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 Dec 2014 RS Williams
EJ Aghassi
companionship in the fog
the raindrops leave their stains
on the threshing floor
where the mockeries are made

i feel a friend in the way
the flowers don't show their beauty
in face of the cold, in reaction
to the slow fade of leftover sunlight

the urge to wound slightly subsides
when the clarity of all arrives
in ways even I can't deny
exposed in the shadows from the sky
but i feel so warm inside

how ironic
 Dec 2014 RS Williams
EJ Aghassi
i get so lonely at times
unfortunately though it still
makes no sense at all
i close my eyes and hear the
sound of the rain yet
feel summer rays slightly
pain exposed skin

the weather,
oh the weather

i swear the sweetest song
of all is the sound of
the wind that sweeps in
before that loneliness begins
there's a feeling in my gut and nothing is really working

i couldn't bring myself to finish this for some reason
 Dec 2014 RS Williams
 Dec 2014 RS Williams
The leaves are rustling
And the trees are bustling
And the rain is falling
Yet here I am thinking of you
Dreaming of something tender
A moment of sweet surrender
Where I offer myself completely
To your every strange desire
Soft skin, pale with lust
Tainted hearts clogged with rust
Lace draped across the nape
Of your delicate neck perfectly
The sight of you makes me weak

Acts deemed depraved I find
Beautiful through your passion
It strikes me down to nothing
It cuts me deep, left bleeding
Pouring out with boyish humility
A bashfulness unmeasured before
But unrelenting I indulge fearlessly
For what have I got to lose
I am already destroyed and broken
By simply being in your presence
Wounded by your unapologetic allure
A pathetic puppy dog whimpering
For your attention and love

Strike dear mistress, do your worst
Use me up and throw me away
A fate I'd serve obediently, endlessly
Your slave to order around
To worship you at your high heeled foot
Exposed, waiting to be dominated
Dying to be wasted off your scorn
Intoxicated by your perfect body
Delirious, drugged, begging for more
Let me overdose on your sensuality
A fine death by me, a perfect end
Without hesitation I'll die right here
Your body my tomb, I'll reside forever.
You didn't ask to be written about,
I didn't ask to be enthralled by you.
 Dec 2014 RS Williams
EJ Aghassi
i still very much feel last night
it was eternity experienced
through complete aural bliss

the day held slight forbearance
amidst it's mists, in no way
could i anticipate such as this

killed, buried, resurrected and
reborn in the lights and pageantry
i saw the angels, i heard them sing

i shuddered, i shivered as i tried
to catch the wayward glance of
the true goddess of wavelengths

the true queen of song, of dreams,
of energy, of life, of experience,
the meaning of a supreme being

there is no other tune but the humming
of my being, elated for once, set to drift
beckoned to float about the world now

my mind will struggle to comprehend
the catharsis that ended when your light and the stage fell empty and dark

but i will never forget how truly alive
i felt in the presence of such incredible
wonder as i did that vibrating night
merrill garbus you will always have my heart
 Dec 2014 RS Williams
it's true that all the women you knew
were more than you could ever know and it seems
they never cease to surprise you
i know that kind of girl
its hard to grasp the idea of she
who is looking for nothing more than pure pleasure
who is looking for nothing more than ****** favors

so i grabbed up all my precious things and set out
to meet this vicious queen with hopes
of love and *** and drugs and laughter
but as you should know my hopes were high
and with their faults i set myself up
for a pure and sure tragic disaster
i was just some fool trying to find some comfort
i was a ******* fool out looking for some comfort

so i met up with the queen divine
and at her palace i did find
some of the things that i was sure to cure my illness
and pulling from my pocket
a collection of narcotic aides, i said:
we might as well be ****** up, my fellow stranger
we're all a little ****** up, my precious stranger

so we opened my bottled offering
of liquid gold and began to drink
a cheers to all night's planned adventures
as my senses they began to dull
my lust for her began to swell
and hers for me was burning bright and vivid
two twisted souls reaching out to feel one another
yes two twisted souls desperate to feel the other

so we made out for a round or two
an exploration of the other's mouth
a new land for each to ****, pillage and plunder
interjected by **** here and there
an intermission conversely shared
talk was cheap, but my body was surely cheaper
something to be used up by a stranger
a torrid holy land for another stranger

the tension it was unbearable
for ****** games unmentionable
to twist and writhe with misplaced passion
two bodies bare in ecstasy
becoming one through misanthropy
a battle scene grand for ages and ages
she cut me deep with intimate relentless
yes she struck me deep, she was relentless

so i felt her body close to mine
and worshiped it as if some shrine
a true testament of flawless perfection
and with my sword so righteously
i pierced her shrine so godlessly
i was fallen priest and her body was my alter
and when she came i felt the strangeness falter
when we came all the strangeness faltered

we laid upon the war torn sheets
to experience that awkward feat
of replacing loneliness with ****** conviction
i fell asleep in her naked breast
a solider starved for tender rest
i was relieved of all my woes and endless sadness
and i found it at this dear strangers address
so i spent the night in the comfort of her prowess

until we woke to say goodbyes
and possibly share one more surprise
of additional intimate relations
i was sad to go but couldn't stay
for fear of love to show its face
a mutually agreed upon resistance
no we would not let our lonely hearts misconstrue this
no we could not let our raw hearts go through this

so i'll lend you my last offering
of knowledge to pain and suffering
you'll find a place to bury your sickness
you'd be surprised what comes around
when you sell your soul underground
you'll be a poster child for unashamed *** and danger
yes you will find your solace within some stranger
so don't be afraid to find it, fellow stranger
This is structured after a song by Leonard Cohen. Written a month or so ago. Didn't have the nerve to post it.
 Dec 2014 RS Williams
Hard to understand
This existance somewhere
In someone else's world
Feelings of inadequacy
Fear of failing to meet expectations
Unfathomable anxiety
Purposefully stumbling upon
A strange presence hidden
In plain sight of the world
Unsure of how to feel
Mental processes shut down
Error messages flashing
Does not compute
Eject, disconnect, run away
Run to, run towards
Go find out for yourself
Is it too strange to contemplate?
To let two separate worlds collide
What's the worst that can happen
Besides complete destruction
I just don't want to let you down
I don't want to crumble
I don't want to be some joke
We all exist on different planes
Alternate dimensions
I want to tear them away
I want unity, a tangible timeline
Just let me piece it together,
Let me build something new
 Dec 2014 RS Williams
Dad dayz
 Dec 2014 RS Williams
Normal dad stuff
That I've learned to do
I'd probably make a pretty cool dad
I could fix a thing or two
 Dec 2014 RS Williams
EJ Aghassi
I yearn for the taste of human flesh

fire tingling the mouth and
the feeling on my lips

mind you, though,
I'm no cannibal
 Dec 2014 RS Williams
Mohd Arshad
Break up your slumber
And merge with the morning
And burn along with the sun
Till it dies in the evening
Notes (optional)

— The End —