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 Aug 2012 Preech
Curt A Rivard Sr
May I have the honors of this dance with you?
But first I must seal your lids
For I fear your sleeping eyes will awake
Inside they go to cover your eyes
And me now you cannot hypnotize
Conductor with his thin baton in hand
We are the only two players in this band
He made an invisible nine panel grid
Two steps to the subjects left
And then two steps forward
He then gets up the nerve and then takes a plunge
O’ my GOD I cannot believe what he just done!
Dipping you now he goes in deeper
He orchestrated the perfect symphony for me.
May I please cut in and take this dance I ask
Holding your hand in my left like a violin
In my right a hollow metal bow
Bears also a razor piercing point
Clutching the handle I touched upon
All the major and minor notes
A five minute solo I played and deep within you
Preserving you all the more
That is what I am doing to you
Upside down bottle in my left now
And my bow now holds a clear hose
I see pink fluid now is beginning to flow
All over the damage now is where it all must go
Vapors now burning my eyes have just begun
When all is said and done
Inside again now I closed you
And it was with a trocar button
next time I close one
I will put a new twist in the  N stitch!
(CARSr. 7-24-12)
 Aug 2012 Preech
Joan Karcher
What else is there to life
if there aren't any
ups and downs?
if there isn't
happiness and misery
one moon, one sky
a bridge to all

If there isn’t a negative
there can never be a positive
and remember
two negatives are a positive
shining boundlessly,
never shying its face
never afraid to be seen
though at times
it becomes blocked
and other times
it's brighter than ever

But when you think about it,
how does that make any sense
if two people pass on
it doesn’t make anything better
for those they left behind
my moon, is your moon
we will always be together

No matter what
it is always there
life won't always be comforting
but what’s worse
is when you make it harder
When you try not to face reality
no matter how much you endeavor
no matter which way you look
*the moon will always shine
 Aug 2012 Preech
 Aug 2012 Preech
We have engendered   them.

Our   babies.
Our annelids. 
Facsimiles of Us.
A gushing warm viscous  fluid
And  a conglomerate of meat
From the womb pods of our hive
Rush out into your  oxygen.
Our mass will grow indeed.
Our perfect mitosis will repeat -
More beautiful
Our perfect mitosis will repeat -
More beautiful
8 become 16; 16 become 32
You (solo)
Must know by now; no  doubt
Individuality is a cold, broken loop
An anachronism of a bygone era

Pass through  Our membrane , insect.
And be born infinitely back through it.
We will have you spread-out in our warmth
Under our skins; apart of our million-chambered heart

Join Us.
based off a speech by "The Many" from the 1999 PC-game System Shock 2.
 Aug 2012 Preech
We've got nothing to do &
Nowhere to go

It's a quiet late afternoon
An orange ambient sky
+ you & I

Under the oak tree in
My family's ranch

Coming from toxic homes and
Chemical airs and dying American dreams

Coming from crying-baby apartments
And alcohol-bottle floors

Both laying down here thinking we
Hadn't had a fair chance

Until we found each other.

And as the sun sinks into the land
Our shade spreads out everywhere

And as the cars create a muffled roar
Just past the tree-line,
I think,

"Maybe one day we'll be
Anywhere but here"
a story
 Aug 2012 Preech
Ed Cooke
 Aug 2012 Preech
Ed Cooke
Two boys
and girls
unclothed each other
simply at a picnic
flush with wine
sun-flecked trees.

The girls,
easy as the
forest round,
as the boys
eager and nervous
in unequal measure
partly gave up
their joys
at forgetting
or remembering
in flickers
their bare bodies.

It went on
over nettles
and half-hours
and clambered
trees and
photos taken
almost formally
(on film,
of course).

And boyish lust,
at first sinuous,
a darting tongue,
began to
soften against,
for instance,
the sheer,
of the two
girls carved
now backward
over the bough
of a storm-felled elm.

And there
in the embers
of evening
they learned
to thrill originally
at the vast,
and astonishing
of what
might happen next.
A path to evening drops into life
like a maze full of sin.
Complete with smiles
no poet can divide.
Protection from the air is grim
same as a marriage
woven in a mist
of distrust and lies.

A sad, sad spell enchants your hands
when you lie naked
in the shadows of wanting more.
You cannot help but wonder
if this means
you are dead to the skies
lying between anguish
and the path to evening, keeping score.

Your feet fill in the gaps
saying farewell to sacrifice
when midnight strikes
yet does not save you again.  
You cannot walk the path to evening
if you do not know
your way out
of the maze full of sin.
© 2012 Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
The End....
of course,
your'e in
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