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 Apr 2022 Påłpëbŕå
Ciel Noir
I see the future
I see my whole world in flames
and I look away
 Apr 2022 Påłpëbŕå
Ciel Noir
I taught myself to read
to understand other people
to feel empathy

I taught myself to see how they feel
to understand why they believe
what they believe

I taught myself to dream
a world where I could be free

I taught myself to be me

I taught myself that
it's OK to learn
OK to burn
OK to scream

I taught myself that it's OK to curse
OK to be worse than someone else on the team

I taught myself to forgive monsters
and the hard world that sharpened their teeth

I taught myself that
everyone cries
everyone lies
everyone dies
everyone deserves to be alive
even me

but the idea that I deserve to be loved
is still just out of reach
for some reason
that's the hardest idea for me to teach

like Heaven
it's something I wish
I could just close my eyes and believe

it's not that easy

but I WILL find a way
one day

you'll see
 Apr 2022 Påłpëbŕå
perfectly circular,

gravity will take you away.

i plan every night,

just to get through each day,

replacing my loss,

what could make you stay?


im the captain of my two feet,

i couldn't steer a breeze from a storm,

but i can leave a broken mess,

turn all your debris into a dress,

flurried away, feeling less.
 Apr 2022 Påłpëbŕå
She asked me why I don’t want to be in a relationship,
I replied that it wasn’t her fault.
I’ve been told for two straight years how terrible of a person I am,
How nothing I do will ever matter.
I’ve been told that I am not smart, I don’t know what I’m doing.
And a lot more, the problem is I believed her.
I believed her because I loved her.
And that did more damage.
I don’t trust myself or anyone.
How can I?
Her only reply is so simple and so sweet,
“When you’re ready I’m here, until then I hope I can show you that she was wrong. Because I see so much more. I love you even when you don’t love yourself I love you.”
And everyday since she’s told me that she’s definitely kept that promise.
It’s hard, most days I don’t talk to anyone yet she still checks on me.
That’s something that I never got before,
All I can say I don’t deserve her but everyday I hope to be the best I can for her and for me.
often times I wake up sweating
still stuck in my nightmares
ones where I rather die then
remember those experiences
they leave me still for hours in
a pain more agonizing than grief
I was strong enough to leave
although I am still fearful
combing gravel out of wounds that
I never asked for
now I have to prepare myself
for the conversations about the
scars that are left
 Mar 2022 Påłpëbŕå
Pick me up 
Letting me down 
Promising your love 
Gaining my trust 
Sharing your thoughts 
Asking me out 
Our eyes met 
That random night 
We made out
Falling in love
The future pain 
We broke up
 Mar 2022 Påłpëbŕå
 Mar 2022 Påłpëbŕå
I saw my friend still look at the picture of a girl, who he used to like in his school days, whenever he gets drunk.

I saw a Grandmother who herself is too old and sick  worries about her grandchild health and appetite more than herself.

I saw my batchmate wake up at 4 o'clock in the morning to talk to his girlfriend who lives in London.

I saw people falling in love online and putting enormous efforts even though they hadn't met for a single day.

I saw old couples holding hands in a crowded metro .

I saw a person who loves a girl selflessly without expecting anything in return.

I saw so many stories
And LOVE was in everyone
Hope you all are doing good....
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