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you tell me beautiful words
something that i’ve never heard
you give me those funny dad jokes
the things that really make me laugh
you are being so nice
so i say a lot of thanks
you show me your affection
that i wish i’d have never fallen
you say that you like me
and yes it makes me crazy
you do this to all of girls
and of course i already knew it at first
I remember crying because I failed to put the pedal on my bicycle
I remember the day when I got hit by my old friend for hiding his marbles
I remember the lies, tears, and dullness for which I created
When I was younger, gazillion times I always thought about the miracle
I remember those nights when my mom put me in bed and became a storyteller
Telling me how easily people fly crossing islands which was beyond the normal
Sometimes, I wish I could have that superpower
Wish someday when I get older, I would be a perfect girl
People would forget my stupidities and give me that label
That, is, miracle.

The cycle comes, and little me was gone

Hello nineteen me, 

Welcome to another bedtime story
When you could pick a dream, but not really sure whether it'll be real or just fantasy
Still hoping that might you be a prodigy,
But you forget about the term of mental therapy
I do really sorry,
Your timeline didn't go as you planned
The majority of them was dreadfully failed
Haven't you realized it?
How many pains did you have?
How ­many failures did you receive?
And how many silly things did you do?
There are too many to be counted.

You always doing dumb things
Procrastinating in something,
And jeopardizing everything, 
You are so embarrassing that you even couldn't bear with your own being
You always try yet you always fail
You always walk though you always want to fly
You always attempt to smile yet you do a lot of cries
You compare yourself to other people
You always think their life is much easier
You start blaming yourself about your awful character
Loathing your asymmetric face for not getting prettier
Cursing how bad annoying voice out of your manner
And blah.

Out of time, wish I could rewind the time
Wish I never wanted to dream to have superpower
Wish I never wanted to dream it at all

I regret dreaming for some miracle
Cos' miracles are unattainable
In fortune, there is only fate.
idk, sometimes i just want to spit them out to the world
All of sudden reality happens
Ruining my mind that's already jumbled
"where the hell did i just go?"
I ask to myself no one listens
Obsecurity is still in me
Recognizing situation where i have been
Looking up the sky it's already dark
Worrying something, i need to get up
Home, i need to find home
Stepping forward to pass the crowd
The longer i go, the quieter it's so
Taking my glasses off because its fogged
Focusing my lens but the blur shows
Now melancholy does it again
Lack of knowledge about locations
Lack of someone to be asked for
And there is no light to guide me on
Vision, direction, companion
I wish i could make them clearer
But in reality, they just disappear
(i already self-published this poem in my blog;
no matter
how hard
we've tried
to condemn
all the situations,

we both
the timeline
wouldn't be
altered into
It's always in a song.
The one I play on repeat.

It's up loud.
But only I can hear it.

It's the same beat.
But always slower than my pulse.

Taking you to places where your heart knows.
3.52 min is all it takes.

I used to yearn but now it's admired.

Always the same song. Just the memories change.
In years from now, songs will be our vaults of precious moments and people.
To breathe without being strangled
To live without fearing life.
To think without judgment
To love without condition.
To give without asking
To care without getting hurt.
To dream without wondering
To smile without the tears.
I can't fix you,
So don't ask me now.
Wrecked and soaked in despair,
I'm broken beyond repair.
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