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Oct 2016 · 627
Smile Brightly
Rubab Bashir Oct 2016
Smile brightly, don’t worry about me
I’m smiling like this right now
I won’t be able to forget, I’ll be
the only one who remembers us
I won’t forget you
so you can smile

Smile brightly, I’m just thankful
Because I have memories with you
I can hide them and take
them out when I’m alone
It will strengthen me
when I miss you

Only with my heart,
I steal you
Only with my heart,
I will see you
That’s enough for me so
don’t be hurt because of me
Just locking eyes with you
makes me shed tears

When time passes and my love grows
There will be times when
I resent you so it’s a relief
Because I will remember you being
affectionate and the days when you
laughed with me
So it’s good

Only with my heart,
I steal you
Only with my heart,
I will see you
That’s enough for me so
don’t hurt because of me
Just locking eyes with you
makes me shed tears

If we run into each other
like fate, please pass me by
like you don’t know me
Even though my heart will
cry like it has been torn into two
So I can see you for a short
moment while you pass by

Only with my heart,
I will want you
Only with my heart,
I will long for you
Don’t be sorry,
this is my life
Whether you love me or
feel sorry, I feel the same way
to you I am psychopath but to me you were an oasis in the rain and now my heart is barren once again!!
still I am thankful to you :)
Jul 2016 · 1.4k
Death- an unwelcome guest
Rubab Bashir Jul 2016
I was dreaming to become a hot shot professor
I was planning to lose baby fat around my body
I was struggling to search a maid with reasonable price
I was determined to finish my book before Saturday
I was preparing a beautiful gift for my dear friend since his birthday was near
I was admiring myself for all the achievements and cursing myself, simultaneously, for chances I missed
I was procrastinating to make up with my mother for my last quarrel
I was ignoring Dad's call since I was held up
I was avoiding my siblings since I stole my sister's dress and ruined my brother's XBOX
I was unfinished canvas
But my death didn't cared for me
It stroked me like a lightning; sweeping me away from this world
With the task unfinished
Leaving me no option but to abandon the people- I once loved and cherished
Loosing the strands of goals I wanted to achieve
Above all
The repentance that I never did properly but deep inside planned to do before die
Death  came to me out of no where
Leaving behind my to-do-list meaningless
All my achievement worthless
Who cares now that in which cemetery I reside- lavish or vulnerable
Who cares now that what kind of body I have because now, it'll deteriorate any way
I would be mourned for days and will be forgotten for eternity
I would be cherished in thoughts but not in words
I would be reason of tears and grief not of smiles and giggles so eventually everybody would forget me for, you see, we, humans, are programmed to remember happiness while I am sadness now.
I now feel, though dead, that I did no good to myself
but now
What good I could do as corpse than lying straight.
My doors of forgiveness are closed
No more apologies I can make
No more affections I can take
Only tears to my beloved I gave
Death did me no good
But I can't even complain now
For I, my friend, am Dead!!
To my death, that is outright yet undesirably desirable
Jul 2016 · 862
I found Him
Rubab Bashir Jul 2016
I found Him in most unusual places on earth
where I least expect Him to be.
I found Him
in the heart of *******
in the dikr of a reeking alcoholic
in the fury of burglar
in a wish of a gambler regardless of the content
I found Him everywhere and yet no where
in repentence and pride;
in sanctified matrimoney and an illegal intimacy;
in heart of believers and strugglers;
in melt of an ice, molding in the shape of its base boasting to be submissive in its act and in fire offering just the opposite: submission of everuthing rewarding them by turning in to ashes;
I found him in every little thing and mystics;
in canvases and waterfalls;
in art and ruins;
in earth and sky;
in filth and dirt;
in mansions and huts
I found Him by seeking Him not by searching HiM
Ya Allah let your noor lighten our hearts and soul (Aameen)
Jul 2016 · 621
Rubab Bashir Jul 2016
I know that
There is always an end to road
but that leads to another road
Red line that ceases sun shine
but that declares yet another scene: night
Spring that declares an end of two seasons
but that acts as a warning of yet another harsh season
I know there is always an end
but that is in fact another beginning
I am aware of all world of wisdom & facts
I am pretty much logical and calculative person
But with you
every logic fades
every calculation is wrong
I know you're long gone
and may be I am going through 5 stages of grieve
But I am incapable of forgetting
incapable of leaving even an ounce of feelings
incapable of forgetting every word you ever uttered
incapable of unloving you
incapable of not missing you
incapable of letting you go even though I have never intended to hold on
incapable of figuring out that how can you be no one to someone like that
Why is it so unfairly painful to bear!!
drained with my feelings
Jun 2016 · 340
Are you gone?
Rubab Bashir Jun 2016
I look around
I see happiness in my parent's eyes
I see excitement in my sibling's eyes
I see happiness mixed with envy in my friends
But I don't see you any more
No any claps, cheer ups and soothing words from you
Are you gone
Have I lost you
On the cost of having my dream
Jun 2016 · 1.7k
Painful way that we grow
Rubab Bashir Jun 2016
We can think of hundred reasons to quit
But if we don’t quit
Hold on
For no reason
