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 Jun 2016 Ram B
Remember the sandcastle 
that we used to build?

It took some time
but little did we know
we have handcrafted our future

it was a hard work and patience
Passerby's liked it, others did not
but what do they know?
We had fun building it!

We were diligent to fill
it with sand
Sand that was formed
into an art of love
A castle that we both own

Yes, you will be the king,
and please, call me 'milady'
We will rule the kingdom
No negativities shall come in

Not until when we came back
Those sands of promises and memories
become pain
Everything was ruined
when the waves washed
our dreams away.
 Jun 2016 Ram B
Adam Mott
We learn so much
We learn it all too late
Value of dreams, love, life
In favour of money, left to wither
Our children grow, uninterested in the passage of time
One last game of catch, tea, band practice
Whilst we look at budget reports
Time closes in

Wide, innocent eyes
Become wise and concerned
Each year, feeling shorter and shorter
While the visits to the doctor become longer and longer
The kids start to visit less
We never earned their time
We never tried our best

It all went by so fast
We, I, could have been better
Present, caring
Awake to that which made them smile
Even after they left home,
Should have seen, should have known

There was love inside their hearts
But we grew up blind
And now it's twilight
And the sun is already gone
We learn so much
We learn it all too late
 Jun 2016 Ram B
Natasha Ivory
As I looked into his eyes, replaying the conversation in my mind...over and over again.
Studying his mouth curvature and ****** expressions, change from confidence to bewilderment. As I confronted his most recent "story".
Stumbling over words, not even remembering his own storyline, it all came to a head.
It's all a fog. The last 11 months of my life.
A tangled web of seeming friendship..laughter..hurts..euphoria..
half truths..embellished stories..frustrations..
Dream making..intense loneliness.
He built walls...constructed of flowers, love notes, thoughtful gifts, candle lit baths with rose petals and love songs...all in hopes to keep me within the realm of his safety lines.
He lied to make me love him..I lied to myself into believing it was all real.
When lies become your reality..nothing stands against it..not even..the Truth.
Now I sit. Alone. In the center of the shambles of what we fabricated, fallen at my feet.
Eyes opened. Accepting the reality. Weaving through the confusion.
Hope in the unknown..the sun still continues to rise..hearts heal and Love still exists.
Always listen to your intuition.
Copyright © Natasha Ivory Evans 2016
 Jun 2016 Ram B
Mark Donnelly
Love those that are near, for someday they will be far,
without their presence you are bereft and with fear,
with life spent in memory of times had,
through the glimpses of good and bad,
still you hope of times lost,
as you view their image through minds eye,
this is where you love the most.
How do you feel about those close.
 Jun 2016 Ram B
Mark Donnelly
 Jun 2016 Ram B
Mark Donnelly
all of us have a story to tell,
so listen and listen well.
Do we truly listen to others?
 Jun 2016 Ram B
Bianca Reyes
I want the sun to kiss me upon my forehead
To comfort the cold that stings inside of me
The one that overwhelms me with darkness
I want the wind to blow fresh air into my lungs
Since those are the ones to be tiring the fastest
Leaving me breathless like almost-lovers before
Shared on Hello Poetry on June 26, 2016
Copyright © 2016Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
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