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The aloe has flourished in the garden
where mine heart once beat as a white rose.

The freedom of its soft fragrance has been
smothered, petals wilted, roots dead and no longer grows.

The gardener saw it fit to **** the iris and now the poison ivy, like water flows.
As the earth turns,
I dreamed you were here with me.
I sometimes dream you even
when I can see you clearly.

Inside a fire burns
as I fantasize my world
often imagining your feelings
even as we're kissing.

Shall I ever learn,
that you don't belong with me?
Your heart is someone else's,
your eyes are blind to me.

So now it's my turn
to be the one who cries.
Isn't it astounding how one lives
while the other dies?
I shine only because you make it so.
I fly only because beneath my wings
your wind blows.
I speak only because you are my words.
I hear and your name is the most beautiful
I've ever heard.
I breathe only because you are my every breath.
You are my shall be my death.
But even in death, we shall not part.
For you are the only reason I love...
the only reason I have a heart.
And I came to realize that all these common eyes of brown ever wanted was to gaze upon the marvelous sight of you.
For a time my only concern was the vast cosmos,
and my mind attempted constantly to comprehend it.
But had the foolishness finally fled from my heart?
It posed as the wise one when it turned my focus to you.
And I fell for the sun's rays in the depth of your eyes
and concluded that I was interested only in the constellations formed from the freckles scattered on your cheeks.
The only space that fascinated me was the space existing between your fingers.
Yes, I assumed that my senseless heart had regained its wit.
Little did I know.
For once a stargazer, always a stargazer,
and my heart had become a fool for the universe in you.
I don't know what could be more unsettling;
the impending sadness I feel for what has not happened
or the fear that my thoughts
will build the reality of my present
to unwrap a gift I think
isn't mine to keep
 Oct 2016 rhema subedi
Slur pee
Here I am
Slammed into that corner;
Where my lungs fill with dust,
And my heart fills with sorrow.
Forlorn loner, underneath storms
Of turmoil and thunder.
Torrential puddles form
And pull me under.
Vision blurred, body curled
This darkness-
An unearthly womb
Where death rises in plumes,
A grotesque stench that pollutes
All the beauty that may bloom.
Lullabies rushed to soothe
The bitter cries of an infant;
Innocence, born to rot and gloom.
Learning to hold light a curse
Rather than carry it a boon.

Cradle me in your bones too.

Let my dust cling to you.

Squeeze me like the walls
I'm wedged between,
Release me from all this heavy gravity.


— The End —