Even if all logic and calculations give up on us
And when all left is naked desire
Reeling passion
An unstoppable urge to make dream reality
That’s when we are living to fullest
That’s how we grow
On a painful road of struggles
Long, scary, full of crossroads, and a lot of speed breakers
In the end
our destination?
Well, it’s just the road that we've traversed
This poem is very dear to me. It's conclusion of all the failures , struggles and rejections that I've faced in my life
Jun 2016 · 634
afraid to admit
Rubab Bashir Jun 2016
Dizzy with my thoughts
Busy with my life
And still thinking of you in between
Tell me what is it
If not concern
If not care
If not -afraid to admit-love!
Jun 2016 · 1.7k
let me love you
Rubab Bashir Jun 2016
Even if its just dream, even if you’re a dream
Let me dream of you
Until all the events become memories
Until I can’t get to see you even if I want to
Until all that is left is me and my torn heart
Let me love you until then
Even if separation is destined
Let me live this moment with you
Even if you end up being someone else last name
Let me call you mine for a second
Let me look at you with all my strength
For tomorrow I now know that you won’t be there anymore
I now know that sun would shine at same time, same place but you won’t be there to watch it with me
I now know that the songs that we are listening would always remain the way they are but we won’t
I now know that world is not changing it’s our treacherous heart that stops feeling the way it once felt.
So let me cherish you with all that I have until one of us doesn’t feel the way we feel
And when that day would come I would turnout in to bubbles and disappear just like a mermaid
But to me you would always remain a midsummer night dream
Warm, sweet and tempting yet short in existence
to the person, who came like Black knight and became midsummer night dream
Rubab Bashir Jun 2016
A girl has been killed in name of honor!
Somewhere amidst of middle east, behind serene pyramids and sand dunes, almost all females are enduring genital mutilation
Somewhere in a corner of world, behind a trash bin,under showering street lights, a teenage girl is hiding from a ******.
While in another place a girl is executing her death for she has already been ***** countless times
A death bed is already prepared for a girl in west bengal on wearing jeans in college.
Somewhere there is a girl who is ready to be sold off by her father unaware of situation just happy to wear a new dress with matching bangles.
There is a girl, wishing on a star that may night never passes and day breaks for she is afraid to be in university due to constant harassment and bullies
There is a mother out there who is beaten to death every night by her better half, she sobs herself to sleep yet wakes up in mid night to feed her child. And that child intakes that milk full of saltish tears, bruised breast and broken ribs.
These are constant struggles of females in every state, region and city.
Even after enduring all such things Women are called weak souls.
Women, everywhere, are left to interpretation of a man.
If we all human beings are equal in the eyes of creator then why aren't we, as females, infront of world?
To the females,
it's unbelievable really, why are we not more outraged?? Is fight all about masculinity?? that's why there is so much reckless endurance!!
To the males,
before considering us a girl, sister, friend or mother kindly consider us a human being. That's all we really want.
We can earn better, live better if you,all male out there, would let us do so! And please stop keeping an eye on us!! Half of problems would be solved if you guys stop eyeing us
Jun 2016 · 364
Tell me a story
Rubab Bashir Jun 2016
So tell me a story!!
where moon died every night to let the sun shine or otherwise around.
where stars chose to be at thousand miles away from moon just to make it look bigger and brighter;
where moon, stars, sky made a perfect picture while appearing together but never quite met each other, hugged each other;
where a mother left all her dreams, comforts and happiness for sake of transforming a fetus in to human;
where a girl got piggy back ride from a man who is a **** to the world but eye candy to her daughter;
where a boy and girl are best friends and secretly love each other but never confess because that would ruin everything that they have. They would rather end up marrying with other person than get married together for they know that the only way to love someone is from a distance;
where last piece of cake was saved for sibling who would come after a week, every time with the fridge door opening an urge to eat was gushed and turned down by the immense love for that sister;
where rather than pulling out a chair, a boy gave up the chair for a girl;
where best friends didn’t hooked up daily, not even months but remained best friends any ways;
where two peoples loved each others’ souls more than their bodies, made love with each other’s minds rather than bare bodies, admired each others’ books more than looks, looked each other deeply when all messed up; where nakedness existed in every word uttered, raw in its existence yet honest in the essence.
where girl worked hard not to get a perfect body or wealthy husband but to get her dreams. That she liked her books more than the dresses in wardrobe that she likes to hang out with guys having profuse knowledge than money! That she liked to make friends not to get away with loneliness but to enhance her personality;
where simple definitions, gestures and feelings in life have not turned in to philosophies but realities
Tell me a story that is a simple instance, yet rare in existence.

— The End —