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Jul 2017 · 288
Cued Memories
Samantha Jul 2017
It's hard to get over them
When spoken words remind me of those days
When men were boys who had no toys
postures and behaviors trigger
Yes, they trigger me
Figures, I can not trust this space
Smells take me back to the places,
I see faces and shapes that wait
I promise the truth when I say
'I'm not overreacting,
but my mind and body are."
from anxiety attacks to panic attacks
Jun 2017 · 264
Love's enemy
Samantha Jun 2017
After all I did for you, I will not take this...
...How dare you?

Pride kills relationships and is love's enemy.
Humility is love's friend.
Jun 2017 · 266
Trigger warning
Samantha Jun 2017
"I love you"
~trigger warning~
does He mean it or is it just to say?
He stares at me
~trigger warning~
He leans in
I feel uncomfortable
~trigger warning~
I screamed as I pushed him away
This takes me back yesterday
relationships are not the same after a trauma, it could be anything.
Jun 2017 · 250
Scared for my life
Samantha Jun 2017
Death seems to come closer as the days are over
Losing loved ones day by day. Am I next?
Jun 2017 · 488
(Un)thankful sinner
Samantha Jun 2017
My eyes hurt because I force myself to keep them open.
When I close my eyes I see scenes I cant forget,
I have regrets.
I'm a sinner and yet,
I complain.
I complain that people don't remember my name.
I complain when I get the wrong order.
I complain about life.

But I'm grateful for the strength in my legs.
For my legs that support my body when walking.
The ability to hold a pen and write.
Sense of humor, friends, family and air.
I am thankful for my eyes,
they help me see.
Not just see what I have now,
also what in the future will be.
Jun 2017 · 205
bleed on pages
Samantha Jun 2017
Unspoken words flow through my pen
They are the tear that cannot leave my eyes
And thoughts that linger to the halls of my mind
Trying to find ways out without doors to meet
I'm blue but words beat me up until I'm black
Scars that remind me its real
Bruised by life's ways
Most days,
I cannot take it
That's when I bleed on pages
Samantha | © 2017
If you don't talk about it write about it
Apr 2017 · 725
Samantha Apr 2017
She felt the pressure to push me out
that's how I was born
I felt the pressure to complete
but I failed
I felt pressure to say yes
I felt pressure,
Pressure to succeed
Pressure to make them happy
Pressure, parents have no idea

Pressure. . . Panic. . .pressure
I felt pressure to allow
I felt pressure to permit
Pressure I felt
Pressure to go along
Pressure to be someone else
Pressure I give in
Pressure I give up
Pressure messed me up
Feb 2017 · 262
At my best
Samantha Feb 2017
I knew I was good when they asked me
"What's good?" and I paused
I paused for way to long
My go-to answer was nothing new
but now there was a lot of new
What would I mention, what would I share?
With him still waiting for my response I smiled
And all I could say was "A lot" and walk away smiling
Being at peace with yourself and others is the best feeling
Feb 2017 · 299
It's Not Fair
Samantha Feb 2017
For the past days I've thought about a lot of things
Lately there have been many announcements,
from baby showers to wedding rings

Not that I'm looking for any of that at the moment
I just realized that I've been less focused
Distracted by what I want
blind for what I got

It's not fair
you don't get to feel what I feel
but at the end of the day you are always here

I'm slowly dying
wanting to like what you're supplying
wanting to like your personality,
your speech, drive, just you in totality

But I can't
You hurt me daily, not sure if its on purpose
You belittle me, make me feel bad about myself
never good enough and always at fault

I love that your consistent, always there
I love that you physically care
I love how you push me to my limit sometimes
I love that I can be myself with you any time

How can I let go?
When I don't like you
But I love you
I'm afraid of letting you go because I think I don't have anyone else who would be here for me
Feb 2017 · 254
I Can't
Samantha Feb 2017
People don't seem to understand.
It's really something I don't have in my hand.
It's not a matter of I don't want to,
I don't feel like it or Im not in the mood.
I really have days when physically I can't move.

Try they say, show up.
Make it work and grow up.
I don't get to choose what's for today
It's the moment I wake up that I can say,
God thank you for another day.

It's a trigger, you accusing me
Of not doing my best, giving the best of me
Saying I exaggerate and am lazy
Even more when you show it daily
Im happy I know Jehovah
He is my stronghold every time I fall
Jan 2017 · 256
Samantha Jan 2017
How it ***** to feel lonely when not alone
Feel overwhelmed with people around you

