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Dec 2014 · 961
Mar de Sueños
Michael Reveron Dec 2014
Desde el lago de la noche a la mar de los sueños

Un río fluye a través de un viaje astral.

Brillo en la luz etérea galáctico

Al flotar por sentimientos que podrían ser.

Viajo a través del tiempo y el espacio

A un espectro exótico para vivir una vez más.

En la azul bruma hipnótica del viejo hombre sabio

Donde los sueños espectrales continúan por días.

Días y días y noches

Apetitos interplanetarios

Saciando gota a gota

Con café dulce hasta que nos detenemos

Hasta que nos elevamos por encima de la luz

Reflejos del aura de mi diosa;

Cristalizando vigas fracturadas en

Encantador mente en los arroyos

Pensamientos e ideas tentadoras

Que nos borra todos nuestros miedos

Que nos lava de todo lo que creemos

Cuando en la Tierra tejió nuestro pensamiento

Desde el lago de la noche, a la mar de los sueños

Luz espectral en vigas de baile

En azul bruma hipnótica de tu corazón

Donde los sueños se prolongan durante días y días...
Estuve en coma inducida por 8 días, este poema más o menos describe mi experiencia a través de mis sueños.

I was in an induced coma for 8 days, this poem explains more or less my experiences through my dreams.
Michael Reveron Sep 2014
They’re all around us, affecting our lives in unseen ways, causing worry, hesitation, confusion, anxiety, avoidance.

They bring us to our knees.

Fears control us in ways we never realize, unacknowledged and more powerful because of their unknown workings.

Fears stop us from following our dreams, from taking risks, from pursuing love, from seeking adventure, from speaking in public, from going into the unknown, from starting a new venture, from reveling in discomfort. We procrastinate, overeat, find distractions, because of fear. We are seized with constant worry, from fear.

And yet, these fears are just clouds.

They float into our field of vision, unbidden and unwanted, like a dark stormy cloud. We get caught in the rainshower and thunder, and feel that this is our entire world. We immerse ourselves in this cloud, as if there’s nothing outside of it and it will never go away.

But the cloud will pass.

The cloud floats away, like anything else. It’s nothing to run from. It’s just a passing cloud.

So watch the cloud of fear arise, acknowledge it, and watch it float away, like any other thought. Enjoy the chill of the shadow and the wind as it passes over you.

Then step into the sunshine of the present moment, beautiful and joyous now that the cloud has passed.

In each moment, we are OK. Even when fear arises, we are OK. Learn to trust in this OK-ness, the goodness of the present moment, the enough-ness of you, right now.

See the fear pass, and see that you’re still OK.

Once you develop this skill of watching the fear pass, and trusting in your OK-ness and enough-ness, you are equipped to deal with life, and get up off your knees.
Something worth sharing.
Sep 2014 · 865
In An Instance.
Michael Reveron Sep 2014
At this very instance,
A mother has lost her child,
Her kin, her reflection, her life.

At this very instance,  
A son has lost its father,
His best friend, his guide, his light.

At this very instance,
A girl has lost her brother,
Her shadow, her protector, her laugther.

At this very instance,
A man has lost his love,
His happiness, his companion, his morning light.   

At this very instance,
Someone stares into the eyes of death.
Speechless, in awe of its profound depth.

At this very instance...
Just a thought while listening to Doppelganger by Efterklang. Hope you guys enjoy it :)
Sep 2014 · 3.1k
Michael Reveron Sep 2014
La mayoría de los triunfos grandes en el vida son desconocidos.

Son superaciones privadas, intentos silenciosos, la reapertura de un corazón destrozado.

El camino real de los campeones se encuentra dentro de la transformación del sufrimiento en crecimiento.

La limpieza de escombros, la construcción de un autoconcepto saludable, la re-creacion de un espiritu perdido.

Los grandes guerreros han encontrado una manera de creer en algo inexplicable a pesar de ser fracturados en los campos de batalla de la vida.

Usted es uno de ellos.

Todos hemos sido campeones en un momento de nuestras vidas.

Usted ha conquistado tus propios demonios. Usted ha conquistado a tus enemigos.

No importa lo que sientes que en tu vida te hace falta.

**Ya eres campeóna. Somos campeones. Y campeones merecen descansar.
No necesariamente un poema, simplemente "unweaving" pensamientos.

— The End —