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Sage D Oct 2018
I made you believe in things,
though you thought they would last forever.
I brought you happiness,
though you didn't always want it.

I let you see the best in people,
though they eventually showed you their true colors.
I kept you comforted on those dark days,
though you wanted me to leave.

You thought I wanted to hurt you,
though I only had best intentions.
You dreamt of princesses and princes,
though I couldn't give you that happily ever after.

You cursed me when things didn't go according to plan,
though I believe it taught you a valuable lesson.
You believe you've found the one,
though I know... you have five more to go.

Safe and warm,
I raised you to take in those that meant good.
Gentle and pure,
I protected you for so long from those meaning harm.

My job is finished.
You broke my rules.
You blame me for what's been done.
I tried to tell you to be cautious.

You never listened.
You're on your own.
May you succeed without my help.
May you feel a thousand heartbreaks before you do.

I am a dangerous game.
One you don't know how to play.
welp... this ended differently then what I was expecting tbh :')

Love sounds slightly ******* in my opinion XD
Sage D Oct 2018
I read a lot.
I read a lot of romance novels.
I read a lot of fiction.

I know they're not real people.
I hope that the love in the story is how love truly feels...
or maybe it's something else.

To write a story you need imagination. That's fake isn't it?
A fictional story is something that isn't real.
So the themes like love in it aren't real either, right?

I have an overactive imagination.
That's even more fake.
Nothing I could ever imagine would be real.

Maybe one day it might be.
But not now and not in the past.

You know what I often imagine? You and me.
In the future of course.
So... is that fake?

This... "character" that I've "created" based off of you in my head.
It's not you.
You're you and anything else isn't.
Even my "character" that's portraying you.

But what about you... the real you?
Do I know you as much as I know this "character"?
Probably not.

Do I... love you as much as I love this "character"?
... I don't know ...
I now start to fear that...

I've simply fallen in love with the idea of you.

As heartbreaking as that might sound.
As painful as typing this may be.
As nerve wracking as pressing "send" may be.

I hope that I truly love you...
and not this "character" that I've created.
haha fml.
  Oct 2018 Sage D
Sarah Taylor
It's cold in my room
I wish you were here with me
To help warm me up.

It's lonely at school
I wish you were here with me
To lift my spirits.

It's dark in my mind
I wish you were here with me
To brighten my day.
Haikus are fun.
  Oct 2018 Sage D
Sarah Taylor
You turn around, and your gaze meets mine
Time seems to be frozen.
I have wondered, since we've first met
Why I was the one you'd chosen.
Your sweetness, kindness, and sense of humor
Were too perfect for someone like me.
And yet, you were the violin, and I the piano
In our two-heart symphony.
Secretly, I do still dream
Of remaining more than friends.
After all, who ever said all good things
Must come to an end?
More true love poems.
Sage D Oct 2018
Love is just a four-letter word,
that begins with L.
Lust is just a four-letter word,
that begins with L.

Two very different words,
with much in common.
One may easily be mistaken,
for the other.

Both yearning for someone,
but in different ways.
Both feel great at first,
but may die over time.

Lust is secretive, hot, and ****,
but who says that can't be love?
Love is passionate, confident, and loyal,
but who says that can't be lust?

You'll think you feel one,
when it's actually the other.
Or maybe you got it just right,
and know yourself better.

Love and lust,
similar, but not the same.
Love and lust,
different, but not opposites.

Love is just a four-letter word,
that begins with L.
Lust is just a four-letter word,
that begins with L.
  Oct 2018 Sage D
If love is a drug
Of course I’m an addict.
And if I fall off the wagon
I want to hit the ground-
I want to fall all the way to hell
Shake hands with the devil
And do the thing
What’s the point in rationing something
You know you will always crave
And never have enough of?
I could spend every day with you for the rest of time
And still want more.
Knowing that
Why wouldn’t I try
For a few more minutes?
Why wouldn’t I take
Every bit of happiness I can get?
I intend to **** the marrow out of life
And make sure that if I must someday
I will at least have known what it felt like
To feel whole first.
I want to ache for something I’ve had and lost,
Not worry after something I’ve never known:

If I am going down anyway,
I want to go down
In flames.
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