Wanting to be with someone
Wanting to be alone

Wanting to be together
Wanting to know my own
Jan 2017 · 253
Samantha Jan 2017
I mean...
If I was you,
I wouldn't be with me either.
Jan 2017 · 299
Samantha Jan 2017
A complicated past is for the future to be simple.
Jan 2017 · 265
Samantha Jan 2017
A relationship is more than just holding my hand
Jan 2017 · 327
The Past in my Future
Samantha Jan 2017
When people ask me about the past
I think about what last
Your silent smiles
Your deep brown eyes
Your lame jokes that cracked me up
Real taste for food that never stopped
Your kind acts that made a statement
That your love for us was one of the greatest
I wished they asked me about you
I can't wait to see you in paradise
We'll be running, dancing I cant forget the laughing
You're the past that comes back in the future
you're one of the reasons why my hope
I continue to remember
You're one of the reasons my faith
I will continue to nurture
Jan 2017 · 410
Don't Open Me
Samantha Jan 2017
I was always different
from what people expected
I know I'm still so immature
I still learn from  my life lessons
so many responsibilities that I have neglected
my vision was always strong in a different direction
had a lot that I had bottled inside
I couldn't express it
Pain wont leave me for a day
I can feel the depression
Its taking over my body, mind and soul
Its like I'm always stressing
People tell me that I should sleep
but I'm always so restless
I lay awake at night and think
my thoughts are so helpless
Do I need a moment to breath?
Just a moment to vent this?
I seem to be the only person
that I play pretend with
*When all the lights go out
what am I really left with?
Dec 2016 · 587
More than a Homie
Samantha Dec 2016
The sun is up, my mood is down
I'm in my room in the dark, no one around
I'm feeling drowned

Its nothing new i know it's wrong
Think it through, it's so wrong
The feeling is strong

But God is stronger
I'm moving on, can't wait no longer
Looking for peace i feel the hunger

Time keeps going I can't control it
I'm feeling so weak and I want to own it
But I cannot breath, Father please hold me

I am in need
I need more than a homie
Dec 2016 · 283
How are you doing?
Samantha Dec 2016
Its a standard question we ask people
most of the time expecting a simple good or fine
its courtesy, polite behavior
but have you ever tried to see beyond that?
Eyes speak and tell stories that have never been told
observe, don't just go about life
try to feel and experience life with others
this too is an act of kindness
from strangers to friends
Dec 2016 · 422
your kind of help hurts
Samantha Dec 2016
I don't think people understand
how much more it hurts when they say things such as
you'll get over it, feel better or its probably just the weather
my feelings are very real still I endeavor to succeed
constantly battling my self and being on the edge of losing
my mind is strong and my body is weak
That's why when I feel low Gods guidance I seek
Dec 2016 · 243
Hunt me down
Samantha Dec 2016
I've been so scared
So unstable
Never thinking I was able
But you know that I trust you
And I know that you love me
Voices run through my head
Making me forget who I am
But your heart is so kind
Makes me forget who I was
Like a knife in the woods
You keep me alive
Make me run not just drive
You hunt down the good in me
Nov 2016 · 289
Samantha Nov 2016
When I remember that you see and observe me
I feel protected
People walk past me day and night, I could forget
Since this life is so hectic
A person who loves you and will never forget you
Who will never make you feel neglected
Who cares for you all the time, not only when in need
It makes my heart grow in a world that is trying to shrink it
But you Jehovah are bigger than this world
and greater than my heart
Nov 2016 · 205
Samantha Nov 2016
Pressure on my chest
racing heartbeat, when will it rest?
So many people around me but I'm alone
anxiety attack
Nov 2016 · 5.7k
fatherless child
Samantha Nov 2016
I wanted it so much
to hear the words and feel your touch
to be happy
I did not know that for the rest of my life I would feel this gap, I
I asked around for you
thinking I would find you
When I found you, you've already forgotten
You've found something better
No longer did you want me
let along need me
I guess my search was in vain
A fatherless child I remain
I still love him.
Nov 2016 · 320
No excuses
Samantha Nov 2016
I blame my issues
anxiety and fear to fail
for my over-protective behavior of self
I should not
I must learn
Learn to see, accept and trust
Learn to listen, notice and love
is it too late for a life lesson?
Nov 2016 · 345
Is it wrong?
Samantha Nov 2016
Is it wrong that I feel sad?
Is it wrong that I don't want to cheer myself up?
Or anyone else for that matter?
Is it wrong to want to be in my feels?
Being alone and feeling lonely?
Grieving by my self
Our death, that was not yet declared
but oh so obvious
We wouldn't make it together
but we both can on our own
Nov 2016 · 288
dissapointed in myself
Samantha Nov 2016
A battle between the heart and the mind
you've caused me to see things that can't be unseen
my heart truly loves you but my mind know its not right
I'm indecisive, I should leave but I don't
My want to be with you is stronger that the pain I should carry
I'm selfish not taking care of myself
to take care of you
I hurt me by loving you
Nov 2016 · 534
Samantha Nov 2016
Usually when it runs I panic
Sometimes I want it to speed up
Other days I want it to slow down
Depending on what I’m doing it makes me smile or frown
If it's with you, we don't need others around
I still remember you were the talk of the town
I didn't really know you then but I'd liked to say I know you now
Loved me through my nervous breakdowns
And turned my life upside down
I hope that friends we remain
Old together swinging our cane
Or forever young drinking kids champagne
May the years double like the bubbles
and we make it through the struggles
Soon to be in a world without these troubles
the friend I always needed
Nov 2016 · 695
Samantha Nov 2016
I'm still wondering if I'm good enough
Just to keep your love

sometimes I get insecure
like I did before
before I was sure that you were here for me

