kiss the loneliness your heart feels the forever pain that is really not forever it’s okay if you used to love a bed a home that isn’t there anymore it’s okay to feel small it’s okay to hate yourself the longing you feel needs a smile and your kisses will make you realize the different existences that were once a broken home sad and hurt are not just an innocent human a soul full of wonder a moment moving slowly that leaves your arms not so lonely anymore
it is better to forget the lonely to stop holding the form’s presence in sadness in a hope that seems to be constantly far from the surface but comes in tasting like water instead of blood looking like a lovely warmth and perfection that can only be found through tears and a certain touch aching fingers outside the breadth of the home reaching closer to a new, sure death changing into kind, sweet branches that quietly beckon stronger reasons for living and finally your bones will believe that they exist to be soft under their flesh and that dreams are able to actually exist outside of despair outside of rain and outside of fear and blood