty years or more
You'll wish the daylight would not end
When with your daughter you explore

Written by Sara Fielder © Jan 2015
A day hike with my 15 yr. old daughter
One hundred fourteen
degrees in prickly El Paso
nothing can grow but stones.

I climb the warty hillsides
of minds remembrance
too old to recall my birthplace/
venturing the terrace of
my parents lives across
Juarez's playground.

They, two young yuccas
initiated alongside the
creek bed when, they
ran out of sweet water.

Sara Fielder © May 2018
Time to draw the
curtain of our lids down
on the world.
No workplace accidents occurred
near the brass knuckle
cubicle all day.
I said I'd perfected the art
of being human in between
tea and traffic. He replied
they were all *******.
We could be
on the verge of another cold war,
but for now let's risk our
lives in teeth grinding
sleep practice.

Written by Sara Fielder © Apr 2017
The morning glory doesn't mind
When sunset interrupts its climb
Its happy flowers seem to know
It's time their purple eyelids close

And busy bees become becalmed
When sky sings lullaby-like song
Pulls down the soft air rainbow sheets
And tucks them in to go to sleep

The heartbeat of the earth is slowed
Winds exhalations sigh and blow
A kiss on every living thing
That rests till daylight comes again

When new morn cracks in majesty
I swear that as I live and breathe
So long as I am full alive
With gratitude I'll love my life

Written by Sara Fielder © Sept 2014
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