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 Nov 2021 RS Williams
Take my hand and drag me away from here
Down the alleys, past the trash
Up the steps of lovers hearts trampled
Where we'll sit and drink wine with the city resting at our feet
And you'll braid my hair and I'll try hard not to fall in love
But the stars in my glass hold a different fate
And your tender heart makes me want to speak into your lips
And in my head I play a thousand scenes, of what should and should not be
And I'm tearing from this earth, swept into the night's sky
By God herself, plucking me up by my lapel
To scold me and console me, to **** and indulge me
And I cry into her soft hands "why must I be cursed so well,
A fairytale ailment, a poet beguiled?" And she sweetly replied
"No soul is cursed, a man just has his fair share of trials"
And she placed me gently on the hillside for the uphill strife
Where I'll fall short of expectation and desire
And you'll carry me off again to end this insufferable pleasure
Your hand ******* my jacket, mine soft on your back
And in the middle of the street, I try and stop you under a light
Because in this moment's time I want to make you mine
I want to pull you in and hold tight, like a sailor after some forgotten war,
Clutching his lady in white, the square and world falling at their side
And I feel myself preparing to lose my virginity of divinity
I tense and relax, heart beating well outside my chest,
Ready to relinquish all inhibitions into your cool, calm, collect
But you march on, you strange little creature, resisting my surrender
Maybe I'm still too high to comprehend any of this
But the trade of allurement for retreat has replaced my excitement with stress
We talk of never speaking again but I can't help lying to your face
I never want this night to end, I want to push it as far as I can
Explore every possibility, because you instill an invincible feeling in me
Strengthen my desire for a life of unpredictability and whim
You are poetry in motion, a masterpiece ever evolving, excitement in the flesh
I want to place my will in your persuasion, adopt your sense of wild ambition
Stand with you at the foot of the monolith of this world's wonder
Maybe we're just born in the wrong point in history, unfortunately,
Two classics falling deaf on the modern assembly
And they curse us for not adhering to their numbing prescriptions of life
But alas, here we are, out of line, out of time
It all seems right, for any existence that allows our paths to cross
A blessing to my being, the epitome of freeing
Just stay with me for a moment longer and I promise I'll keep your heart beating.
 Jun 2016 RS Williams
Desire has a nuanced way
Of rearing its ugly head
Disguised in a pretty red wig
A cinnamon girl, a wild mare
Racing a hot summers night
And I, a king of trash, lost
Deep in the ocean of vulnerability
That glimmers behind your eyes
Sinking, swimming, submerged
It's hard to stay afloat
When you're ten feet above water
And you can't breathe
When your lungs are full of lust
But maybe just for tonight
Among the places we've drank
The cars taking us here to there
The cigarettes, tequila, and drugs
The warming sensations
The stupid decisions
The too close conversations
A longing gaze, a hand on thigh
Your beauty closes in on mine
And our lips would touch
Igniting a flame, burning me
Embers to ashes, dust to pain
For we'd only exist this night
A memory in the making
A heart of broken shame
A possibility too perfect
The product of fantasy
Something I'd wish for
But never come to fruition
Intuition screaming at me
Don't kiss the girl
Leave before you **** yourself up

And in comes the reaper
Here to collect my debt
Of too much ingested
I feel sick, losing control
Get me the hell out of here
I want to go home.
Mowed grass wind songs enhanced by-
muted , diamond-like morning dews
Aromatic chanty bearing , offering hurrah for unemotional day's
Cheerful provider , highlighting the crisp color of Spring with fragrant marvel
Copyright April4 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Dec 2014 RS Williams
EJ Aghassi
the fog was all around
I couldn't see a thing
your breath the thick mist
clawing at my windows

lights dissected and blinding
eyes wide open, pupils even wider
but no veering at all,
I was very much in my lane

maybe that's the problem
more than the lack of sleep
I'll take a sore clenched jaw
over the emptiness in bed
i don't know, really
 Dec 2014 RS Williams
EJ Aghassi
are you lonely in the winter nights?
do you hallucinate warm body near?
is there a tender hand to still your
shaking when you do succumb to fear?

you seem to be pure of heart
or whatever else that could mean
you sing songs and make your art
of waterfalls and sunbeams

i truly hope there are mirrored souls
on similar wavelengths
to harmonize with you when you sing
and to help you mix your paints
to you

i don't know why
 Dec 2014 RS Williams
EJ Aghassi
what a time to be alive

you see me licking my wounds
& I see you creating new ones

what incredible timing

drunk on company, on beer
and the "holiday cheer"

but that's not what it sounds like

we all got pretty ******,
it's a surprise I didn't *****

the room kept spinning

it was the holidays, though
and there was certainly cheer

my ears were ringing

oddly enough though, I
accepted it as a blessing

I can't fight against time

time is beautiful in the way it indiscriminately destroys

I'm not one to resist beauty

it's so chaotic and it makes
absolutely no sense at all

but it takes you places

I couldn't find the sea and
beauty led me there

even though life is loss

you get used to it and those
terrible beautiful things

can fill the cracks in your being
if you let them seep through you
 Dec 2014 RS Williams
EJ Aghassi
coffee permeates a room
in a peculiar way
like rain through an open
window in the winter

the sound of your heels
hitting the floor rings
like my brain pounds away
at the walls of my skull

my stomach hurts and
the phantom of you
is easing the pain,
I feel a tender hand
upon my skin
but it isn't enough

it's not that feeling
of my lips on yours

it's not the circumference
of the pleasure principle
found with the arms
around the waist

I long with greed and
beg with need and I
am a sitting duck to
the sort of woman
who looks and acts
a lot like you do now

I don't think you realize
just what you have done
 Dec 2014 RS Williams
EJ Aghassi
you're in my system
leaving your mark
on all my innards
and body parts

I'm hoping that with
this drink to my lips
I can drown & purge
the throne on which you sit
 Dec 2014 RS Williams
EJ Aghassi
I saw you there standing
I'll see you always, still
my desperation & fever
will still paralyze my will

mother, rest your head now
know that I have loved
& keep your eyes closed forever so
you don't see the horror that follows

father, still your hatred
dust off your capacity for love
in my own eyes I've made it
your disdain now fits me like a glove

why can't you hear me?
why won't you see?
why does it always have to be
those things we've merely dreamed?
quite the lucid shower
 Dec 2014 RS Williams
EJ Aghassi
i care not what you do with your life
or the sharpened edges lining your insides
for you i live, because you i will die

at least stick around for a little while
it's probably getting old now
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