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 Aug 2012 Preech
 Aug 2012 Preech
Crooked smiles breaking after midnight
Diamond eyes sparkle in the electric light
Running through through this modern town
We own the night
 As the lights dance upon our starry gaze
Invincible we fly towards heaven bound
This liquid silver runs coursing through our veins
And gives emotions thoughts yet unbound
And we sail ever toward the moon 
In ships made of fine gold thread spun 
From the suns last heavy sigh
I look towards the sky
And see innumerable burning seraphim
Dancing dancing in this city's glow
Of opportunities spread through our time
And chances mistook for mistakes
That led to a night of passion
Dripping dripping with tears unshed
We loved like lions and never once left
Our cocoon of embers never shed
I love I love I pronounced to the
Unending ocean of dreamers lay dreaming
As this body coalesced 
And my soul intertwined with yours
Forming a living breathing breath
 Aug 2012 Preech
Alicia D Clarke
These scars are my battle wounds
a reward after a long troubled battle with myself
but I won in the end
a symbolic trophy that my struggle is nowhere near over
I am left with the scars
scars where once a crimson red river flowed from them
scars healing over making dams barricading the red monster under them
to feel the sting of the blade in my hands once more
a natural high
the dams don't stand a chance against my new weapon of mass destruction
they will crumble and open at the very touch of the metal to skin
they have to
I have to feel that sensation once again
let the dams break open and the war begin.
cutting. my experience.
 Aug 2012 Preech
Amber Jade
And soon these embers of fury will turn to flames,
then you and i will never be the same,
suffering in silence,
no tears fall for the death of kindness,
ahead of us is a battle,
a war just for two,
so choose your army and make the first move,
once blood is shed,
and your castles come crashing down,
will you finally get off your high horse and take off that stupid crown.

Now don't expect a shoulder to cry on,
no mercy here,
in your tears you'll be drowned,
so listen closely and don't make a sound,
you're a hypocrite, a *****, a tiny little flea,
expecting me to kneel down like your the queen bee.

You push me around,
drag me down,
try to make me fall,
but you're the fool for not realizing how strong i am after all,
I stood there and just stared,
while you tried to make me fail,
Now ******* little girl,
your as pathetic as you were trying to make me!
Unlock the dreamless sleep
to see the truth
when afraid
you are the last face
with words of decision
bound to gaze into the mirror,
when you are surrounded by us
in the evening of our hearts'
and still know we are one
even if unnoticed
by anyone
in the light of day.

How do we close our eyes
and fly away
when we find
we are only human
wearing a dress of skin
and we remember how we met
and built bridges to be together?
Still, we both know
that a  music flows between us
and neither one of us
can ever
forget the words.

The doors are wide open
and nothing is different,
our love is full of life and time.  
Unlock the dreamless sleep
and see the truth,
my beloved,
look at us
in the evening of our hearts'.  
We are still one
even if unnoticed by anyone
in the light of day.
Copyright ©2012 Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
 Aug 2012 Preech
Dani Greaves
I'm a shoulder to lean on,
a hand to hold;
and I'll give you warmth
if ever you're cold.

I'll lend you an ear
any time you ask it.
When your arms are full
I will hand you my basket.

But would it be fine..
I mean, would you mind?
I may need help too,
been left and I'm blue.

The ante goes up.
So will you match it?
'Cause a shoulder is weak
with no socket to catch it.
Written August 7, 2012. Work in progress.
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