I don't want to give in to my thoughts
I don't want to be afraid
But I wonder why your still here with me
Oct 2016 · 514
My trigger
Samantha Oct 2016
Something keeps pulling me
to where I am,
and where I don't want to be
If only people could see
What this does to me
Oct 2016 · 389
Samantha Oct 2016
You're the only one I spent so much time and effort on.
I hold on to chances like it's the only thing that's floating
Because losing you feels like drowning
Everything is good until it's not
I gave permanent feelings to a temporary  person
Oct 2016 · 471
Samantha Oct 2016
Now I say you're name in vain
It used to make me smile
Never thought things would change
I guess it just was too much
Oct 2016 · 278
Samantha Oct 2016
You hurt me
my heart wants to get you back but my mind knows its wrong
Two wrongs don't make it right
so why hurt you back
When you love someone you pray  they change
Soon you'll accept they'll always be the same
No revenge
I choose forgiveness
The act of pardoning an offender; ceasing to feel resentment toward him because of his offense and giving up all claim to recompense.
Oct 2016 · 200
Samantha Oct 2016
My love for you hasn't changed
I just can't stay
Oct 2016 · 349
Samantha Oct 2016
Waste time
not enjoying
seeing you is becoming a burden
we didn't expect this
it just is
we both feel the same
but still we stay together

we all grow on our own
going separate ways
what made us think we were different
still we wont accept it
nor will we work on it
Oct 2016 · 989
Happiness is I
Samantha Oct 2016
Every morning is a feast
if you really think about it
You're alive and breathing
You have clothes, a roof over your head and food
You have people who care for you
But most important you have God who cares for you
He will never fail to
Accept Love
based on Proverbs 15:15
Samantha Jul 2016
You are here
With me
But you're different
Somehow you've changed
You're not the person I made memories with
It's your body but not your ways
Dealings are different
I miss you

Whenever I get used to it
You come and do something
Something the old you would do
Not to much but enough to keep me there
Are you afraid of losing me?
Or just to selfish to let me move on?
I guess this is the new you...I should get used to
I try to leave but I don't want to miss you

Jul 2016 · 393
My stronghold
Samantha Jul 2016
Sailing these wild waves
Dark deep oceans
You are my lighthouse
Jul 2016 · 1.1k
Surrounded by Actors
Samantha Jul 2016
It's  scary
Not really knowing who you are
I guess it depends on the scene
Every setting a different person
Every setting  the same body

It's  scary
Not knowing  your mind
Not knowing  your heart
You trying to help
You tearing me apart

But what hurts the most
Being surrounded by actors
Wanting to trust
But terrified of dissapointment
Dispite all of this I won't change me because of actors
Don't change because people treat you a certain way. You'll  be   just like them. Just be  conscious.
Jul 2016 · 350
Love Never Fails
Samantha Jul 2016
Almost everyday we meet new people
There was a day when I met you
I might not exactly Remember where
and how, but is that really important?
We became friends and still are, now that Is important
We might not talk every week or month,
See each other that often...Is that a big deal?
I have come to Realize that Situations change
And because of this people can change
and that's Ok
We just have to Remember what Love really is, as 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a states:
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous. It does not brag, does not get puffed up, 5 does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. 6 It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. 7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never fails.
Jul 2016 · 321
Samantha Jul 2016
I don't write for attention
Attention can be temporary
I write to express myself
Because it is momentary
I might not feel this again, think this again
It might seem to be the same thought or feeling but its different

Do you find it difficult to know?
To know what it is you're feeling
In a world that hides it all and calls it "protecting yourself"
How could it be easy?
To feel is not to fall
And to fall is not to fail
Another lesson learned

But what is life anyway if you can't express feeling
We would all be blank canvases
Completely blank, not even a dot
Express yourself, use some paint
Take that brush and start to paint

You might think but why write
And why paint
No one will read it
No one will see it
Do it for you
If you are afraid to share it with the world
Share it with yourself
Jun 2016 · 298
Emptiness Filled With Joy
Samantha Jun 2016
Because if you do it right
moments of silence and emptiness
can be filled with
memories and hope
that give you joy
Apr 2016 · 250
Samantha Apr 2016
When it falls
Some men complain
It keeps them weak and they feel stuck

When its dry
Some men complain
It is too hot and nothing grows

But realize
Do not complain
Cause both are good but they dont know

Time is the key
And patience a must
What you  make from it is in your hands
Apr 2016 · 721
I got you, He said
Samantha Apr 2016
Low, down,under
Almost drowning
Kick, push, hold on
It gets harder when you're counting
I'm weak, in doubt and fear
Down know where the shore is
Love, hope and faith
That's what keeps me floating
Samantha Apr 2016
I look for inspiration
to write words you'll never read.
But my heart is full of it, words that you'll never hear.
I talk about you to others to fill the void.
I should be done by now, but what I feel I can't avoid.
The pain inside is to much to carry.
Sometimes I doubt my existence,
am I real or am I imaginary.

— The End —