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Randy Johnson Oct 2016
A long time ago, some Demons turned themselves into human men.
They did this to be able to have relations with women way back then.
The woman gave birth to the Demons babies and they grew to be giants.
Any child that came from a Demon was most likely despicable and defiant.
I honestly believe that one of the Demons children was Goliath who was a giant.
Many people were afraid of Goliath but it was just a child who killed the evil tyrant.
Demons can no longer become human men like they did thousands of years before.
God put an end to it, Demons can't turn themselves into human beings anymore.
Randy Johnson Oct 2016
If you feel worthless and think that nobody cares, it's not true.
You are priceless in the eyes of God and he won't abandon you.
When some people feel anxious and depressed,
they believe that money can bring them happiness.
But only God can bring true happiness about.
He loves and won't abandon you even if you feel like you're down and out.
Randy Johnson Oct 2016
God is so glorious that when he forgives, he also forgets.
When he forgives a sin, committing that sin is something that we no longer have to fret.
When God forgives, he forgets and he never again thinks about the sins that we commit.
We have to confess our sins to him and try to do better, our sins are what we must admit.
But to be forgiven, we must first forgive others, that's what we must do.
If we refuse to forgive, God won't forgive me and he won't forgive you.
Randy Johnson Sep 2016
People should try to live like Noah and Job who were in the Bible.
Don't live a corrupted life because in the end, you'll be held liable.
In the eyes of God; Noah, Job and others were blameless.
Reject the world's wicked ways because it's what God detests.
To be blameless, we must put an end to doing drugs, killing, stealing and watching ****.
If you live a righteous life, you will be blameless in God's eyes like on the day when you were born.
The world has been corrupted by people's greed, hate, violence and lies.
It may be hard to avoid these terrible things but we should at least try.
If you are blameless in the eyes of God, there can be no greater glory.
If you are blameless, you will end up living happily for all eternity.
Randy Johnson Sep 2016
God gives people kindness whether we deserve it or not.
He gives us undeserved kindness because he loves us a lot.
The Lord will give us kindness even though we make mistakes and sin.
If we repent and turn to God, he will help us with the trouble we're in.
God gives us undeserved kindness when we have food on the table.
There are starving people who want to eat but they are not able.
We should be thankful when God gives us undeserved kindness.
When he is kind to a man or a woman, he or she has been blessed.
Randy Johnson Sep 2016
I bought a picture of Jesus and it's hanging on my wall.
When a man walks with Jesus, he has it all.
Jesus lived on Earth and died to pay for our sins.
Without him and his father, mankind can not win.
I've learned a lot about Jesus at the Kingdom Hall.
When a man walks with Jesus, he has it all.
Randy Johnson Aug 2016
Some people worship cows and the Egyptians worshipped cats.
They should've worshipped Jehovah God but they didn't do that.
Some people have also worshipped plants when they saw them sprout.
Only God should be worshipped, without him, humanity wouldn't have come about.
Worshipping animals and plants is wrong in the eyes of God, worshipping The Lord is what we must do.
Worshipping anything other than The Almighty God is unacceptable and that is one hundred percent true.
People also practice false worship when they show their love of ***, money and drugs.
More people are getting killed as each day passes by because of crime, sin and thugs.
When people idolize anything other than God, it is terrible and wrong.
We can devote our worship only to The Lord, he can make us strong.
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