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Feb 2019 · 243
Sean Hopps Feb 2019
Lost, confused, certain...
Not in the right place.

This is not okay.

Show me something, tell me something,
What am I looking at?
I know my mind is made up but you shouldn't stay quiet,
My mind was made up by a different me!

I see you but, I'm still alone
And looking way higher than I should be.

These winks aren't real.
This comfort... only temporary.

Who are you and when did you do this?
Do I know you?
How much more of this?
Are we slowing down?
We must be heading somewhere, what's YOUR goal?
And do I know my own?

Tell me, stranger.

Do I know you?
Aug 2017 · 651
Sean Hopps Aug 2017
This is what it's like
To wake up from fake, long sleep.
Would not recommend.
Jun 2017 · 1.0k
Crocodile Tears
Sean Hopps Jun 2017
You shake and you shiver and cry out for me
As you caress my neck with your lips.
You melt into me like the snow in the spring
And my shoulders can feel your snow's drips

Then the clouds open up and present their remorse
Recreating your tears with their rain.
Like bullets the first drops hail down on our heads
And commence their percussive refrain.

I pat your back gently and tell you with care
There need not be a reason for tears.
But the patter of water in puddles is loud
And I say only words you can't hear.

Bam! It hits me! They're fake! I know why you're sad
And the reason you cry is unclear;
You're not sad at all, your snow is not gone:
You cry only crocodile tears.
May 2017 · 978
Of Luck and Better Luck
Sean Hopps May 2017
I feel like I am lost
Between thoughts
Between muses
Of better luck, and
Of better luck next time.
The pity that has crowned me
For all to see, and feel,
Comes rightfully,
As I do pity myself,
Like a mouse ought to
In deepest winter.
The mouse, however,
Sleeps through it,
While I turn and toss,
Wrapped in my blanket
And in thoughts of fortune
And in my misfortune.
I cannot complain;
I have known a good life,
A life with luck,
A life with privilege
Compared to the mouse's.
Yet, I still feel lost
Between thoughts
Between muses
Of better luck,
And better luck
Which I wish myself
Next time.
May 2017 · 353
You Bring Me Life
Sean Hopps May 2017
Can you feel the breath
Leaving your lungs and your lips?
It keeps me alive.
May 2017 · 291
Sean Hopps May 2017
Writing in prose becomes difficult
When swirling around in your head
Are only lines of verse.

It is lucky, then,
That I am a poet.
May 2017 · 416
Sean Hopps May 2017
Chase these drunken foreigners
Back to their ****** land.
Make sure they don't come back
Lest we cut off their filthy hands.

They walk right through our borders
And set fire to our barns
They **** our farmers' daughters
And they vandalise our farms

They bring their bows and arrows
And roll in their trebuchets
Then they fire off their weapons
And destroy our country's face.

Now go swift and see it done,
Send our armies to the field!
We'll make sure they don't come back again,
We'll show them what we feel.
May 2017 · 247
Sean Hopps May 2017
Every step walked
Takes us farther from home
With every word spoken
We feel more alone

For eternate aeons
Just walking away
No love, consolation
Or freedom or say.

As fickle as smoke,
But a trifling doubt
A whisp in the willows
We silently shout.

The daggers that stab us
The water that drowns
The fire that burns us
And we don't make a sound.

Emotions are trapped
In this blindfolded clutch
We're ***** by our deaths
And can't feel its cold touch

The storm now is mild
But the black clouds still growl
And the stench in the air
Will not go and smells foul.

And yet we march on
While our home moves away
We are blind, we are deaf
And we're stalked by our prey.
Humans are strange creatures.
May 2017 · 509
Dance of the Flames
Sean Hopps May 2017
They danced,
and touched the sky.
No good, no bad;
nothing remained.
All became part
of their glowing trail.
They were violent seas:
fiery red, flaming orange.
They left everything
in ashes. As ashes.
Then they touched the sky,
and they danced.
May 2017 · 2.1k
A Sonnet of Beauty
Sean Hopps May 2017
A certain beauty is always withheld
Until the most unfavourable time,
And then presents itself for all but those
Whose eyes can see what beauty none behold.

A certain beauty never understood
Can fleet through anyone oblivious;
Can hold itself in clearest forms, and should,
Yet never can be seen or grasped for good.

The one with all the eyes sees only black
And cannot look the brightness in its face,
But when a certain beauty steals his eye,
All the beholder does is watch and cry.

A certain beauty tears the hearts of men;
No eyes but his behold, not even then.
'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'
May 2017 · 436
Sean Hopps May 2017
Like feathery pearls,
The snowflakes unfurl
And glow as they slowly float down

The snow - winter's seed,
It falls; never cedes
Builds up as it reaches the ground.

