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 Jun 2016 Olivia
Liam C Calhoun
There’s an innocence,
          Like children playing in graveyards,
                    That we’ve lost.


There’s a wanderlust,
          Like a dandelion’s progeny,
                    That we’ve abandoned.


There’s a love,
          Like the echoes under eyelids,
                    That we never forget.


There’s a task,
          Like sand on an ant’s back,
                    That we endure.


That task,
          Like the broken backs before,

                    And only when we do.
Saw some frolicking among flowers - three children laughing, an assumed mother crying, and no father to be seen.
 Jun 2016 Olivia
Ghost Writer 3
Into the night, while I sit between trial
Between yesterday and tomorrow
I ponder into the things, which make reality
Like creating substance, I breath melancholy
Like my father once said
“Life is about doing things you don’t want to do”

The sad uncertainty of tomorrow's weather
Shakes the silent whisper of private cravings
The hidden essence inside simple words
I sit inside, Is it I?
Or am I what lies within?
Is this temple my exemption?
Billows of smoke come crashing

I am not what I am
For I walk with my legs, yet my mind is still
I sit alone, yet my mind is speaking
I am not alone
I am not in company

I hesitate between demons
I hesitate into my soul
It crumbles
I’m alone

I am not what I am
For I walk with my legs, yet my mind is still
I sit alone, yet my mind is speaking
I am not alone
I am not in company

The sad uncertainty of tomorrow's weather
Shakes the silent whisper of private cravings
The hidden essence inside simple words
I sit inside, Is it I?
Or am I what lies within?
Is this temple my exemption?
Billows of smoke come crashing

Into the night, while I sit between trial
Between yesterday and tomorrow
I ponder into the things, which make reality
Like creating substance, I breath melancholy
Like my father once said
“Life is about doing things you don’t want to do”

Lust. For life. for truth.for something you don't have. for a lover which isn't yours. lust for demons. for happiness. lust for a God. the lust of life.
 Jun 2016 Olivia
Moksha Poetry
In darkness vibration spirals into light
Sweet echoes fill an emptiness of heart
I am searching for the spirit
Between the strings

All thought dissipates in clear wind
As fingers roam and bend  
Pushing beyond what is heard
Never silenced

Strums of clarity  
Lift me to the edge
White dawn rests forever bright
Here I drift; a guest inside the great sound

Silent breath enraptures
The song is unsung
Notes have soaked in the land
Releasing me to internal flight

Melody of the spirit
Welcomes my steady gaze
Play for me the strings of light
Cradle me on the curve of this world
 Jun 2016 Olivia
When was the last time you smiled?
I know you haven't,
because I've seen the pain on your face for a while.
And I think you'll be okay.
Just know that pain is never here to stay
So just step into the sun and smile
And all that hurt will fade away.
But not forever
and the happiness will only come in a pinch
So when you get It...
I suggest you appreciate every inch
Let your body soak in the sun
Let you and the earth combine as one
But not forever
Because at some point forever will stop being fun
 Jun 2016 Olivia
Liam Bourne
Anxious she stands ready to fold
She subdues a cough whilst she waits in the cold
Headlights approach, driver hooded and weary
The transition is made swiftly yet queerly
Another night, another hit
Another evening, spent with her grit
 Jun 2016 Olivia
 Jun 2016 Olivia
When I try to feel the beauty of nature,
I feel so calm and relaxed,
Coz it has the power to quiet our minds, renew our souls and heal our hearts...
Sorry frnds!!!
I am adding nature again...
coz it got deleted by mistake....
 Jun 2016 Olivia
Jordan Rowan
My family called me a demon
That my love is just a phase
They don't know what I'm feeling
And if they pray it'll go away

I'm a boy trapped in a woman
You're a woman trapped in a boy
When we cry every night til morning
They'll just call us paranoid

I will die someone other than myself
If I can't live the way I need to
I'm not a demon praying on someone else
I'm just a human-being like you

Someone fell in love with me on Sunday
And I fell in love with them too
We decided to get married on Monday
We're chasing dreams, old and brand new

Then one night, we opened the window
To see pitchforks and torches set afire
The pain is deep but little do they know
A few drops of rain can never put out desire
 Jun 2016 Olivia
Trapped in the back seat of the car, while my conscience drives wildly through dark roads. Not being able to say a word, because it has control over me. "If I die, you're coming with me" hearing these words frightened me..
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