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 Mar 2016 m i a
Expects every moments to be sweetest..
Just expects..
 Mar 2016 m i a
Mercy B
Your Eyes
 Mar 2016 m i a
Mercy B
You tell me I am strong.
That I am worth fighting for.

If I could only see me through your eyes.

You say the worst is over.
And my past I must ignore.

How I've longed to see me through your eyes
If only we could see ourselves the way others do.
 Mar 2016 m i a
Pill Friends
 Mar 2016 m i a
When my depression ate at my soul, I was in a truly bad place.
I didn't have many physical friends.
The only ones that seemed to always care were in my head and fit in my shaking palms.
 Mar 2016 m i a
Stupid Dreams
 Mar 2016 m i a
I prepare for the future by doing my homework, but the music in the background is the future I want.
"You're my little prodigy child"
"Still doing good in school, Bailey?"
"Oh my god, you wrote that?"
"That sounds like it could be on the radio"
"Was that you singing in the stall? Keep it up!"
Guess which make me happier.
Guess which shouldn't.
Yep, they're the same.
Stupid dreams.
 Mar 2016 m i a
Hide the scars
draw a heart
on your arm
take a picture
add a filter
kiss her scars
"stay strong, love"

Only discuss what your feeling,
never share the real meaning
maybe someone will like you if you have bigger problems
joking with yourself when they barely even hit the quantum
Must've wanted to see what was so attractive
Picked up a blade then blamed me after
words are painful
piercingly baneful
Dug a deeper hole so you can bury me, just haphazards,

So immune to what your saying
you lied to me
so focused on what you're really hating
wanted to get into a fight
so you poisoned me at night.
think you're so poetic?
stop it.

It's pretty hard to stay clean
Looking in the mirror is so much harder than it seems
hard to keep on trucking
when your so bloodsucking
your actions are the kind that pull the noose up the tree
I wish it had all been fake
you put your heart out on a plate
for everyone to sample
if only they knew how you're never organically explaining
serving things the people should be disdaining

You have no idea
romanticizing for whoever's listening
when they say your so **** talented, your face must be glistening
You don't understand me
and this life you've created for yourself
writing about a life you know nothing about
how many times do I need to say it to get it in your head
You'll never understand the feeling of waking up
and wishing
you were

Hide the scars
rip the heart
on my sleeve
take your picture
add that filter
hope you're happy
"stay strong, dear"
 Mar 2016 m i a
Brigette Beck
One of the worst pains:
Needing to say something but
Having no words to
 Mar 2016 m i a
 Mar 2016 m i a
Mike Hauser
he's the loneliest boy
you have ever known
with no one dear
to call his own
those close to him
do no more than leave
the loneliest boy
you have ever seen

he's the loneliest boy
you could ever find
though with being lonely
there's no need to hide
with none of this
being of his will
he's the loneliest boy

he plays the part
of lonely well
the loneliest boy
it's not hard to tell
out and about
yet still alone
the loneliest boy
you have ever known
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