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I see you everyday
And everyday it hurts
I don't know what to say
But everyday gets worse

This feeling in my heart
Is torturing my soul
And when we are apart
I feel so alone

If only you could know
What I feel for you
If only someone told me
What I have to do

What I have to do
To one day make you mine
Can it one day come true?
Can happiness be found?
Get out of my thoughts
Get out of my mind
I have to forget you
And leave you behind

But every time I see your face
Every time you come close
I'm filled with this awful grace
I try to resist but have no choice

I love you, and I will always do
Although I know you're blind
I know I cannot forget about you
But please get out of my mind
Now it starts, the game is on
The time is here, it has begun
The biggest game in both our lives
The greatest price if we both survive

The game may bring us happiness
The game may bring us tears
The game may bring us sadness
The game may bring us cheer

You and I we both can win
You and I may tie
Don't give up, give it a try
But if you loose you'll surely die
The meaning of leaves in
a refreshing cool wind
He chose to live
for friendship
Not for that
other thing
Refreshing cool wind on a cross and died. He chose to live for friendship, live for survival, not for that thing any more. This is the meaning of it clung to her old leaves new myriads? Of lingering leaves
[coco, 11 nov 2011]
Your Heart;
Your heart circulates more than the blood it supposedly pumps.
No wonder you're so cold.
Around it goes, until it's lodged itself in your skull;
Right between thoughts of her and you.
Where is it?
I hear it beat loudly somewhere in my chest.
"Get out"
It's been so long since I've even heard it.
Is this what I've been missing out on?
I suppose it's better than what I'm missing now.
i miss you
even if you are just meter away
and i miss you more
when you will gone far

i miss the way you smile
that light up my way
and the way you laugh
at your childish play

i miss your giggle
that captivate me
and your smirk
that mesmerize me

i miss the way you frown
and the sweet scent that you own

i miss the way you walk
and your crazy little talk

i miss all about you
i miss you


i can't have you

©IGMS 2014
and i just wish that you will miss me too

"I miss you because I can't have you" line is not mine.
I packed your red t-shirt away;
The last bit I kept of you.

Letting go is hard...
But trying to forget is harder.

I clung to that shirt for months.
It smelled of your skin.

But, when I wore it recently,
It felt wrong.

I was weighed down.
You... weighed me down.

I lifted your heavy t-shirt off my shoulders...
To finally feel free.
For WY

A part of me still loves you... although you never deserved my love.

You'll come back. They all do... and I'll learn to refuse.

(Needs editing).
Friends betrayed,
Foes befriended,
I was dismayed,
For all that wasn't amended.
There was no eternal darkness,
nor the existence of brightness,
it was falling into oblivion,
with a heart made of obsidian.
There was no place to blame,
only for me to be shame,
for trusting unconditionally,
and believing naively.
The thread finally snap,
I fell into my own trap;
I'll smile like I always did,
but sincerity will be rid.
That's me, all right.
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