This curtain of white
Blows on through the night,
At dawn coming up to our knees.

It falls without sound
Though the wind sometimes howls
And doesn't forget not to cease
I know it's not snowing in most places at the moment but I wrote this a couple of months back when it was winter. It always gives me an incredibly serene feeling when I look out the window and see the snow fall so delicately.
May 2017 · 266
Sean Hopps May 2017
It's strange how we

Scorn the poor
Pity the rich
Sell our children
Get married to children
Tax the elderly
Disrespect the elderly
Burn up oil
Burn up coal
Laugh at the dead
Dismiss the dying
Abuse the weak
Make fun of the weak
Hit our wives
Hate our wives
Blame our husbands
Shout at our husbands
****** animals
Test poisons on animals
Mock other countries
Invade other countries
Despise other races
Prejudge other races
Demean homosexuality
Spit on homosexuality
Disown our relatives
**** our relatives

They do say
There's nowt so queer as folk...
May 2017 · 866
I am a wordsmith
Sean Hopps May 2017
I am a wordsmith
Of glawest kind
My fribbling words
Incilidge most cantride

I zickle the yoast
And triplude in enfrose,
But my words of galution
Jiffer most of my prose.

Trole falough for the gudd
Albeit wickally so
Never mind that the gurdle
Sirth not with galowe

In the end, when knath choll
But my customers not
My frewegy sippen
Go zash to the frott
A nonsense poem, in case you thought I'd gone a bit fraloppidgy.
May 2017 · 234
My Apologies
Sean Hopps May 2017
For the complacency of my actions
Not yet started, not yet done
For the blossom of your beauty
Like spring to the summer sun
For the obsessed stares and glances
Firing uncontrolled like guns
For the hopeless signs of notice
For those desperate walks, jogs, runs
For the swerves and all the corners
Stolen just to look at you
It is I who must apologise
And apologise I do.
May 2017 · 284
Stupid Clock
Sean Hopps May 2017
Incessant ticking
Drilling holes inside my mind,
Will drive me senile.
Let's work together to abolish loud clocks.
May 2017 · 406
Sean Hopps May 2017
They dance 'round a fire
In the moonlit night sky,
When the air's still and heavy
And a thunderstorm nigh.

Their hexes are hexed
With the evilest intent,
With their unearthly cackle
From hell's fires sent.

Burn them all, light the pyres!
When the sun is the storm;
When the hexes they hex
Cannot take the right form.

Next time when they dance
In the moonlit night sky,
We'll burn them to ashes,
When thunder is nigh.
May 2017 · 528
The Aurora
Sean Hopps May 2017
Flowing; not a flicker,
Just pure, flowing light.
Smooth; coming in thicker,
All rife with tranquil might.

Bright, filling up the sky
With tidal waves of glow,
Its dance in thickest night
Awash with graceful flow.

Burning, like a fire,
Pulsing blue and green.
Expanding its empire,
Yet most remains unseen.

Its high tide slowly cedes, at last,
And doesn't stain the sky
As star-strewn night time fields
Enter in the moon's bright eye.
May 2017 · 232
Dark of the Sun
Sean Hopps May 2017
Ever sick of the trifle of problems of life
And the dark of the con of the man;
When the noise is incessant and the colours fluorescent
And I hold nothing but my own hand.

Slay the dark! Slay the problems! And dim all the lights,
Please, I beg you, the ending is near!
I don't want to go out with my light still about,
Yes, the bane of my life is that fear.

The sun burns and blinds both the eyes on my back
Now I see in just one direction.
With perpetual silence and cacophonic sirens,
My senses impaired to perfection.

I wish I could smell the sweet scent of our lives
But there's only the blood in my nose.
The storms I endure makes hell look almost pure,
And the darkness won't come to a close...

We walk to the end, or the end comes to us,
The wise of us will know to run.
All the noise is incessant and the colours fluorescent
With perpetual silence with cacophonic sirens,
We are the dark of the sun.
May 2017 · 275
Sean Hopps May 2017
I am always hopeful
For better times.
In the distance they sing
Their bittersweet rhymes
Of hope and of passion,
And silence inside;
They sing of the planets,
The stars, and the tides.

I plough on through the dark
To their quiet song,
Try matching their sound,
Sometimes small, sometimes strong.
I'm determined to walk
For as long as it takes;
For those bittersweet songs
To yield what they take.
Written after hearing 'Nuvole Bianche' by Ludovico Einaudi.

— The End —