I know it's been years
Time is something we can never get back
Knowing you care is a comfort
Still, it's not enough to make me okay
Sometimes I wish you didn't care
That way I could stop loving you
When you're near I can't help myself
I lose my mind in sweet memories.
Smells, tastes, affections,
You showered me in moments
Moments that won't leave me
A caress on the small of my back
A gentle kiss on my neck
Lying against each other
A passionate embrace
during a romantic scene
Smiles of gratitude
Stares of love
I will never dwell on the misunderstanding
I will never love another
Not the way I loved you
I will not get over the way we fell apart
I know with time I will get stronger
Perhaps my heart will harden to stone
Perhaps I will forget eventually
With Jehovah's love I may rise above
I have already forgiven you
If only you were sorry