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 Oct 2016 rhema subedi
Bob B
Why is it easy to put on the pounds
But so **** hard to lose?
It's always a breeze to pass on the peas,
But ice cream is hard to refuse.

Often we catch ourselves driving too fast;
Are we ever driving too slow?
Our brains are less like a Rafael
And more like a Vincent van Gogh.

Time plods along when we're waiting in line
But races when we're having fun.
As hard as we try to stick to a budget,
There's usually cost overrun!

Medical costs are so Brobdingnagian;
Why can't they be Lilliputian?
It's easy to make but tough to keep
A New Year's resolution.

Doesn't it also seem easy to sink
Yet hard to stay afloat?
Finding the exact words is a challenge;
It's a cinch to misquote.

Love--it seems--should be so simple.
Why is there so much hate?
Being early is usually good,
But sometimes you want to be late.

Life's little inconsistencies:
Always a daily test…
All we can do is go with the flow
And try to do our best.

- by Bob B
When I was lost on the street of life,
My parents took my hand when I was confused.

Whenever I did something dumb due to being young,
My caregivers helped me turn a wrong into a right.

Every time I was living in misery,
They inspired me to rise up from the anguish.

My mother and father guided me through all the mazes,
Encouraging me to become the man I always wanted to be.

They will always be that inspiration that saved my soul,
And no deed is too powerful to express the thanks that I owe them.
 Oct 2016 rhema subedi
Bob B
WHO are we really?
The person that we display
To others can’t be “real”—
We keep so much at bay.
Parent, sibling, relative,
Friend, acquaintance, foe—
Each relationship differs.
Do we ever completely let go?
Are you too guarded and cautious
To say what you believe?
Or do you speak your thoughts
And wear your heart on your sleeve?
Are you focused on you—
Whoever this “you” may be?
Are you truly aware of
The forest beyond the tree?
The incredible journey inward
Is a path that few people travel,
For once beyond the façade,
Self-concepts start to unravel.
Face the core of being—
Naked and alone—
And comprehend ideas
Previously unknown,
And come to the realization—
From whatever might befall—
That we are NOT alone,
But really one with all?
Our complex personalities
Are as varied as the books on our shelves.
How well do we know other people?
How well do we know ourselves?

- by Bob B
 Oct 2016 rhema subedi
Bob B
Languages constantly change.
English has, and how!
If not, we would still
Be saying "thee" and "thou."

Sometimes advertising
And the media create a shift
In the way we use certain words
That's annoying. Get my drift?

Businesses, for example,
Have a "free gift" for you.
You think, "A free gift--oh, boy!"
?I like getting gifts, too.

But think about it a moment:
Aren't gifts ALWAYS free?
So "Come in for your free gift"
Is a redundancy.

We hear that someone "went missing,"
Which to me sounds weird.
The expression sounds so clunky.
What's wrong with "disappeared"?

To say "to graduate high school"
Actually makes no sense.
(The number of people who say that
Has grown rather immense.)

Schools graduate students.
How hard does that sound?
We graduate from college--
Not the other way around.

And then there's "close proximity."
That's redundant because
"Proximity" itself means "closeness."
We should all know that it does.

So "close proximity" means
"Close closeness," though you might
Say, "That's what I meant."
I would respond, "Yeah, right."

Language changes aren't
Evil or reprehensible.
Grammarians just wonder why
The changes aren't more sensible.

- by Bob B
i guess you have to feel to write poetry, right? maybe thats why im in such a rut such a empty shell void of feeling therefore void of imagination. creativity.
i used to write well used to scream out my hurt write it all down.  turned my brain off too long. learned how to do it and obviously abused it. im trying to turn it back on, get the wires to spark. too much empty space is how it feels. too many disconnected wires.
 Oct 2016 rhema subedi
Bob B
Fleeting time:
Just try to contain it;
Try to grasp it,
Hold it, regain it.
Time evades us
Like liquid through a sieve.
Our best option
Is to LIVE and LET LIVE.
To appreciate the moment:
Make that your VOW.
Bask in the light
Of the eternal NOW.

- by Bob B
When my faith was as small as a mustard seed,
God was still my knight in shining armor,
Protecting me from this society that can be cruel.

When I was living in misery,
I slammed the door on the almighty’s face,
But he still loved me with all his heart and soul.

He guided me through the obstacles of life,
Making sure that I was safe from this imperfect world,
Setting a course to a destined path which led to happiness.

Deep inside, God always lived within me,
But I was lost on the trail of life,
And the lord helped me find the light.

God will always be my hero and savior,
And I will try not to turn my back on him again,
Praying every day for his love and courage.
with yours words still fresh of say
could you have leaned in with something new?
or can you tuck it all away
and continue helping me undo

your words were once threshed to stay
for me to lean and cite to you
and what we've heard
is caressed in clay
pleading and breeding, dripping in hue

the fades are falling from the outside
repeating and bleeding through
with our words dressed up in shame
im feeling and reeling, being pulled into two
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