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Rays of Sun baptismal,/
Glisten upon my /
Sol- Dazed epidermis /
As I /
Waft in throes /
Of Beauteous romance & /
Wax hypnotized by /
The sweet nothings of /
My Desiderata Materialista Transcendentalista. /

Resting in the algid embrace of /
The Hiemal Winds /
Atop my /
Voluptuary Ivory Tower, /
In this cup I, I savor the flavor, /
Of ambrosia stimulanté: /
—Rousing me with each sip, /
Of sweet deific nectar, /
@starbucks Pike Place with White Chocolate Mocha Creamer. /

The former barista in me, /
Waxes & wanes in waves; moreover /
The past is derelict, /
The future is nigh, /
The present is luminous /
As I /
Wonder Upon /
The seasons, the distance, the space, and the time,/
That separates me from mi amour, ~ a moment in time. /

(—Se’ lah)
You spirit me away to Greater Eden, /
In the redolent throes of /
Ethereal /
Romance. /

Reverie is magnified in your absence /
As I wonder upon /
Your /
Towering arms. /

Your heart is an impearled grand piano, /
Singing to me symphonically. /
Each key, weaving a tapestry /
Of the sonorities in amour. /

Beauty is your cadenza, /
As your radiant moonbeams  /
Whisk me away to /
Twilight En Amour. /

May you be mine, /
Until the stars evanesce /
From The Charred Canvas of /
The Night Sky. /

I am yours, /
From sea to shining sea /
Uttering one-thousand words in solemn prayer /
That our union may ne’er deliquesce. /

May these words imbue you /
With the ardor of ages /
That we might procure in the heat of romance, /
The silver wings to soar heavensward. /

You are my forevermore, /
You are my swansong, /
You are my euphony, /
You are my musicality. /

You are my poetry, /
You are my eternity, /
You are my whimsicality, /
You are my Ivory Knight. /

(—Se’ lah)
6 "Place me as a seal upon your heart,

As a seal upon your arm,

For love is as strong as death is,

And exclusive devotion is as unyielding as the Grave.

Its flames are a blazing fire, the flame of Jah.

7 Surging waters cannot extinguish love,

Nor can rivers wash it away.

If a man would offer all the wealth of his house for love,

It would be utterly despised.”

—Song of Solomon 8: 6, 7 (NWTSE)
Sol, the resplendent sol: /
Where? /
Luminous! /
Where? /
Luminous! /
Luminous! /
Magistry! /

The Crescent Moon: Her magisterial lies /
Denuded every faculty inside /
At dawn, I arise /
Beseeching The Aethers sky high, /
Let love, light, & truth prevail /
For but an ephemeral exhalation, the stygian shadow seemed to malign /
Yet I will regain the wings to soar, soar heavensward once more. /
Perhaps the resplendent sol will greet me upon my ascent. /

(—Se' lah.)
Walk through the rain unafraid /
Of The Fulgurant Storm that might ensue /
In its wake, /
You are saved, a Child of Grace; /
An Empyreal Blaze of hallowed fame /
For so long as we walk in faith. /
The Transcendental One, /
He walks with us /
Radiant, /
Resplendent, /
Full, /
He is my aegis, /
My bulwark, /
My protection, my fortress. /

When darkness falls /
As I walk /
Beneath the starless night sky /
My heart shines; /
Is /
My guide. /

He fulminates; /
Is radiant /
His love is luminous, /
Astral, /
Burgeoning & quenching /
My every desire. /

Quenching my heartbeat /
With an unmatched /
Synchronicity; /
Bestilled, unmoving /
In His presence. Naturalistic, inheld /
Beauty, —timeless. /

I’m here /
In this time, this space, this place. /
Reverberating /
Upon the wavelength of The Divine. /
Oh, I’m resonating sky high, /
Sky high. /

(—Se’ lah)
Aqueous bombs descend from these eyes /
As I wonder beneath nightfall. /
Seeing, hearing the kaleidoscopic dream /
As it unravels, unfurls through me /
Heightens my perceptivities. /

I am luminous, I am luminous /
As I glisten upon the dreamscape. /
I am a cosmic reverberation, /
An ethereal resonation /
Luminosity, blue-hot./

Self-sovereignty: /
I am a freedom all my own, /
Lows (algid), /
Highs (empyreal, pyroclastic); /
I am astral. /
When skies cry, /
I dare not doubt /
For I know every tear has meaning, /
& not one of them is forgotten: /
Tenuous, airy, heady, divine, sublime. /

He raises me to heights empyreal, supernal /
When I have ascended triumphal arcadian skies /
I fathom the redolent reverie has not ended, /
Rather, I am one /
With all things. /

Crystalline, intemerate, pearlescent /
His glistening irides /
They gleam, they shimmer /
With a luminosity that is interstellar: /
Divo! /

Every morn he awakens me anew /
Reminding me that I still possess life, love, liberty, /
& embrace! /
With boundless freedom, /
I unfurl the wings to soar. /

The clairron voice of The Sovereign of Songbirds awakens me every morn. /
The musicality within, /
I fathom it /
Will never leave me. /
It cascades upon me incessantly. /

(—Se' lah )
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