As I plod along at a placid place I ask myself most often if My mind will ever approach that place?
If I’ll I ever be able to move along Down that path Be it into the summer or out of May?
“Your brightest days are yet to pass!” Or so they say, with each differing dawn And yet I am still unsure of such path, nowadays
Be it winding or not How they stretch out before me, and bend at a distance Turning just around the cornery edge To entice my mind to stray away
How I’d often jump from rock to rock Devoid of fear, in my younger days How I'd fly through the air without forethought That is until I became aware of this present day
Though still I must, and will I trust in my ginormous feet For it is time I value, and the steadiness which is found outside That is, I'm seemingly less capable of turning off my mind
For I am afraid of not being able to see And witness all the beauty which is stored away Within such paths
For its there and within that which I expect to find This path of mine
As a memory to create down each pasture lane Must be simply folly and waste To ponder such things with every day This is what I see
When the decision stretches out before me Not far away Like a field of green
Whereas so many others are thus condemned to a barren wasteland Simply put Her lushness is just one of the things That will make me stay
I know this season will not last. Forever and always. As will the next. We all fade in time and memory. But what really matters? To me? Perhaps I will soon learn to value effort the being, as compared to just the struggle to become.