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I go through each day
aware in the darker corners of my mind
that you are wrapped throughout and around
every part of me that is alive.
there is a setting on my brain set to your name
there is a hum in my ears
that oddly resembles your voice when you first wake up in the morning
there is a vague tingling on the tips of my fingers
that mimics the silk fabric of your skin
it’s as if you painted the freckles on my body,
you molded its curves,
you dipped each strand of hair in color
and stenciled my irises with your reflection.
I will hold you,
as you have held me.
                            u      u s        u
                         s          s y            s
                        s             P               s
                       y             u                y
                      P            s    s              P
                      u            y    P             u
                       s           u     s             s
                        s           s    y            s
                           y          P            y
                              P       u         P
                                 u    s     u  
                                     s s s
 Mar 2015 Rayénari Das
oh no
out to sea, out to sea
in my mouth, in me this is
from the heartlands I'm forsaken, the earth
the heart of (e t e r n i t y)
out to sea, out to sea
from the ripples from the waves unleash me
I am (f r e e)
(f r e e)
(f r e e)
from the shoreline I am lost but I can hear water
out to sea, out to (s e a)
my god these mountains were the last of their kind
when I fall below the water will you
(f o l l o w)
(m e)
and my love, my love, my midnight heart will (r o c k a w a y)
from your window I am lost but I can hear water
(b r e a t h i n g)
(f r e e)
my life is a w r e c k rn
 Mar 2015 Rayénari Das
 Mar 2015 Rayénari Das
It was always the "good night"
That makes you leave
Impatient for the sun
To come and for you to see
How it steals your darkness
From those eyes of yours
But you always keep it closed
And walk the road alone
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