I'm heartbroken, helpless,
Looking for a sliver of hope.
You were careless and clueless,
Leaving a **** upon my weary heart.
You stretched my mind far too thin,
Branding a languishing symbol on my willpower;
You are the torrential torment I live with.
All my sacrifices mummified my heart,
Withered and locked away, entombed within.
And you crushed my throat with your stiletto heel.
The wounds you cleaved bled through to my soul.
All the king's horses and all the king's men,
Couldn't put Jack together again;
Leaving a hole in my core being.
So now as I'm questioning my loyalty to you,
Pouring the kerosene on the rope bridge we built.
I also question the love of my Father,
If He notices my suffering.