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Sage D May 2020
You are the love of my life,
The one who makes my heart race.
You are the light of my life,
The one who knows how to make me smile.

You are the one I want to be with,
Every morning and every night.
You are the one I hope to marry,
To have children and grow old with you.

You are my favorite person,
You tell me that I am yours.
You are both my lover and friend,
You tell me that I am yours.

Now until forever,
With no end in sight:
You are mine,
And I am yours.
Sage D Oct 2019
My love is a poison,
one you should not run from.
My love is a parasite,
one you should only accept.

I want to be by your side,
and for you to be by me always.
Standing behind you,
my arms trapping you in my embrace.

The air is chilling,
goosebumps are rising.
Your heart is racing,
my grip is tightening.

You can't leave me,
nor will I ever leave you.
You can try to run,
but I will always find you.

The figure in the shadows,
the feeling of being watched.
The alarm that soon appears,
is a beautiful look on you.

I know what you're scared of,
I use them to my advantage.
I know your secrets,
even the ones you never told.

I love you,
and the way you go crazy.
I love you,
and the way you scream.

You hate me though,
but that makes me love you more.
You call me terrible things,
and you're right about them.

I'm a parasite,
a virus that gets into your head.
Eating away all things sane,
until there's nothing left.

I, my dear,
am the embodiment of fear.
I'm back after a whole year basically. Hope this is good. I think it turned into an abusive relationship poem, that wasn't my intention.
Sage D Nov 2018
Everyone wants to be loved and be in love.
Don't they?

The person they can trust with their life,
with every small piece of them.
To be accepted completely,
even with all the chips and scratches they may have.

To wake up every morning and think of them,
only to fall asleep at night with them on their mind.
To be filled with a warmth that cannot be explained,
when they are held or touched by their partner.

This pull to want to be near them as much as possible,
and that they never leave.
The smile that makes its way onto their face,
as they listen and talk with their partner.

These things and many more,
make up what someone might feel when in love.
I, however,
do not.

I used to,
but now these feelings are just left empty.
This sense of something missing,
always brings me to wonder.

Am I really in love?
Am I really being loved?
Is this what love feels like after a while?
Is this what being loved feels like after a while?

I will find out at some point...
But no matter what:
Everyone wants to be loved and be in love.
Don't they?
Everyone wants to be loved and be in love. Don't they?
Sage D Oct 2018
You came back,
crawling with scratches covering you.
Hurt and broken,
as you beg for forgiveness.

But not to me,
to the one that inflicted those wounds.
The one that pretended to be the victim,
making you believe that you were in the wrong.

I can't bear to watch you be hurt,
though I may say otherwise.
I'm a part of you,
begging to take control of your actions.

You deserve better.
You deserve happiness.
You deserve someone kind.
You deserve me, Love.

I abandoned you,
despite my saying that I'd never.
I threw you out,
and said "Good luck on your own."

You never listened.
You are no longer on your own.
You will be protected.
You will be loved.

May you not make the same mistakes as you did before.
May you take care of yourself even when I'm not here.
May you find the person that will treat you right.
May you never suffer from heartbreak again.
  Oct 2018 Sage D
Ariana Bagley
I love him
I tell myself
I know that
We will be together forever
I don’t believe that
We could be separated
My thoughts tell me that
He’s the love of my life
Sometimes my heart lies and says
I could live an eternity
Without him
Like my friends say
“We’re perfect for each other”
And you can’t tell me
He’s not the one.

Now read from bottom to top.
  Oct 2018 Sage D
I fell in love
And caught myself
When you didn't
Just stood right back up
And brushed it off
Like a trip
A slip of the foot
I walk now
With a limp
But at least I didn't become a *******
Sage D Oct 2018
I made you believe in things,
though you thought they would last forever.
I brought you happiness,
though you didn't always want it.

I let you see the best in people,
though they eventually showed you their true colors.
I kept you comforted on those dark days,
though you wanted me to leave.

You thought I wanted to hurt you,
though I only had best intentions.
You dreamt of princesses and princes,
though I couldn't give you that happily ever after.

You cursed me when things didn't go according to plan,
though I believe it taught you a valuable lesson.
You believe you've found the one,
though I know... you have five more to go.

Safe and warm,
I raised you to take in those that meant good.
Gentle and pure,
I protected you for so long from those meaning harm.

My job is finished.
You broke my rules.
You blame me for what's been done.
I tried to tell you to be cautious.

You never listened.
You're on your own.
May you succeed without my help.
May you feel a thousand heartbreaks before you do.

I am a dangerous game.
One you don't know how to play.
welp... this ended differently then what I was expecting tbh :')

Love sounds slightly ******* in my opinion XD
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