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 Aug 2015 prypaz
 Aug 2015 prypaz
Another year to bloom brighter
Another moment to step a lil' higher
Another chance to grow stronger
Another journey with learning and laughter

And this is my prayer:
"Oh God, make me the woman you want me to be"
Birthday poem to myself. :)
 Aug 2015 prypaz
Jhoerina Honrado
On the verge of stopping
a period ready to end it all
but I chose not to
and again take the risk then fall

This mixture of emotion
a nonstop feeling
like a perpetual motion
constant and unceasing

 Aug 2015 prypaz
Exclamation point** of love that morning!
Time flies with Question marks, actions are contradicting?
Comma’s of waits when  he leave me hanging,
Then, a period was drawn and it’s the ending.
 Aug 2015 prypaz
Melissa Jaca
I wonder what would happen if you knew,
Those times when I had a glimpse of you,
Smiling with those eyes that can't seem to be true,
Or on that day when we talk about dew,
And how my heart was racin' but you've got no clue,
Oh, what would happen if you knew,
How many times my heart aches for you,
Though in love I still feel blue,
For deep in my heart, I knew it too.
That there can be no such thing as me and you.

This poem was based on the author's personal experience.
 Aug 2015 prypaz
Someone asked me
If I was falling for you again,
I replied no
**Because I never stopped falling.
 Aug 2015 prypaz
Mark Ipil
Am I jealous?, I don’t know.
Maybe yes but partly no,
Am I jealous?, I don’t think so,
Feelings I want to let go.

I really don’t know why,
Things are meant to be a lie,
I just don’t get it how,
Things are made now.

A part of me is denying,
The other part is confirming,
Maybe yes, maybe no,
Feelings I don’t know.
P.S. Am I Jealous is a breath of fresh air from my timeline because this is my first poem that is not about bitterness or death, something about love.
 Aug 2015 prypaz
 Aug 2015 prypaz
I came home to you one day,
Your things all packed
like you were going away

"Change of plans?" I asked.

"Change of heart."

 Aug 2015 prypaz
Melissa Jaca
Let's add a cup of smile
With plenty of laughs.

Mix with hugs and secrets
That make our hearts thrill.

Set the oven of our ties
Heated by our trust.

As we frost our times with memories
Let's enjoy the sweetness of this day.

Dedicated to Ms. Rizanelle Hernandez personally. Let's make this cake of friendship last❤️
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