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rey Jun 2018
Nature is surprising.
Seeds turn to trees,
and that buzzing noise is a bee.

They all have a purpose.
Without rain there’s no flowers.
Without bees there’s no honey.
We thrive and survive off of nature,
Yet we destroy it.

It’s pretty amazing,
How it all works,
And most people don’t notice it.

© Regan
rey Jun 2018
I thought we had something special the world couldn’t understand
I thought you loved my imperfections.
I thought I loved everything you are.

I guess the universe screws things up
I thought when you said you loved me
You meant it.
I thought a relationship consisted on loving each other.
I guess our relationship was one sided.

I did all I could.
It just couldn’t be saved.
I miss you infinitely,
But I cannot befriend you,
For the pain you’ve caused me.

© Regan
rey Jun 2018
Can you fix me?
Why do I have these feelings
For something I can’t find in myself.
Am I truly broken?
Why do I feel like I’m running off of a battery that has run out of energy?
What am I missing?
My screws are unscrewed,
My bolts are missing.
I guess I am just broken.
And I don’t feel as if I have
Enough hope to keep going.
Maybe someone will find my missing bolts and give me new batteries.

© Regan
I’m empty
rey Jun 2018
Fix this emotion
Many things cause this pain
It sneaks up on me.

© Regan
rey Jun 2018
Four letters, many meanings.

What is it? I’m not sure.

Is it pain or something good?

Is it an emotion, action, or both?

How do we really know?

How does it make us feel?

Love, a word with many connotations.

But I don’t really know what it is yet.

I love my possessions, I love my family.

I am not quite sure, what it is exactly.

Maybe I’ll have to receive to understand.

© Regan
“What is love? Baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more”
rey Jun 2018
You took my shivering hands.
Led me to a dance floor crowded by couples,
Grabbed my waist,
I hooked myself around your neck.
As we swayed to the slow songs.
Smiles on our faces.

But then I remembered I was sitting alone
Drink in hand,
Swaying by myself.
Eyeing you from a-far.
I guess we can’t dance once again,
If we never did.

© Regan
I guess I like to think things.
rey Jun 2018
Say I’m only yours
And please be honest, baby.
Don’t play with my heart.

© Regan
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