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peyton Mar 2018
soft and gentle
hear like silk, thin as thread
eyes like jade
freckles scattered the way you kissed me and pulled away
to see my smile
just to join our lips together again
you were there when you were needed
but now i'm in solitude
and you are too
you, were mine.
This poem is about my ex and I breaking up right before I was sent to rehab.
peyton Mar 2018
You make tears drip from my heart
The way rain trickles down my window
The way our hearts beat

-To us
peyton Mar 2018
I watch you intently
The way you move
Is beautiful
Yet enticing.

You are a flower
In full bloom;
At your highest peak
Yet this is also
The most you’ve hurt

peyton Mar 2018
You are my pill
That I take each morning
When I wake up
And each night
Before I fall

Before I am on my back, ready for burial
Before I lay for hours, wishing I were home

“Push your sleeves up”, they say
“We don’t want you stealing your medication”
“We don’t want you to overdose, now do we?”

Too late.
I’ve already overdosed on you.

peyton Mar 2018
i thought you were as gentle as the flower on my windowsill
instead, you were a double sided blade piercing my skin
and you didn't even know
my name
peyton Mar 2018
Those three words
I desperately needed to hear them
Because I couldn’t bear to say them
To myself.

I wanted to scream
I wanted to run
To a place where no creature
Could see my face again
But I laid still

Staring at my ceiling, the demons said it for me;
“I love you.”
peyton Mar 2018
You said you loved me
And I said it back
Your hands my favorite source
Of warmth
Your words
Keep me clean

You say you love me
Show it, then.

Your hands release a sharp pain
Across my face
Your words beating me until
I crumble

And you said,
“I love you”.

I wish I could say the same.


— The End —