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woolgather Oct 2017
I write this with little force,

Autocorrect guiding my words;

Inhalers keeping this curse at bay,

Blades making blood flow.

I think of now with little hope,

Without a saving grace;

I think of now, a pitch-black room

With no one there but my demons.

Flurry of words seem to gush out of me,

As I hyperventilate;

Grief grows larger as they don't notice,

As these fingers grow numb.

I don't know how much I'll last,

Might as well collapse,

No matter how much I say I'll die,

I'll just live some time again.

But now it's worse.
.. .heoollp mded
  Sep 2017 woolgather
Ashly Kocher
Be the one to...
Smile at someone
Hold the door
Share a hug
Say thank you
Just listen
Be a friend
Pay for something
Be there for someone...
You never know what someone else is going through
It may brighten their day with a small act of kindness....
You never know what others are dealing with in their life. Be the one to change their outlook and make them smile, even if it only eases the things they are going through for one minute.
  Sep 2017 woolgather
Ashly Kocher
Like a puff of smoke in the air
It will diminish and disappear
Linger for a minute
Then fade away
It’s like words that spill out of your mouth
That you can’t take back
Swirling into thin air
Causing pollution
Verbal communication and abuse
Think before you speak or like the puff of smoke
You will fall victim to your own destiny of life problems
I cry myself to sleep night after night
In seek for a better life
One not so suborn and filled with love.
I drowned in my tears every night
Just like my ancestors have night after night
One’s that were less fortunate to live the life I am living today.
They would tell me to let things be
At least you have a place to sleep and food to eat
At least you have property you can own and an education you have grown.
But this is America, Home of the Brave
And if no one is going to be brave then it must be me
Someone needs to say it, someone needs to speak it
It’s not just for the black but for people who are different,
People with disabilities and people who fall under diversity.
We fight so many wars but yet we can’t tame the ones inside
If it’s not my country then it’s certainly not yours
We have to be bigger, we have to think greater
Then someone’s gender and always remember
Your religion is sacred and so is your history.
Night after night a soul dies
A life flies away into the unknown
Hoping that the children they left behind
Can have a better life then their own.
So I would really appreciate any feedback whether good or bad. I am currently adding this into my school contest paper in the category of poetry. It can only be this length as in no longer. But if any suggestion on word change or grammar/punctuation please do not hesitate.

This poem just kind of flowed out of me. And it's one of the realist pieces I have written in a long time.
  Sep 2017 woolgather
kisses on her neck
drowning tears alert
"What about my heart?" , plain voice

touches on her ribs
cracking voices followed
"What about my heart?" , tears fall
At the very beginning, you survive and somehow, it means everything .
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