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 Jul 2014 Reagan
Xander King
Your voice is stuck inside my head
like an old song I'd heard a thousand times,
It's melody once comforting
now only leaves me cold.
as bittersweet nostalgia washes over me
my mind replays the sweet nothings you once whispered in my ear.
every word carrying its own tune
but never carrying any weight
each syllable fluctuating ever so slightly
just like your emotions did
One day your words like feathers forming mighty wings to lift me up
others your words crafting cement blocks tethering my heart down
sinking to the bottom of a dark sea
each threat crashing around me like waves
throwing by body from side to side
like your hands once did
 Jul 2014 Reagan
taylor kathleen
your words fuel my brain
tragedy and meaning i can sustain.

brilliant aspects of wonder in your books
i love the way you think, your worldly look.

oh sylvia.
#sylviaplath #favorite
 Jul 2014 Reagan
Xander King
 Jul 2014 Reagan
Xander King
You take over my thoughts
like an army taking over the castle of my mind
pillaging my memories
****** my trust
marauding my joy
and burning down my bridges
forcing me to submit to you
call you my king
and treat you like such
you give me no contact to anyone outside your walls
i thought it was because you cared
foolish little girl
i realize now
you did it so i couldn't see how green the grass was
without you.
and that way people couldn't show me
all the cracks in your facade
flaws in your stories
and to think at one point
i thought you were pampering me
treating me like the queen i am
but no
you were simply masking the cyanide
covering it with a sweet tongue
so I wouldn't realize what you were doing to me
would one day lead to my demise
but that's what you wanted all along.
isn't it?
kidnap my heart
forcing my body to follow it
only so you can
keep that captive too
holding me in a cage
a cage made of
and mostly
 Jul 2014 Reagan
Bailey Kreutzer
High strung and shaking
Body? no, mind aching
Feet chasing,
Heart racing,
Memory making,
Love craving,
               *restless, and
                               full of pain
 Jul 2014 Reagan
I recall being tucked in under sheets of snow
And dozing off with aches from icy bums bruised on hidden rocks beneath supposedly cushioned pillows of powder.
I recall climbing high up onto roofs and the tops of waterfalls out of confident impulse and curiosity for a different view of the world...a new perspective.
I recall the same men and boys inspiring me, teaching me, beating me, and becoming less than what I would become; I then sought out those who saw me as an equal but were indeed much better than I. They helped me to know the importance of being challenged and being humble.
I recall the sheer joy and anxiousness that came with the winter breeze leading up the mountains, where everything had a different tint or filter depending on the company you shared the moments with.
I recall following pure instinct and having full trust in intuition, hoping only to make this life my own and to inspire in the process.
I recall being told to trust no one, and rebelling because I treasured a secret friendship with a stranger more than cautiousness.
I recall surfing on rocks, snow, grass, rain, roofs, people, anything but the ocean.
I recall forgetting to look for love because I had too much in my own heart to care all that much what I received.
I recall getting older and maintaining innocence despite many's attempts at peeling at my corners.
I recall reaching adulthood legally and becoming a child illegally, embracing the breaking of that law for the rest of my life to come.
I recall making my own home, and being let into the world, and flourishing in that freedom.
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