in sleep, you lay open letting the night sky grow emptiness into a joy an infinite dream an ocean of poems an idea, a voice, falling from the stars and kissing you on the cheek laying flowers beside you gazing lovingly at your faults your love and your presence there is always a sorrow and a darkness a sense with a constant wish to sit on your chest making it hard to breathe toxic smoke twirling around your nostrils making a home out of your lungs but if you listen if you listen there is a loving cleanliness that is stronger beating ever brighter watching as you rest and imagining the sunlight that your eyes will create whispering the safe word and it is all going to be okay breaking down the great walls that surround your heart the room that holds the ways to no longer have to guess the room that holds all of the answers you long to possess finding dead parts along the way signs of only having lived and survived wandering around the room realizing the walls really are gone and oh no—what is going to happen to your heart now the aching feeling in your stomach is no match to the power and purity that is to come meet me at the window you will lose your breath but there will be a true escape full of a growing stardust and stability that will put shame to the label that reads “fragile: handle with care.” and you will ask yourself, but is this a window or a mirror? and then you will realize that this question is the point of everything alluring the tongue of the hidden rays that shines onto a finally revealed trust thrusting itself upon your shoulders and you cannot ignore it now. a deeply powerful realm that you have fought so tirelessly to find reflections will always be reflections but reality is never a constant it will be hard to prevent yourself from rebuilding the walls but take a deep breath revel in the lightness you feel and do not forget to remind yourself of the burden of its opposite it will be even harder to grasp this new feeling this new reality but it whispers to you endless moonlight running through your veins illuminating your beautifully constructed being there is no reason to mourn the loss of so much dead weight the heavy shadows that have finally drifted away and soon, once you awake you will realize it wasn’t just a dream the reflection will disappear only to become a reality and i promise i promise you deserve this beaming experience that is burning with comfort and entities pulling love into your fingertips the intense knowledge that you awake with the truth floating all around you will embrace you in its arms and there won’t be any more questions but an early thirst to continue to chase after this luster with a surrounding magnitude that grows stronger off your heartbeat and in the morning when the flowers are still there the anxiety will not be and you will gracefully arise an unknown entity with a force so powerful no words will be uttered but spoken unknown embracing continuously what it feels like to be so free.