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Do YOU depict this scene?
For teenage Lovers
On an October night
Behind the supermarket walls

Here there are no rock pools
Left by an ebbing tide
Rather puddles in potholes
Polluted with diesel and oil

And what of music?
I hear no string quartet
Just tyres screeching rudely
And in the distance a siren wails

No moonlight either?
To fall on ivory skin
Just harsh neon
Man made glow against spray-on tan

Yet despite the shortcomings
This scene presents
This October night
There is passion, there is desire, there is love.
We brave uncharted waters
on boat with crumpled sails
We float where it is hotter
but that's another tale

We lose ourselves on purpose
in storms and surging waves
We dwell upon the surface
but it's the depths we crave
I imagined myself leaving
someday.  Trading
plains for seas, exchanging
something loved for something

And maybe it's the fear
of quietly whispering
goodbye that unsettles me.
Maybe it's the inevitable
end of familiarity,
like the sun's western descent
after a day that should not
And when it does,
we all pack our bags
and say farewell.

I will trace new roadmaps on the
back of my hands;
I will find the familiar
creaks in the floorboards.

And when the sun sets,
someone will leave a light on
for me.
This is where you'll find me now
Sitting in silence at the edge of our world
Alone but for this endless push and pull
Memories of you yearning me back to peace
Regrets spiralling me closer to that precipice

This is where you'll see me now
Further distant than I've been before
Naked save these trappings of life's  success
All so false, for what can ever be achieved?
Before that final bell has tolled

This is where you can reach me now
Forever longing for your faintest touch
Still burdened by these ties that bind
To a role, to a life, to a world so far removed
From the love and warmth that in you I find

So this is where you've left me now
You chose my heart but abandoned my soul
To wait in silence in hope for you once more
To find me, see me, reach me, to call for me
And for when you do, to once again, call me blue.
it was hard not to notice
her suffocating stance
eliminating life
from breath

stark contrasts clashed
chemist stench rife
clawed nails fought
with burnt electric hair

face caked with
false promise
rude lips bled
in twisted shapes

mismatched words
shot giddily from
handgun mind
long since spent

guests' amused disdain
stilled at sharp madness
flashes of veined sclera
screamed woe

signatures etched on
death warrants
coffin lids
clamped shut

wild assertions
rank religious fervor
vomited about
a hushed room

charity's stretched
compassion quit
in rush to regain
a summer's peace

efforts to impress
stabbed coarsely
dense air strangled
rational thought

guilty images beset
tortured space
noxious noise
begging revolt

yet collective dagger
falls aside mute
lest honour
too is lost

as raucous gasps fail
to impress
with anything
less than

of a quiet book
easily wooed
by a silent stream
musings of a fictional, failed 'blind date' sparked by an odious social experience - but the writing style itself inspired by NB's fascinating poetry
 Dec 2016 Pepper Watts
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Nor is it that we are powerful beyond measure.

Our deepest fear is located in the silence of 3AM
As your mind plays its chords that echo the passage.

Our deepest fear is located in the voids
That can't be filled by the temporary.

Our deepest fear is the realisation that we are what we're scared of.
When the thoughts won't let you close your eyes.
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