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Orange man says
There’s a special people
The ones chosen by God
While everyone else might
Just disappear abroad

Not pleased merely
By casting every race
Deemed inferior away
He now threatens them
With Guantanamo bay

But orange man can’t really
Mean any of this nonsense
At least I hope that’s true
Mustache man was a joke
Until it was far overdue
The similarity of speeches is frightening. If you're a fan of orange man, for all of our sakes, I REALLY hope you're right and that's no more than cheap talk...
Of all the people
That fate stole away
You're the one I'll
Miss the most...
I wish you have a beautiful life!
Lately I've been feeling
Disconnected from the world
It seems such a dreadful place
It feels far away from home

So I come to my safe haven
Read and write for hours
Write and read some more
And I know I'm not alone

For I get to see each of you
The outcasts, the weirdos
The misfits, the poets...
But above all, the kind

My little beacons of hope...
My people
It doesn't matter that english is my third language and my poetry *****... you always make me feel special. Just wanted you to know how amazing you are too!
Tell me, my dear
Do you really hate me?
Or are you just mad that
I opened the Pandora's
Box inside your head?
God knows what you'll find there...
Today I took
The long way home
Added a few extra miles
To my beat up VW while
Listening to some oldies
And watching the sun rays
Gently finding their way
Through the trees before
Fading in the horizon

Today I took
The time to see past the
Darkness I was plunged in
To appreciate there's beauty
In the perpetual changes of life
For most things might never
Be as they once were
But what matters
Will remain...
Almost forgot how beautiful life can be...
My friends used
To always be around
Good times, bad times
It didn't really matter
Every day was a new
Exciting adventure

Fast forward 10 years
Our group is scattered
All over the world and
We've become merely
Memoirs to reminisce
On my insomnia nights
Realized I don't have any friend left. Did my depression took the best of me? Did I become that dull? Or that's just how being a grown up supposed to be? I really couldn't say...
I never felt more alone.
Gazes magnetically meet
Across the crowded room
A slight touch of hands as we
Pass through the hallway
I steal a kiss when
No one's around

P.s. no one can know
About a girl I hurt a lifetime ago...
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