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woolgather Sep 2017

Pick me up,
Piece by piece,

Try to find,
My matching tiles;

Put them all together,
See the figure formed;

If I was ever fine.

Pick me up,
Piece by piece,

Lay to wonder,
As to where which should be;

Lay to ponder,
As to how it should be;

As I am in disarray.

Pick me up,
Piece by piece,

Tear me up,
Little by little;

Conclude your volition,
Accept the frustration;

**I am a puzzle without a key.
4:56 am

An ambiguous write

As evident
  Sep 2017 woolgather
I was a rock
I loved you too much that I thrown myself into your ocean
Thrusted my body towards a vast space and felt the air
Felt the motion of your waves as I slowly follow gravity
Found out what it is like to move in a fast pace
Then Slowly drop down..... make a splash...
Gently embrace you
Soak myself wet
Suddenly I can't feel any weight
I felt like I am a part of you
I am a part of a wide ocean
Drowning like a feather tossed in the air waiting to touch the ground beneath
The water was consuming me
Filling my spongy holes
Totally no space for air...
Still falling deeper and deeper
So dense that I have become vulnerable at any moment
My hard sturdy body has become a corpse in your vast ocean
There is no way out
If only rocks have buoyancy
I would float and never drown
And i could love you without dying
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