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you turn me
into someone
I am not-
the only time I am myself
is with you.

you are the sunshine:
with a small taste
I feel
with too much,
I get burnt.

like a moth
to a light-bulb;
I seek you.
I will fry myself-
I will burn-
just to feel your warmth.

the hot sunshine
in the desert
a mirage,
an oasis,
a luscious stream of water
to quench
my endless thirst.

when I am close enough
to reach it,
I realize there was
all along-
my paradise-
but the hot,
dry sunshine
and my
never-fulfilled desire.

engulf my planet,
fatal fireball,
disguised as an
angel from afar;
I want my skin to melt
in your
blistering light,
like a candlestick.
I want to
melt into a puddle
of who I once was.

I don't know how to live without you.
Leaving the windows open
and the miles the same
as black waters curl
between our southern toes.
The long way to you
is engorged with short speech
and our blathering tongues
well versed in ******

We are not without design.
but we assume the worst, regardless...
farm our beetles to the sticking place
and etch firebrands in orchids
lording over under-frost
and deplorable

we grieve as we ****** shame
from the wick of burning candles...
at both Ends.
our every scandal, more luscious
than desolation would have
Us both.
we choke on the plumes
of our disconnect
and close our

And leave again
Love's Ghost.
The rude clip of Spring and it's gaggle of chirping frogs
gloat in the amiable parish of poesies and greening lawns.
Yawning daylight; scrapes away at the bleak -
features of Evening ... and coursing through the veins -
of every swan... a Ballet.
At night, the fog is lifted ironically. by two numb hands.
as two eyes peer into the heavenly
to hear it speak it's astronomy... down

Down where we crawl
for stars of our own... dredging hope
from dead wellsprings.
and plundering

All Day.
How would you know
If you stay behind your shadow
As children do when they meet a stranger
How would you know
If you close your eyes to the beauties
This world has to offer
How would you know
If you never try

How would you know
If you close your heart
And just wait to be dead
How would you know
If you just stand in one place
And miss the crossroads life has to offer
How would you know
If you never try

How would you know
The colors of the sky
When the day is born
How would you know
If the scent of spring
Can make you smile
How would you know
If you never try

How would you know
How love is supposed to feel
If you live your life
Hidden behind a shield
How would you know
If you never try
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
Here in the desert
it's been raining
on and off
            for days
making the succulents and cacti
glisten with wetness
their thick skin sparkles
and catches nature's ironic eye
flowers and plants shine
so much better in the half-grey
Here in the prehistoric depths
Of rocky whitewash and silt
             flash floods rush through
flushing out all guilt
         And inside
a raging storm commences
and I feel so blessed
to be a part of this celebration
my lungs expanding in my chest
I breathe in deep
that fresh purity of air
let it cleanse right through me
from my toes up to my hair
It rushes in my body
taking no prisoners in its force
flows through every vein
cleansing poisons in its course
its power flows into me
washing out this stubborn pain
Turning the confusion
                     into clarity again
From inside subconscious thoughts
           realization thunders
rinsing from my mind
                 the emotional strain
and replacing it with euphoric wonders
Come, my raging desert tempest
Bathe me
       penetrate me with wet
restore and purify
my being
take over and disinfect
let me feel my own strength
until it pours out from my cells
into the space inside my heart
where love and lust still dwell
My tears mingle with the sweet drops
                as I fling arms open to the sky
releasing strikes of lightening
for every word I cry
as I summon, pray for lightness
mixed with the sturdiness of earth
Let joy rise up and bubble
within my being
as rebirth
 Apr 2016 Rana Pratap Nandi
When we were young,
Boys and girls don't always play.
Until we're a little older,
It's a game of love's chase.

Typical of dawn and dusk,
They never happen at the same interval.
Unless you look at it from God's perspective,
Where the time is only one in peripheral.

Even if we rarely see each other,
Like the sun and moon,
After a thousand of falling stars,
We'll cross paths soon.
From children to adults,
From morning to night.
I'll be your lunar love,
And you'll be my moonlight.
If I'd send a rocket to the moon, it will be in the form of a letter.
Maybe we've yet to grow older
and play the game of love's chase.
We've yet to be in the same timezone.
We've yet to cross paths.
Not now, not soon,
But we will, wjh.
The mind, the soul, the heart
sometimes craves
another part
the reverse imprint
a smile, a touch
that shows up
from the inside
sometimes in long drawn out
                      chain of circles
sometimes in the quickest
                  feather patterns
just touching in the lightest brush
the slightest echoes of the soul
Sometimes in an unexpected rush
                 like tidal oceans' flow
it's like a missing puzzle piece
it's like playing
          hide and seek
we are searching for a fit
we are searching for that shape
We are hoping
          as we run and search
from room to room
to soothe that inner ache
and in my dreams I'm playing tag
                    from my grasp slips
                                       whoever's "it"
playing endless hide and seek
straining at the bit
and it should be all fun and games
It should hold adventure true
but the only game is pain
and I emerge
quite black and blue
for hours and hours in the maze
hiding my true self
hoping to be found
for the glacier to be melt
with heated words that make no sound
and loving knowing eyes
                that penetrate through layers
   that look upon me, wise
No need to talk
or even think
no conversation needed
just a true connection
a bond
a communication completed

The truth is all there
  right beneath our skin
ready to be bared
it's surface, rice-paper thin
I have been way too long
in this murky room
always playing in the dark
sitting in the dusty, shadow gloom
and now a river's running through
the hallways of my heart
furniture is floating
walls just break apart
So if you find me, now
In this game of hide and seek
know my heart is now open
to the raging cosmic beat
run with me, if you dare
through that sparkling darkened door
My spirit-love is freed
and I couldn't
ask for more

As the roof crashes down
and comets fly above my head
as I run through all the chambers
dodge spinning  tables, chairs and beds

I crash through the door and draw
my sword
for I will keep up my fight
      for vitality to keep surging
through my soul
as I leap into electric
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