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Why do you smile
When your heart bleeds

If you walked my shoes a mile
You'd understand that love seeds

Why do you laugh
When your soul is crushed*

There's no need for pains from past
When there's future joy to be touched

It’s tendrils reach across the floor
And up the walls,

Emitting a heavy buzz,
It becomes overbearing.
The only sound I can hear.


I feel it wrap itself around my throat,
And makes it’s way into my ears,

Snaking through my cingulate cortex,
Putting it to sleep.
Putting me to sleep.

Please love me
Hold me while I sleep
Whisper to me while I dream
Wake me from my nightmares
Let me lay across your lap
And finger paint hearts on your chest
Write poems about your promises
Kiss away your lies
Tell me that I matter
That I mean something
If to no one else than to you
Stay with me through November
When my smile doesn't reach my eyes
Make me cups of coffee
Pet my hair
Understand my sadness
And let me stay inside
Bring me fallen leaves from the garden
And dandelions with all their wishes still intact
See me as I am
Not how I want you to
Love me anyway
*Please love me anyway
 Mar 2015 Delusional Minds
I once had laugh lines
now eroded by rivers
what grows in a flood?
Hung up.
What can be read?
Without the reading.
Seen without the seeing.
Felt without the being.
Gone before the morning.
Lost long after mourning.

— The End —