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I live my life for you
because I carry your heart
with me.
This seems long ago
But not so long I guess..
There was a man
Of rugged countenance
And flowing hair
Seated at roadside
Relaxed in his being
At the beginning of
My ascent on a
Sunny park trail..
No word was spoken
Yet more than words
Were the eyes
Making brief contact..
A gaze really
A knowing gaze
Not to be forgotten
After these years...
With your own breath

Bringing dead language

To life.


The language

The colonial
The PC
The new Puritan.

Speak I say
And write-

Miracle can

With breath
oh, how in this dark
oh, how the wave flows,
the sky black and stark-
oh, how the wind blows.

the little dogs bark
their songs full of woes,
oh, how in this dark-
oh, how the wind blows.

the autumn draws nigh -
last splash of the rose,
a withering sky-
oh, how the wind blows!
And I wonder
If we feared saying those three words
A little less
Would our precious world reside
In its current state of distress?

© JL Smith
My half of the world's fast asleep
Both hands stretch to twelve in a reach
And as their minds fill with dreams,
I fill paper
With the spilling of my blood and ink

© JL Smith
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